Jane's Weapons of the Sino-Russian Arm

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The following Sino-Russian Arm units have been made available for export

Ground Vehicles and Infantry

Standard 2186 Unit

Type: General Infantry
Tech: 3
Cost: 4 IP
Upkeep: 1 Supply
+1 QZ-86 Battle Rifle
+1 Loyalty and Discipline
Base Purchase price: 2 Wealth
Availability: Open
Special: Requires 3 months to train
With war looming on the horizon, the Chinese and Russian militaries pooled their resources to created a standard infantry training and equipment program. Known as Standard 2186, this program was used throughout the war, and continues in use to this day among Sino-Russian and Rim states.
The basic gear of this unit is designed for reliability and cost-effectiveness. While not as flashy many other units, the QZ-86 is deadly effective under nearly all conditions. The training regimen is renowned for it brutality and focus on discipline. the emphasis on loyalty to commanding officers makes this training popular with states with domestic unrest.


Type: APC
Tech: 3
Cost: 16 IP
Upkeep: 2 Supply, 2
+1 Hover Mobility
+1 Armor
Base Purchase price: 15 Wealth
Availability: Open
Special: Sino-Russian States pay 1/2 Supply for unmodified WZ-514s
The PLA has long known that superior numbers can offer advantages over advanced technology. The WZ-514 is a hover-mobile APC that can outperform its cost in IFVs, and has become the focus of the PLA's mechanized infantry doctrine. The chaingun turret effective in providing fire support to against enemy infantry, while the ability to cross water at led to a number of impressive tactical maneuvers. The WZ-514 found its way into Russian hands, and is manufactured both legally and illegally there.

Shanghai Gun

Type: Artillery Battery[3]
Tech: 3
Cost: 20 IP
Upkeep: 3 Supply
+1 Rapid-fire autoloader
+1 Long Range +1 Mobility
-1 Unarmored Base Purchase price: 18 Wealth
Availability: Open
Special: Sino-Russian States pay 1/2 Supply for unmodified Shanghai Guns
There was a massive need for artillery in the First Space War. The Shanghai Gun Production Plan used industry distributed across the Sino-Russian sector to mass-produce these artillery guns. They could lay down heavy gunfire while at a safe distance. The guns were built on modified construction vehicles, which led to more cost savings - though with a serious flaw: ZOCU special operations forces attacking the Shanghai Guns called them "firecrackers" for their tendency to explode with a good shot.


Type: Armored Cavalry
Tech: 3
Cost: 40 IP
Upkeep: 4 Supply
+1 Particle Cannons and Missiles
+1 Low Profile
+1 Hover Mobility
Base Purchase price: 50 Wealth
Availability: Limited
The superior design of the T-88 was found in its mass-producible effectiveness. It is a mobile tank with a low profile and enough weapons to threaten larger vehicles. This made for a much more cost-effective unit than the MBTs of other nations.


Type: Mobile Gun Fort
Tech: 4
Cost: 40 IP, 8 Hepatizon, 8 Rhenium
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 2 He3
+1 Hepatizon Defense System
+1 Rhenium 30 cm Gauss Cannons
+1 Armor
+1 Hover Mobility
-1 High Profile Base Purchase price: 50 Wealth
Availability: Exclusive
A joint venture produced by the Chinese and Russian arms conglomerates, this monster tank possesses weaponry and shielding that would not be out of place on destroyer or cruiser. The Emperor was quite simply a smaller land battleship, and was used to break through fortified lines and lead spearheads. The only way ZOCU units found to deal with these units in battle was to exploit the small number of these leviathans present and focus their all attacks on one at a time. That, and the occasional use of nuclear landmines

Aerospace Craft and Mecha

Polikarpov LaG-11 Fighter Flight

Type: Fighter Flight
Tech: 3
Cost: 24 IP
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 8 He3
DP: 4
+1 Agile
Base Purchase price: 20 Wealth
Availability: Open
Special: Core states pay 1/2 supply for unmodified Polikarpov LaG-11 Fighters.
When it was first introduced in the years leading up to the war between the United Nations and ZOCU, the Russian Federation’s LaG-11 was largely dismissed as being a design outdated before it even hit the production line. Despite these critics the LaG-11 would become the single most widely used fighter aircraft of the war, and in the hands of a few superbly skilled pilots easily able to match ZOCU’s mobile suits. With its simple design and reputation for reliability, the LaG-11 was easily built and could be employed in even the most remote of battlefields.

Though even the most common ZOCU Hoplite was in theory far superior in performance, the sheer number of nimble LaGs and their increasingly capable pilots deployed on the Sino-Russian arm can claim to have stood up to the test of facing mobile suits. Both during and after the war large numbers of the basic LaG-11 have been delivered to any number of new owners in the region, especially to remote areas seeking a more modern alternative to the aging American Mustang.

Shenyang J-55 Strike Fighter

Type: Strike Fighter Flight
Tech: 3
Cost: 24 IP
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 8 He3
DP: 4
+1 Dual Railguns
+1 Armor
-1 Agility
Base Purchase price: 20 Wealth
Availability: Open
Special: Core states pay 1/2 supply for unmodified Shenyang J-55s. In the '60s, the PLAAF began looking for a new strike aircraft to provide air support on the colonies. With relations cooling between China and Russia, a repeat of previous collaborations was impossible. The resulting aircraft, the Shenyang J-55, was thus entirely domestic. Designed primarily for space combat, the J-55 has poor aerodynamics but excellent armor.

During the war they found themselves painfully outmatched by ZOCU Hoplites, though their dual heavy railguns could be quite dangerous in the hands of a skilled pilot. Mostly though they were tasked with antishipping strikes, where they proved highly effective as well as performing ground support, where their relative lack of agility proved to be something of a liability.

Mi-99 Ground Assault Craft Flight

Type: Gunship Flight
Tech: 4
Cost: 25 IP
Upkeep: 2 Supplies, 3 He3
DP: 4
+1 Railgun
+1 Armor
+1 Agility
Base Purchase price: 21 Wealth
Availability: Open
With their vast populations and territories, both the Russian Federation and Chinese governments have often found themselves facing the problem of insurrection and rebellion in their respective histories, and this problem has not gone away with the expansion of their dominions into space. The Mi-99 Assault Craft has become a favorite tool in use by both powers in quelling more dangerous disturbances. Heavily armed and armored, the Mi-99 can outright lay waste to all but the most heavily armed insurgents. Even groups that have gained access to more modern weapons such as surplus EU Mobile Suits find that against troops supported by the ever present Mi-99, direct confrontation can only end poorly.

Warships and Support Vessels

Lanzhou V Class Multirole Destroyer

Type: Destroyer
Tech: 3
Cost: 80 IP, 16 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 4 Supplies, 12 He3
+1 Missile Launchers
+1 Armor
+1 Aerospace
+0 Gravity Drive
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive
Base Purchase price: 96 Wealth
Availability: Open
A relatively modern and capable design, the Lanzhou V was for many years one of the best warships in the inventory of the PLAASF, a well rounded warship capable of performing most missions required out amongst the worlds of the Expanse and Rim. Its limited anti-aircraft armament proved to be a liability during the conflict with ZOCU, however, and an increasing number of the origninal ships are to be found appearing for sale as surplus as more modern designs begin to enter service. Despite this, it still makes up the backbone of the PLAASF.

Changsha Class Light Carrier

Type: Light Carrier
Tech: 3
Cost: 160 IP, 40 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 10 Supplies, 20 He3
DP: 60
+1 Hanger
+1 Catapults
+0 Gravity Drive
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive
Base Purchase price: 200 Wealth
Availability: Open
The Changsha Class was for some years the backbone of the PLAASF's carrier force, and although the day of such ships has largely past in the navy of their origin, they are often found operating amongst the forces of China's second stage colony worlds as well as their client worlds. Far more capable than the expendable mobile suit carriers produced by the European Union during the war, and a much better carrier than any ZOCU cruiser, the Changshas are despite their age a fairly effective warship out on the Expanse.

Orfey Class Destroyer

Type: Destroyer
Tech Level: 3
Cost: 64 IP, 16 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 4 Supplies, 8 He3
+1 Railgun Turrets
+1 Armor
Base Purchase price: 80 Wealth
Availability: Open
The Orfey Class traces its origins back to the late 2150s, as Russian and Chinese engineers looked for a solution to the problems created by the Gangut's Scattering Field. With efforts to directly solve the anti-aircraft problems proving to be largely unsuccessful given the technological limitations of the time, the possibility of supporting the larger Ganguts with a smaller escort ships capable of serving as defensive weapons platforms was raised.

While the cooling of relations between Russia and the People's Republic in the 60s prevented this project from being completed, it laid the groundwork for the CIS to field the first Orfey destroyers just a few years later. Produced in large numbers, the Orfey Class has been continuously modernized and remains in front line service across Russian held space and beyond.

Kynda I Class Missile Cruiser

Type: Cruiser
Tech Level: 3
Cost: 160 IP, 40 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 10 Supplies, 20 He3
DP: 2
+1 Missile Launchers
+1 Long Range Weapons
+1 Scattering Field Emitters
-1 AA
Base Purchase price: 200 Wealth
Availability: Open
While the Gangut Class Battleships formed a reliable backbone to the Russian Fleets for decades, it increasingly became apparent that the aging ships would not last forever. As the other major powers expanded their fleets beyond their own old system control ships, it was also obvious that simply replacing the old battleships would not suffice to ensure the maintenance of Russian power.

The Kynda Class Missile Cruiser was one of the new designs of warships produced to remedy this situation. While smaller and certainly frail compared to the old battleships, the Kynda's formidable long range missile armament and protective defensive shields made it a superb warship that greatly outmatched its main rival at the time, the EU's Lepanto. While the old style scattering field makes the standard Kynda vulnerable on a battlefield where small craft like ZOCU's mobile suits are increasingly viable and dangerous weapons, it remains a potent warship.

Borey-E Class Low-Profile Cruiser

Type: Cruiser
Tech: 4
Cost: 240 IP, 40 Rhenium, 40 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 10 Supplies, 30 He3
DP: 2
+2 Active Cloaks
+1 Rhenium Missile Launchers
+1 Long-Range Weapons
+0 Rocket Drive
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive
Base Purchase price: 400 Wealth
Availability: Exclusive
One of the newest and most advanced classes of warship in the Russian Fleet, the Borey Class Low-Profile Cruisers are one of the most effective and largest stealth warships ever produced by the core worlds. Along with the powerful stealth systems they are outfitted with, the Boreys are armed with a new model of long range missile that in theory would be able to inflict considerable damage to enemy targets, especially when those targets are thin skinned transport ships or enemy fuel tankers.

Though the Russians have maintained a strict silence about the exact capabilities of the Borey Class, a number of stripped down models still equipped with their advanced missiles to more trusted allied nations and friendly powers.

Borodino Class Battle Cruiser

Type: Battleship
Tech: 3
Cost: 300 IP, 100 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 25 Supply, 120 He3
DP: 5
+1 Heavy Railgun Turrets
+1 Aerospace
+0 Rocket Drive
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive
-1 AA
Base Purchase price: 400 Wealth
Availability: Limited
The Borodino Class Battle Cruiser was designed as a replacement to the retiring Gangut Class Battleships, and on paper was an impressive improvement over its predecessor. The Borodino featured a more modern version of the scattering field generator as well as a much larger armament and far higher speed than the Gangut, as well as being able to carry out atmospheric operations. Unfortunately the new battlecruisers suffered from a number of fatal flaws as a result of their rushed construction and careless design.

When the First Space War broke out, a number of Borodinos were sunk by Zodiac forces and their faults became increasingly obvious. While the new model scatter field generator eliminated the faults of the original designs it was inferior to the original in strength and could not compensate for poorly situated gun turrets. Worse yet, the large Borodinos were almost alarmingly frail when actually subjected to enemy fire. The failure of the Borodino Class was a major embarrassment to Russia, and most of them were decommissioned at war's end.

Murmansk Class Aviation Cruiser

Type: Carrier
Tech Level: 4 DeRegulated
Cost: 600 IP, 100 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 25 Supplies, 80 He3
DP: 100
+1 S-7000 'Granit' Antishipping Missiles
+1 P-3000 Anti-Air Missile Complex
+1 Advanced Scattering Field
+1 Composite Armor
Base Purchase price: 875 Wealth
Availability: Exclusive
With the spectacular failure of the Borodino battleships during the ZOCU war, the CIS found itself critically short of heavy line ships. Unable to bring an effective replacement online and facing fleet failure they were among the louder voices pushing for a negotiated cease-fire. In the post-war years the Russian engineering teamrs returned to first principles, developing an entirely new model of heavy warship heavily influenced by ZOCU techniques.

By all accounts the Murmansk aviation cruiser was a stunning success. While suffering from a protracted and expensive development cycle and more than one mishap along the way, the final product combined the hangar capacity of a fleet carrier with the weapons and defenses of a battleship. Justifiably proud of this fruit of Russian ingenuity, the CIS has so far jealously guarded any export of these impressive warships.

Jane's Weapons of the CPTO (Cooperative Pacific Treaty Organization)
Jane's Weapons of the EU
Jane's Weapons of the Sino-Russian Arm
Jane's Weapons of ZOCU
Jane's Weapons of the Expanse
Jane's Weapons of the Rim
Jane's Civilian Equipment