Daehan Empire

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Daehan Empire:
Government Type: Limited Dictatorship
Founding 845:
Like most of the nations of today the Daehan Empire was officially founded after the signing of the treaty of Seta and like most nations the beginnings of the Daehan were around decades before. Formed by Korean nationalists the Daehan colony quickly grew to be a prosperous and technologically innovative world. As the Foundation War raged the Daehan leadership took the opportunity to expand their borders to several neighboring star systems establishing their own colonies and in some cases seizing other worlds by force.

The Treaty of Seta: When the treaty of Seta was signed the Daehan had already amassed a surprising amount of territory thanks to aggressive colonization and military expansions. The treaty simply created an environment wherein the Daehan became virtually unchallenged by any of the major powers as it continued to absorb several nearby worlds.

Present Day: The Daehan Empire today is made up of statistically very few actual “Daehan” compared to the populations of the worlds that they have absorbed or conquered since their founding. Recently their expansions have slowed thanks to the fact their borders have actually begun to encroach on systems with strong militaries or political alliances that would make invasion prolonged and inconvenient. While the Daehan are largely insular they do carry out extensive trade with other nations selling their advanced computer technology as well as weapons, ships and in many cases large batches of battle clones.

Culture: The Daehan culture is divided between the upper class “Daehan” and the lower class “Foreigner” populations. While the Daehan themselves embrace technology to the point that they are the only nation which embraces human “meching” or cybernetic augmentation they actively discourage the lower class “Foreigners” from participating in augmentation leaving them disadvantaged in many ways.
The leadership of the Daehan Empire consists of a single ruling party which rotates its members into the role of “President” as well as appointing governors over worlds, orbital habitats and individual states and provinces. The Daehan are also an interesting anomaly in that unlike the other nations of the galaxy they have pioneered the process of cloning, using it to create vast numbers of disposable soldiers for their fleets and armies as well as selling batch lots to everything from other nations to private parties looking for absolutely loyal soldiers. While many nations question the ethics of creating whole armies of clones as slave soldiers there are very few willing to apply economic sanctions against the Daehan as the advanced computer and vita-womb technology produced by the Daehan are in high demand throughout the galaxy.

Military: The Daehan Empire’s military is unique in that its membership is over ninety percent clones purpose grown to serve in the armed forces. The bulk of the “human” personnel in the armed forces are members of the “Foreigner” class who are seeking a better life through service.

Imperial Space Force: The ISF is responsible for operating all military starships and starbases throughout the Daehan Empire and its territories. The ISF operates its own integral infantry force to provide security and raiding parties aboard Daehan warships and stations.
Doctrine: The Daehan believe that quantity is a quality all its own and as such have a space force second only to the Altair Federation in size though their individual units are often considered sub-par compared to those of other nations. Cost effectiveness of the ships and the disposability of the crews means that the Daehan are more than happy with this trade off with only their battleships representing true power and quality.

Imperial Ground Force: The IGF is responsible for all planetary warfare on a large scale; made up of ninety-seven percent clone soldiers the IGF is a force that is unquestioningly loyal to the Empire.
Doctrine: Much like the ISF the IGF believes in quantity over quality resulting in their forces being comparatively lightly armed and armored compared to those of most peer nations.