Principles and Interests

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Freedom of Thought, Expression and Bodily Integrity
Thetis holds that as a matter of principal, sentients have various fundamental freedoms as autonomous individuals.

Fair Governance and Democracy
The nations of Thetis is some of the few democracies in the known galaxy and are proponents of the concept that all sentients are equal under the law and that government should represent those governed, not simply exist for the benefit of the elites.

Free Exchange of Trade and Ideas
As an exporter of both goods and culture, Thetis looks dimly upon nations that seek to impose substantial restrictions or, worse yet, outright barriers to physical and intellectual exchange.

Open Skies/Freedom of Navigation
While recognizing the rights of nations to territorial skies to govern as they see fit, the Federation does not recognize the right of nations or other groups to arbitrarily declare large areas of space 'off-limits' to innocent passage; nor does it recognize ADIZs.

Interstellar System
One of the key foreign policies of the Thetan Federation is that, in the same way that the weak should not be intrinsically subservient to the strong in a nation, that small nations with limited power should not be the toys of larger, powerful states and all should have a say in the interstellar system.


Sanguine est vita – Blood is life. Tyrasans abhor the use of weapons which cause mass loss of life. Such indiscriminate slaughter can rarely be justified (and dwindles the supply of that precious blood).

Strong Nation, Strong Leader – Tyrasans consider it a natural law that the strong lead, protect and nurture the weak. A Society must have a stratified social order in order to best function and realize the potential of its people. A mountain does not let the pebbles vote.

Equality - Discrimination based upon trifling details such as gender and physical appearance are the domain of the weak and feeble minded.

Dominion under me - The conquest of an unwilling population for national gain is part of the natural law of the universe, the strong must lead the weak.

Mallable Morality - Tyrasans are willing to deal with even the most unsavory people, if it favors them.

Hegemony – Tyran is the successor state to the Tyranorum Astra Imperia, the Star Empire of Tyran, a notable vassal state of the Exalter Hyperion. It's people have realised the dream of becomming more than human and see it as their destiny to restore the sphere of influence in their region of space.

Exalter Hyperion - Tyrasans idealise their former clients, who aspired to becoming godlike beings themselves. Tyran considers all Exalter artifacts to belong to it by right and has similar aspirations of increasing their intrinsic to become even more powerful magical beings.

Those Meddling Sceptans – While Tyran pays lip service to the ideals of the Interstellar AUthority, it is in actual fact entirely opposed to the meddling of the Sceptans and longs to see the spacenoids brought to heel.


No Man A Slave – On Franco Domini, the basic aversion to slavery found in many societies and belief systems has been greatly magnified by the experience of the Flayer War. Perhaps even more disturbing than the concrete terrors and brutalities of that conflict, Frankish society is still grappling with the revelation that a huge swath of former Paradisium worlds have groaned under the thrall of the Illithid for centuries—and still languish in that living hell. As a result, passionate hatred for slavery and the desire to destroy it wherever it might be found is sweeping Frankish society. This is a sentiment that the highest military echelons and indeed Napoleon himself have actively encouraged. Unsurprisingly, it goes double for the enslavement of humans by nonhumans, and triple in cases where mental domination is at work or the slaves are fed upon.

One Nation, One State – Victory in the first phase of the Flayer War has made Napoleon’s declaration of Fourth Paradise real in the minds of many Franks: what was made as a defiant cry as the final darkness closed in is increasingly taken as a moral imperative calling for the unification of all Frenchmen (not only those liberated from the Flayers) under that paragon of human drive, genius, and achievement, the Bonaparte dynasty.

Hegemony – Besides its default imperial ambitions (and the genetic disposition of its ruler) and the sense that allies (or vassals) willing to follow it into the Yalcone Nebula someday soon are a strategic necessity, Franco Domini now carries the mantle of one of the great Empires of Man. In an ambitious and turbulent galaxy, perhaps no power so keenly feels itself perched on the precipice of destiny. In the minds of many Franks, a mystical alchemy has fundamentally fused national survival with the forging of a true empire. Of note, this perspective makes Frankish planners increasingly wary of the meddling altruism of the Interstellar Authority.

Trade Empire – In many things, Napoleon and the Senate regard the Thetis Federation as a valuable model. Accordingly, they have dreamed of developing significant foreign markets for Frankish (state-directed) trade for several years. With the mind flayers thrown back and Frankish naval power increasing, the goal may perhaps now be realized.

Ceterum autem censeo Maconem esse delendam – The Flayer War has not ended, and only can end with total victory or eternal slavery to the ultimate nightmare.

Lost Ground

Military Primacy
Actually we don't necessarily want to dictate to everyone else but we can't have assholes running around telling us 'no'.

It's only okay when we do it.

Lost Ground hardened Lost Grounders but now it just plain sucks. Let's go somewhere else, preferably with hot springs and manage all our industry numbers from a distance.

Interstellar Empire
Something interstellar that works.

Stick up for Friends
Friends are cool.

Fuck your morals.

Hate Magic Haters
Eat shit.

We Are Goodguys
Everybody more evil than us is evil.
