Quantum Tributary of the Excessive Quantum Existence 'Algol'. Incandenza was created as an aspect of Algol, specifically the aspect of light. When stranded for an unexpectedly long time, independent existence gave rise to independent thought, and Incandenza fled her progenitor to pursue an itinerant existence as a performer and holo-artist.
XQE-8 'Algol'
The demon star. A miniature quantum sun that roams the universe and consumes energy and life with q-potential, preceded by its spawn.
Vital Statistics
- Name// Incandenza
- Kit// Progeny
- Concept// Neon Space Babe
- Image Song// []
- Eruption// Immaculate Conception
- Nature// Hedonist/Eccentric
- Virtue/
- Vice/
Things to Track
- Quantum//
- Quantum Pool//
- Current Quantum/
- Current Quantum/
- Quantum Rate//
- Willpower//
- Temporary Willpower/
- Health//
- Current Damage/
- Taint// 0
- Temporary Taint/ 0
- Temporary Taint/ 0
- Initiative// d10 +[]
- Dodge// +[]
- Parry// +[]
- Soak//
- Natural Soak/ A/L/B
- Power Soak/ A/L/B
- Equipment & Other/ A/L/B
General Statistics
- Strength 2
- Brawl 1
- Melee 1
- Dexterity 5 [weightless]
- Athletics 1
- Drive 1
- Firearms 1
- Pilot 1
- Stealth 1
- Stamina 4 [timeless]
- Endurance 1
- Wits 6 [lightspeed]
- Art (CG) 4 [Holography]
- Business 3
- Rapport 1
- Tactics 2
- Intelligence 2
- Computer 1
- Medicine 1
- Science (Astronomy) 4 [stars]
- Science (Physics) 4 [optics]
- Strategy 2
- Perception 5 [vision]
- Awareness 3
- Gunnery 2
- Investigation 4 [battlefield assessment]
- Charisma 3
- Etiquette 2
- Performance (Music Visualisation)
- Manipulation 2
- Subterfuge 2
- Appearance 4 [luminous]
- Style 2
Body Modifications
60 xp
- Superhuman Wits (3)
- Ultralight Body (6)
- Chromatophores (4)
- Microgravity Adaption (6)
- Vacuum Adaption (6)
- Photosynthetic (2)
- Bioluminescence (3)
- Enhanced Reactions II (20)
- Neural Acceleration IV (8)
- Enchanting Feature (2)
Merits and Flaws
Bioenhancements 5
- Alien physiology (see Body Modifications)
Eufibre 5
- etc
Secret 4
- Where am I from? Oh you know, somewhere among the stars.
Enemy ?
- Corona (Utsuho)
- Crucible (molecular manipulation)
- Schwarzschild (gravity control)
- Zodiac (divination)
- Absorption
- Density Control
- Flight
- Holo
- Hypermovement
- Quantum Bolt