Downtime Plots

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Mage: The Ascension

For discovering and coordinating collective adventures.

All Chantry

Keep Vancouver Weird

Involved: Liz, Proteus, Mari?, others?
Timeframe: Early-Mid?
Goals: Eject the Technocracy (particularly the Syndicate) from Vancouver


Final Westination

Involved: Westin, Liz
Timeframe: ??
Goals: Avert Westin's Dark Fate

"We're past the worst of the traffic. Should be clear driving from here."
"Good, because I think the next pursuit car is full of HITMarks."
"...switch seats?"
"Switch seats."


Cara and the Rainy Sabat

Involved: Cara, Proteus, Westin
Timeframe: Early
Goals: Convince the Sabat of Seattle to stay the fuck away from Vancouver, get loot, get Cara some Vampire-hunting cred

"This is my ghoul, Christopher. He's terribly well behaved, don't you think? I've trained him well."


Proteus and GENOVA Prime

Involved: Proteus, Yu Lan
Timeframe: Immediate
Goals: Salvage anything of value in the web realm, try to find what's left of Jane, reformat GENOVA Prime

"So what's the difference between virtual and haptic?"
"Haptic lets you punch things."

. . . the gleaming corporate structure of GENOVA Prime was ahead, a cluster of cybernetic skyscrapers shot through with black tentacles of twisted cogwork and metal. Surfaces shimmered irregularly, growing pixelated and crawling eerily before recovering. Occasional chunks of Wicked City intrusion dropped to the cracked ground, shattering into nothingness. Above, lightning flashed to illuminate the dark clouds with circuit board patterns. Disturbingly, there was movement. Technocratic programs, now feral and twisted.



  • God wants Kana to save the littlest lama



Involved: Liz, Kana, FGSC, ????
Timeframe: Immediate
Goals: Make sure C77 happens, put FGSC circle on the map, restore Liz's groove, ????

"Okay, our booth is ka, ki, ku... wait, who's that in the Inuyasha line?"
" can't be."
" is."
<together> "Tsurara!?"


Take stock of what Caldwell left her (and his mystery)
Become a master of prime (find a teacher?)
Support Ozu's court when the Technocracy comes a knocking
Gain more cosmic power
Deal with the menagerie of supernatural pets she has picked up
Reward that gypsy that helped her

Yu Lan

Hired Gun for Everyone else
Fight for Justice with the Knight Sabers
Build Kung Fu Red Faction Terrorists in China, Japan, Vancover and Chicago
Find Tia


Learn to Drive
Secure and explore Sasayama
Get Sasayama's spirits back!
Help Cara with Vampire problems.
"Look, I deal with chi eaters, don't ask me if you're supposed to bleed from there..."