Talk:Heylel - The Zenith Empire

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The Fallen Star

Your nation has laid claim to the ruins of the old capital, and perhaps gained insight into the nature of its destruction, or recovered some aspect of the fallen star that caused it. Only one nation can have this trait.

The Blue Veil Society

Part 1: The Thousand Coils

Many mark the final decay of the central government of the Empire by the expulsion from court of the last of the Thousand Coils. For a thousand years since the founding of the Empire, these Lamia priestesses had advised the emperor on matters spiritual and temporal. Finally though, some three hundred years ago, the young Empress Ixic, disliking their council had several of the Thousand Coils executed and the rest expelled from the Capital.

Without a home the Thousand Coils became nomadic, travelling across the Empire and teaching their martial arts to any who would learn. They fought extensively against the bandits who had begun to plague the Empire at that time. This condition lasted until 20 years ago when a number of prominent Thousand Coils settled in the Satrapy of XXXX under the patronage of the Satrap, a human named XXXX. Eager to overcome his rivals the Tempest Clan, XXXX desired a large force of martial artists skilled in the ways of magic. His plan was to take things beyond the usual bounds of ritual warfare, and revolutionize his province by mass teaching of magic.

The Thousand Coils did as their new patron bid and begun to teach their magic and martial arts more widely. To expand their library of techniques they recruited those from other schools to teach and learn along side them. At first things went well, with XXXX freed from banditry and lawlessness, and a powerful new army created. Called the Blue Veil army after the ceremonial veil all members wore on their initiation, it was everything XXXX could have hoped for.

Unfortunately for him, it was much more besides.

Part 2: The Blue Veils Society

Things began to fall apart when XXXX became ill. Afflicted with a potent disease of the stomach bought on, some said by his overindulgence in fine food, XXXX was for many months unable to manage his Satrapy. As his relatives squabbled over responsibility the Blue Veil Society stepped into the breach, taking over day to day management of many areas of the province. Seeking expertise in how to manage things they formed groups of local peasants, small land owners and even merchants to best manage local affairs.

These councils were often much more efficient at managing things than the satrap appointees, at least at providing food and prosperity for the local lower orders. These power grabs caused alarm in many of the higher orders of society, but for the longest time, XXXX, still seriously ill was unable to do anything to reign in the Blue Veils.

When he finally recovered XXXX was horrified to find how much power had slipped into the hands of the lower orders. The Blue Veils were engaging in widespread teaching of their arts and

In desperation XXXX prepared to called in imperial forces to aid his house hold troops in restoring order. A spy informed the Blue Veil society of his plan and they struck first, killing XXXX and most of his household in a daring night raid. The Blue Veil rebellion had begun.

Part 3: The Blue Veils Rebellion