Talk:Caer Lonesis: The Last Valley

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Concept: Surface-dwelling survivor/survivalist
Role: Local Guide


There were storms when the sky fell. They rained down beasts of maddening physiology, turning the trees and creatures of the world against themselves and scorching the very air itself. Vitale, through bitter fortune, survived this madness.

She continues to wander the natural world she once watched over and studied, even as it was changed. She continues to learn from it, even as she is thrust into the struggle of natural survival more than any elf could have expected.


Vitale has a lean, wolfish cast to her features. Her hair, usually concealed by her cloak, is her strangest feature – it still changes with the seasons, but all of the colours have been changes to an irregular mix of indigo, with the shade generally changing depending on the current season. This is a direct side effect to the altered surface climate. Her eyes remain the same deep green they were before the sky fell.


Druid Magic 8
Abomination Lore 6
Stealth 6
Archery 5
Healing 5
Tracking 5
Lost Surface Lore 5


Cloak of the Wood (blends in with whatever environment the wearer is in, protects them from natural weather)
Venomseed Staff (can be used as a blow-gun to fire needle-like darts coated with a paralytic poison)