User talk:Andronicus

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Mages (Training) (Upkeep)

  • Archmage (Badass; these'll be expensive) (#Books, #Gold) (#Books, #Gold, #Mana)
  • Master (# Books, # Gold)(#Books, #Gold, #Mana)
  • Adept (# Books, # Gold)(#Books, #Gold, #Mana)

Magic Ideas
Each magic effect has a level of power and a level of scale which determines cost. The levels scale from easy, simple, or weak to complex, powerful and large-scale. Take a simple fireball. Base power its a level two spell. But it has a scale of "small group" thus increasing it to a total level of three. A fireball with the scale of "large" would be a level four, "huge" level five.

Possible Levels

  • Level 4 - Missile Swarm
  • Level 3 - Fireball.
  • Level 2 - Burning hands.
  • Level 1 - Ray of frost.

Mage/Magic Limits
A Mage can only memorize, prepare for, and carry around so many books which limits the number of spells they can have on-hand. For example a Adept might have a max of ten effect levels onhand, a master twenty-five, and a Archmage a whopping fifty. Additionaly spells have a cost in books and mana to prepare.

Zoycite Kaolin