Rui Sato

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Name: Rui Sato
Concept: Team Survivalist. Very good at convincing people she is who she says she is.

Age: 21


Physical 8

Strength: 3
Dexterity: 5 (Lightning Reflexes)
Stamina: 3

Social 6

Appearance: 2
Charisma: 2
Manipulation: 5 (Pretender)

Mental 3

Perception: 2
Intelligence: 2
Wits: 2


Talents 21

Alertness: 3
Athletics: 3
Awareness: 3
Brawl: 3+1=4 (Close Quarters)
Dodge: 3+1=4 (Close Quarters)
Fast Draw: 1
Scan: 2
Streetwise: 3

Skills 12

Firearms: 3+1=4 (Pistols)
Melee: 3+1=4 (Knives)
Scan: 3
Survival: 3

Knowledges 5

Shen Lore: 1
Cosmology: 1
Occult: 3+1=4 (Legends)


Artifact: 1
Mentor: 3 [Old Guy]
Roots: 3 (fbp)


Virtue of Conscience: 3 +1 =4
Virtue of Self-Control: 3 +1 =4
Virtue of Courage: 4 +1 =5

Humanity: 8
Willpower: 5+2 = 7

Chi Powers:

Qiao of the I Shen: 1
Qiao of the Mo Kung: 1
Qiao of the Yu An: 1


Ambidextrous (1 point)
Concentration (1 point)
Firearms License (2 points)


Terrible with Names (1 point)
Low Alcohol Tolerance (1 point)


21 freebie points, -8 (mandatory abilities) = 12 fbp
-2 (+1 virtue of courage)
10 left
-2 firearms license
+1 Terrible With Names
9 left
-1 Ambidextrous
8 left
-4 +1 conscience, +1 self-control
4 left
-2 on willpower
2 left
+1 math error
3 left
-1 Roots Background @3
-2 for +1 firearms