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The #lords Minecraft crew plays on the SB minecraft server.


Andronicus - Evinlea
Arc - ibuilditbreaks
gg - G_G2
gbro - Docdorden
Heronet - Heromanicus
Hieyeck - hieyeck
Kerrus - Kerrus
Koffee - DukeSilence
Mal - Sangessei
OP - OmegaPaladin144
Shikuchi - shikuchi
Shrike - iotimoline

A Certain Afghan Simulator

Safety Regulations


  • Maintain radio silence in the ingame chat during operations.


  • Face the direction of decreasing X and increasing Z whenever possible to avoid detection by UAV. The isometric map does not normally see from that direction.
  • Should ideally be completely invisible from outside.
The safest way to do this is to build a sand entrance against a dune slope and support the entrance blocks with torch.
Alternatively, put the entrance in one of the exposed dirt or smooth stone areas to have the entrance blocks be self-supporting. Always seal up with the exact same block. Roast up some smooth stone if you have to. Do not use exposed cobble.
  • No visible exterior lighting. Complete darkness when viewed from outside during the night.
  • All features should be camouflaged from top-down observation: be of the same material as surrounding areas and no more than a few blocks higher or lower.


  • Avoid large buildings or excavations of any sort when in association with genuinely important storage.
  • Store only what you need to. Use it or lose it. See if someone else can use it. Otherwise, sell it.
  • Mines should be temporary. Mine underneath villages (but don't base there). The point is to keep the village crops planted as well. Bread equals food security.
  • Keep all team members appraised of your solo excavations.


  • Due to hackers and abusive donators, no town is 100% safe at any time.
  • Towns are mostly safe most of the time for storage but become liabilities during wartime.
  • All major structural components should be obsidian or bedrock.
  • Always have a roof over your head.
  • Beware of the /top command which all players have access to.
  • Unknown explosive abilities are used during wartime. Build in order to minimise repair efforts. Assume that it'll all face explosions during war and aim to limit repairs to replacing the interior decorations.


  • Major structural components should be entirely bedrock or obsidian.


Insurgent Bases

Kerrus Caches