Sphere RPG System Mechanics

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Sphere RPG To-Do List


Most stats are bought on a sliding cost scale. The base cost to do so is as per the table below.

Level 1 - 1 CP - Hobbyist/Amateur
Level 2 - 3 CP - Trained
Level 3 - 6 CP - Professional
Level 4 - 10 CP - Expert
Level 5 - 15 CP - Master
Level 6 - 21 CP - Superlative

In short, the base cost to improve a stat costs (current level + 1). Depending on the stat being bought, this may be multiplied as follows.

Attributes have a x5 multiplier.
Skills are of several difficulties.

Simple Skills have a cost multiplier of x2.
Difficult Skills have a cost multiplier of x3.
Very Difficult Skills have a cost multiplier of x4. Very Difficult skills generally represent those that require substantial time committments - as an example, most science skills are Very Difficult as they require years of dedicated learning.

Core Concepts

Because many of the following concepts apply not just to individual player characters but for all levels of combat, the term 'entity' is used as a catch-all for anything that would actively engage in combat.

Reality Distortion Levels

A concept meant primarily for character-level play, Reality Distortion Level is a tool to give the GM a powerful option when designing their campaign. It recognizes that while Sphere aims to achieve verisimilitude it ultimately takes a 'dramatic' approach to gameplay and storytelling - however, some game groups may wish to modify various elements of the rules in order to alter the 'feel' of the game - changing it from a gameplay experience that balances fun, drama and realism to a hard-bitten near-simulation of warfare at the end of the 22nd century, or else high-flying space opera where any talented, heroic amateur can match a trained soldier.
Consequently we offer three RDLs to adjust your game as you see fit:

Adventure: The 'classic' space opera style in the vein of Star Wars, Macross, Legend of the Galactic Heroes and others where the protagonists are the pivotal characters in the universe. Any player characters should be larger than life in some way, as should their named opponents who are equally important. Anonymous characters should be of little to no threat outside of large groups and PCs should regularly do exceptional things. Adventure is the most forgiving RDL, and has bonuses for out of scale tasks - what is a space opera hero who can't rally a planet to his side?
Drama: This is the default level, wherein player characters are somewhat exceptional but more due to their potential and their focus as the protagonists than anything else. GMs should balance 'doing awesome stuff' with clever thinking and situational awareness. PCs likewise can expect that even anonymous opponents to pose a threat but also to be able to have moments of heroic excellence. All rules effects are unmodified for Drama.
Documentary: In the Documentary RDL, being the protagonist of the story means little beyond the tag on your uniform. Anonymous enemies will always pose a threat. Play this RDL if your gaming group prefers 'realism', wants to focus on a more war-is-hell themed game or simply likes playing on Legendary. Documentary is the most lethal RDL.

Protection Points

Protection Points (hereafter, 'PP') are a systemization of general battlefield uncertainty, innacuracy, cover, masking and luck, as well as general plot priority. It represents the fact that a battlefield is not a flat shooting gallery but a complex environment of cover and motion, both physical and informational. PP is used to defend against danger and in essence represents 'near misses', ricochets or similar dramatic but non-harmful hits (a cut across the cheek or the back of the hand, for example). PP is also broadly scale-independent, with almost all entities - be it a character or a battleship - having some amount of PP. Once an entity runs out of PP it is vulnerable to directly taking damage. Conversely, the best way to avoid being hit by powerful weapons (especially important if one has insufficient armor!) is to seek cover and mantain a reserve of PP.
As battlefields are dynamic, so is PP. It can be ablated via attacks - suppressing the enemy until weapons can be brought to bear - and it can also be regained - breaking contact or moving to new cover so the enemy is shooting at the wrong position. It is also important to recognize that PP isn't just motion on a battlefield, moving from cover to cover. It also represents the real-world effects of informational warfare, particularly in vehicular or space combat situations. Warships can attack enemy ship's PP with sophisticated sensing equipment and regenerate PP with decoys or deceptive emissions.

Action Points

Action Ponts (hereafter, 'AP') are a measure of how many actions an entity can do each turn. Taking some actions require more than one AP, and AP can be banked across turns. As AP fluctuates from turn to turn, it has two sub-stats.

(Max) AP: The maximum amount of AP an entity may carry over at the end of its turn to the following one. Importantly, there is no cap on how many AP a unit may have during its turn, so it is quite possible to spend substantially more AP than an entity's nominal max during a single turn.
AP Refresh: How many AP an entity regains naturally at the start of its action.


These are the defining 'hard' characteristics of your character. Attributes are your dice pool to resolve tests.


This is the raw physical prowess of your character while she is on her own two feet, governing everything from strength, agility, endurance, athleticism and general toughness. Physique tends to be the most immediately obvious thing about a person, as a good physique can be easily recognized in someone who is well-built and fit looking.


Perception is an individual’s ability to notice things around them, both in the literal sense of using one’s five (or more) senses and in the figurative sense of having an ‘eye for detail’. Perceptive characters will often also do well at fine, delicate work that requires substantial concentration.


Intellect is the rational, problem-solving part of an individual’s mind and thus is a broad measure of ‘brainpower’ and memory. A strong intellect makes solving puzzles and planning strategems easy and is an all-round asset in the 22nd century galaxy.


The ability to think quickly on one’s feet is important, both in taking fire on the internet and taking fire on the battlefield. Witty characters will rarely be caught flat-footed and will jump into action quickly when situations shift.


Charisma measures the likeability of your character in several ways. Although few player characters are anything but superior in physical attractiveness, those with high Charisma do tend to be the coolest or hottest.


Skills are things your character has learned how to do. Swordsmanship, hyperspatial navigation, accounting, monster ranching; all are skills. Skills are broken down into the attribute they are most commonly associated with
Skills provide a negative difficulty modifier (ie, they make tests easier).
Skills are divided into three main groups determined by their usual attribute dependency.


Brawl/Martial Arts


Pilot (D); this skill covers conventional joystick-and-footpedal piloting schemes.
Gunnery (D); this skill covers the use of weapons on mecha and fightercraft that require both a keen eye and twitch reflexes.


Academics (Field) (VD)
Programming; this skill deals with complex programming and infosecurity tasks.
Engineering (Field) (VD)
Medicine (D)
Strategy (D)
Security; this skill deals with mundane security systems, both setting them up and avoiding them.
Artillery (D); this skill covers large fixed weapons that use computerized targeting systems, exemplified by the batteries on warships or heavyweight missiles.
Remote Operation (D); this skill covers the operation of remotely-piloted craft, ranging from recon drones to mobile dolls. The maximum skill level (Pilot, Gunnery) usable via remote operations is 2x the Remote Operations skill level. Remote Operation can also replace Pilot.
Electronic Warfare (D)
Helmsman (D)


Mecha Fighting; this skill covers mecha-scale melee and unarmed.
Neural Interfacing (D); this skill acts similar to Remote Operation, except it covers mecha piloted via direct neural interfaces.


Red Tape
Politics (VD)
Performance (Field) (VD)


Specialty [Name]: ‘Specialty’ is a catch-all term used for any relatively rare, unusual or otherwise irregular skills that do not fall into the ones above.

Derived Values

The following stats are derived from a character's Attributes and Skills.

Protection Points

PP is determined by the campaign's RDL, and the calculation is different for each RDL.

Adventure: Wits + Physique + Charisma x2
Drama: Wits + Physique + Tactics
Documentary: Wits + Tactics

Action Points

This will need to get tweaked.

AP Max: Wits
AP Refresh: Wits

Resolution Rules


Dice pool size is equal to the appropriate Attribute, with every dice equal or exceeding the target number scoring one success. Having a suberbly-toned mind or body doesn't make up for lacking in critical skills.

The base difficulty for tests is 10, modified by skills as well as various situational penalties or bonuses. No difficulty may be lowered to lower than 3. Difficulties may go above 10, though for casual gameplay it is suggested that difficulties above 10 simply be treated automatic failures.

Note that positive modifiers increase the target number and are thus bad whereas negative modifiers decrease the target number and are thus good.

Typical modifiers

Very Difficult task: +4
Particularly Difficult task: +2
Easy task: -2
Very Easy/routine task: -4
Distraction: +1 to +3
Appropriate paraphernalia/equipment: -1 to -3

Rolling above 10
For those situations where the game calls for rolling difficulties above 10, use the following rule:
For every 10 rolled, re-roll the dice looking for 3+ if the target is 11, 5+ if it 12, so on.

A botch is where a character screws up particularly badly, actively doing something wrong as opposed to simply failing to accomplish the task. They can range from the inconvenient (inputting some wrong data) to dangerous (failing to notice the black ice on the road while in a car chase) to potentially lethal (juggling lightsabers . . . badly). Botches happen whenever the roll is failed and at least one 1 is rolled.

Rule of 10
10s count as a success and allow for a re-roll, potentially get more successes.

Rule of Supremacy
If the roll exceeds the difficulty by at least 100%, (ie rolling an 8 when the difficulty is 4), you may opt to roll another dice as if you had rolled a 10. Rolling a Supreme 10 counts as two successes and allows for a re-rolls. Of course by this point you're probably already accumulated more than enough successes; GMs and players are encouraged to avoid this rule in the interest of fast play.

Combat Flow

Initiative Step (rolled at start of combat or when an entity attempts to Take Initiative)
1) Roll initiative (physique + wits) vs 6

Proceed in order of success
Tactics roll can be used to give additional auto-sux on initiative roll to all friendlies.

Action Steps (cycles through entity by entity)
2) Recover AP (Action Points)

All entities recover a certain amount of AP a turn.
Additional AP may be gained by some actions (jump out of ambush, etc)

3) Take action by spending AP (example below: shooting!)

Shooting is done with the standard Stat x skill pool, with further modifiers derived from situational modifiers.
Most common is cover (passive evasion), which depends on how much 'stuff' there is to hide behind
Other modifiers can include stealth (imposes penalties, reduced by sensors) and advanced targeting (provides bonuses, reduced by ECM)
Burst adds dice
Accurate reduces difficulty

4) Defensive action (dodge against shooting)

Dodging is done by Physique x Athletics
Every success cancels one attacker's success

Protection Steps
5) All attacks that hit ablate 1 or more PP (Protection Point). An entity with 0 PP before the attack goes to Damage Steps instead.

Weapons with Threat ablate additional PP
Sniper weapons ignore PP entirely

Damage Steps
6) Determine damage target

Damage target is (Armor - Armor Piercing)
Weapons with Precise get a +1 Armor Piercing modifer for every success above 1 that they score on the to-hit roll.

7) Roll damage

Roll weapon's Power dice against Durability, every success inflicts 1 LP (Life Point) of damage.
Weapons with Enhanced Damage roll an additional +1 dice per if they inflict at least 1 LP.

8) Figure out how big your dice pool penalties are now?

AP actions include:

Recovering PP by finding new cover or better positioning - being tacticool
Misc actions Doing Things

Weapon Tags

Burst X: Weapon fires multiple shots in rapid succession, adding +X to dice for to-hit rolls.
Weapons with multiple settings may record them as Burst +X (+Y diff), in which case using the burst mode increases the target number.
Threat X: Threatening weapons may ablate additional PP; roll XD and for every 6+ ablate an additional PP.
Suppress: Weapon can be used effectively for suppression, in which case the firer can opt to reduce the to-hit pool by X, gaining Threat X.

Damage and Survival

Hitting with a weapon requires at least one success; bare-handed attacks, melee weapons and ranged weapons with Precise add one dice to their damage roll for every additional success scored on the to-hit roll. Attempts to dodge, parry or otherwise avoid the attack eliminate successes on a 1:1 ratio.

Speeds and Ranges

Simple Ranges

Since in reality a battlefield is not a perfectly flat shooting gallery, GMs and players are encouraged to use the Simple Range system. This abstracts away hard numbers for ranges, instead going by 'range bands'. This makes it more suited for rapid, cinematic combat.

The range bands are as follows:

Very Close
Near Medium
Far Medium
Very Long


The size difference between a 180 centimer, 85 kilogram human and a 15 meter, 60 ton mecha is immense. To ease play, the process of Scaling is used.
In essence, Scaling splits several objects into one of several broad scales, based on size. Within each scale all combat or other resolutions occur as per usual. This is to keep dice pools and general gameplay manageable, and each scale thus generally represents a normal 'mode' of play. The two most common examples are Characters (x1) and Mecha (x10).
Scaling comes into effect when cross-scale resolution occurs. As a rule, in a conflict between a smaller scale and a larger scale, the smaller one will be more accurate and more dificult to hit, while the larger one will inflict more damage and be tougher. All scale effects are reversible; thus a man shooting at a tank has a -3 difficulty modifier (making it an easy attack) but the man will likely need 30 or 40 successes to penetrate its armor (effectively impossible with a rifle or equivalent). Said tank would have a +3 difficulty using its main gun (making it a quite difficult shot) but will inflict 10 successes for every one rolled - seek cover!
Note that scaling is essentially a game simplification to keep book-keeping down. It should not be taken to mean that a tank gun is literally only ten times the strength of a rifle, just that it is much more powerful.

Medium Scale

Medium Scale is the default character scale.

Most interactions dealing with individuals or a handful of people are at this scale.
Convince one person.
Run a boutique.

Large Scale

Large Scale is used for particularly hefty pieces of hardware that are still broadly 'people-sized'; military power armor, autocannon rifles, etc.

+1 to-hit penalty
-1 Penetration bonus
+1 Armor Rating bonus
x2 strength and protection bonus
Coordinate a platoon of soldiers
Run a small office.

x5 Scale

x5 Scale is sometimes used for small but agile vehicles such as 'heavy gear' equivalents.

+2 to-hit penalty
-2 Penetration bonus
+2 Armor Rating bonus
x5 strength and protection bonus
Command a ship
Repair a mecha

x10 Scale

x10 Scale is the scale of most large vehicles from trucks to tanks to mecha to spaceships.

+3 to-hit penalty
-5 Penetration bonus
+5 Armor Rating bonus
x10 strength and protection bonus
Repair a warship
Plan an invasion

x100 Scale

This scale is where truly nation-scale effects come into play.

Get elected ZOCU Chairman
Convince 20% of the voting populace that the sitting President is a crypto-religious foreign national

Group Combat


While in many cases individuals (be they people or fighter jets) are resolved seperately, in some situations it makes more sense to ok got mega distracted. Point form mode:

Simple mode

+1 dice per member in the unit
every sux adds +1 attack with base stats.
Every sux after all members get their attack provides usual bonuses to ALL attacks.
Leadership/Tactics provides a limit somehow

Added things:

Scaling bonus so highly skilled groups get more dice
Does this even make sense?