Fionn Callaghan

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Vital Statistics

Alias: Fionn Callaghan
Player: Exhack
Allegiance: Independant
Concept: The Art in Artillery
Eruption: Excitement
Nature: Perfectionist/Architect
Virtue: Gain WP when your painstaking perfectionism covers even an unforseen complication.
Vice: Spend WP to resist getting angry at someone who points out flaws in your plan, or following someone else's great plan. Regain WP if ignoring such criticism or following someone else's agenda would benefit you in the long run.
Quantum: 4

  • Quantum Pool: 40

Willpower: 6

  • Temp Willpower: 6

Health: Willpower (6) + Quantum (4) + Stamina * 2 (10) + Mega-Stamina * 6 (6) + Mega-Strength (0) + Mega-Dexterity (0) + X HLs * 2 (4) = 30

Penalties: (Stamina (5) + Resistance (5) + Mega-Stamina * 2 (2))/2 + 1 = 6 HLs/-1 penalty
HL Track: -0 x 6/-1 x 6/-2 x 6/-3 x 6/-4 x 6/INC x 7/Dying x 24



Paint Control (3Q)

  • Bashing Blast: Attack: d9 +1, Range: 90m, Damage: d25 + [8]B, AP: 5, Duration: Action, RoF: 9
  • Lethal Blast: Attack: d9 +1, Range: 90m, Damage: d20 + [8]L, AP: 5, Duration: Action, RoF: 9
  • Ablative Shield: 26 HLs
  • Soak Shield: +15L/15B Soak
  • Propel: Combat Speed: 60m/action, Travel Speed: 450 km/h
  • Shaping: Attack: d8, Range 45m, Each success makes increasingly perfect or impenetrable images.


Soak (Aggravated/Lethal/Bashing): 2A/28L/30B

w/2A/8L/10B (Natural Soak)
w/15L/15B (Quantum Powers)
w/5L/5B (Equipment and Body Modifications)


Physical (3)

Strength: 5 (Unfettered)

Brawl 1
Melee 1
Might 1

Dexterity: 5 (Graceful)

Athletics 5
Drive 1
Firearms 1
Legerdemain 2
Stealth 2

Stamina: 5 (Tireless)

Endurance 3
Resistance 5
Mega Stamina [1] (Regeneration)

Social (5)

Charisma: 5 (Eloquent)

Command 2
Etiquette 1
Instruction 3 (One on One +3)
Performance (Dance) 1

Manipulation: 5 (Inscrutable)

Streetwise 5
Subterfuge 1

Appearance: 5 (High Class)

Style 3
Enticing Mega Appearance [1] (Appearance Alteration)

Mental (7)

Wits: 5 (Creative)

Art (Painting) 5
Art (Sculpture) 3
Art (Cooking) 3
Biz 2

Intelligence: 5 (Knowledgeable)

Academics (Culture) 5
Academics (Current Events) 3
Academics (History) 3
Academics (Philosophy) 3
Academics (Psychology) 3
Academics (Religion) 2
Academics (Law) 2
Bureaucracy 1
Computer 2
Engineering (Civil) 2
Linguistics 1 (English, French)
Science (Chemistry) 5
Science (Math) 3
Science (Physics) 3
Strategy 5
Mega Intelligence [1] (Eidetic Memory)

Perception: 5 (Curious)

Awareness 1
Investigation 5 (Research +3)


Paint Control [5]

Ablative Shield
Soak Shield





  • Simon Fuhrmann (Positive [4]: Contacts, Cipher): An art agent and image consultant who handles most of Fionn's dealings in the higher world. An M-Soc and weakly M-Int Nova who specializes in mass-marketing Novox and Nova art talents.
  • Zhao Hai (Positive [3]: Resources): Fionn's main sponsor, an elderly Chinese woman heiress from Hong Kong. Sponsors Nova talents worldwide as a tax write-off, although she may be increasingly addicted to the sensory experiences produced by their works.
  • Jon Omdahl (Adverserial [1]: Enemy): Fionn's main rival in Empyrean is an established Nova with stone and sculpture-themed powers. May have significant mental Aberrations, and took offense to having one of his works painted over with gaudy acrylic when one of Fionn's powers misfired.
  • David Callaghan (Neutral [2]): Fionn's distant father is a sailor on a shipping line that works out of Singapore. A former member of the Parachute Regiment deployed in Sierra Leone, he is a staunch and steely man who does not recognize the efforts of his son to become an artist.
  • Maeve Irvin (Neutral): Fionn's distant mother, who remarried after divorcing his father and has several children with her new family. She runs a flower shop in her hometown of York, and is known for her quiet and charming personality, though she is prone to impatience.
  • Priya Narang (Neutral): A long-time friend of Fionn and something of an older sister figure to him. Probably his first crush.
  • Colton Garrett (Neutral): Colton is a former art teacher (and gallery owner) in his late sixties with a gregarious personality and great love for his students. Effectively the reason that a twelve-year-old Fionn picked up a brush. After retiring, he liquidated his assets and bought a sailboat to enjoy his last years in the Caribbean.


  • Node 2
  • Eufiber 2
  • Attunement 1


Permanent Points: 3 (+1 Social Difficulty)
Temporary Points: 0

Aberrations (1 Points)

Anima Banner: Color Leech (Minor)


Body Modifications


Bonus Points

15 BP

  • Willpower 6 [6]
  • Taint Channeler [4]
  • Taint Resistant [5]

Nova Points

45 +9 NP

  • Quantum 4 [15]
  • Elemental Control 5 [15]
  • Attributes [9]
  • Abilities [9]
  • Mega Attributes [6]

Body Modifications

2 XP

  • Extra HLs [2]



Total 0 XP


Spent 0 XP, Unspent 0 XP

