Teen Tomorrow

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The Twinkle
- Sarah Hoshina, 16, F
- Nature: Jester
- Quantum 4, taint 4 (glow)
- Dex 5+M3 (enhanced movement, fast tasks), Athletics 4, Martial Arts 3
- Sta 3+M1 (regeneration), endurance 3,resistance 3
- Wits 5+M1 (quickness)
- Str 3, Per 3, Int 2, App 2, Man 3, Cha 3
- Hyperrunning 3

- DJ Croft, 14, M
- Nature: Rebel
- Quantum 3, taint 1
- All attributes at 5, all abilities he will need at 5
- Empathic Manipulation 3 (pool d8)

Hank Hercules
- Hank Herman, 17, M
- Nature: Follower
- Quantum 1, taint 2
- Str 5+M3 (lifter), might 4, brawl 3
- Dex 3+M1 (physical prodigy)
- Sta 5+M3 (resiliency), endurance 4, resistance 4
- Per 3, Int 2, Wits 3, App 4 (olympian), Man 2, Cha 2
- Athletics 5 (sports), Style 3
- Teleport 1 (combat teleport)

- Micky Crosby, 18, M
- Nature: Gallant
- Quantum 3, taint 0
- Wits 5+M2 (multitasking)
- Str 3, Dex 5, Per 3, Int 2, App 4, Man 2, Cha 1
- Athletics 3, Style 1,
- Quantum Bolt 3 (area)

- Lucia Stein, 19, F
- Nature: Judge
- Quantum 5, taint 1
- Str 2, Dex 3, Sta 3, Per 3, Int 4, Wits 5, App 3, Man 3, Cha 4
- Athletics 1, Science 4 (mechanics)
- Momentum Control 3

- Giuseppe Mondragon, 17, M
- Nature: Silent Nonentity
- Quantum 4, taint 3
- Man 4+M3 (persuader), endurance 3, resistance 3
- Str 4, Dex 4, Sta 4, Per 4, Int 4, Wits 2, App 3, Cha 3
- Athletics 3, Firearms 2, Computers 3, Style 3
- Force Field 4
- Quantum Construct 2