RPG Nefer

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Basic Info

Other names:
Demonym: Nefertan
Faction/Block: Independent/Pyramid Industries
Population: Moderate
Government Type: Unitary Direct Democracy
Relative Economic Strength: Powerful
Relative Industrial Strength: High
Economic model: Hybrid Capitalist Socialist Market
Relative Military Strength: Moderate
General Political Stance: Neutral

Adventure Seeds

Adventure Seed 1 (Action):

Pyramid Industries has hired you and your team to procure a sample of Tensor's latest prototype Orbital Frame from a secret research base located in the dark between stars. Get in, get as much info as you can, and get out. Sounds easy, right?

Adventure Seed 3 (Intrigue):

The perfect chameleon stalks the high society of New Heliopolis. When even your closest friends can be your deadliest enemy, do you have the mettle to unmask the ultimate predator?

Adventure Seed 5 (Horror):

Twenty six years ago, the Orwell Strain broke free of containment, infecting people and machinery alike. Thousands died or went mad, and the deadly virus vanished without a trace. Now the Orwell Strain is back, and only one man alive knows how it was defeated the first time. Only one man knows how it was made- and how it was defeated. Only you can find the man known only as Subject Delta, before it's too late!

The World

The nation of Nefer exists in a collection of interconnected geodesic spheres originally built by the posthumans to study the evolution of life. As a result, some of these habitats still contain remnants of those experiments, whether they be the sun-sailing plants from Mu Hab, or the perfect chameleon of Sigma Hab. With climates ranging from the coldest arctic wastes to the hottest deserts, Nefer is as varied as the world that birthed its people, if not more.

It's capital, Alpha Habitat, is the great city Heliopolis. The center of the great Posthuman research project, it is a temperate biome interspersed with massive white gold spires of posthuman hyperdiamond.


Originally a pit-stop on the way to a habitable system, the colonists who founded Nefer did so only out of desperation and the will to survive. Shortly after arriving in the system, the star- Helios- induced into a period of heightened solar activity by a Posthuman AI studying life cycles from a structure located within the habitable orbital plane. As an inadvertent result, the local metric was deformed in such a way that effectively stranded the colonists. With no place or capability to move onwards, the Posthuman AI invited the colonists to live on his structure in a specially constructed habitat, which it designated as "Alpha".

The Nation

This section is the most important and is where important things go in, such as culture, today's politics, their place in the galaxy, etc.

Additional Section

In case you have a national component that demands its own section, you can add sections!

Remember its easier to add more content later to fill pages than it is to slash out excess.