Talk:Isis Lenhart

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Caution: Still not finished yet!

Name: Sebastian Broussard
Concept: Mind Powers tactician type
Notable Powers: Mental Blast, Disintegrate, Forcefield, Mental Domination, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Intuition
Overview: Sebastian was one of the first “field” person Isis met when she signed up for the Elites, having been assigned to cover for the untimely departure of a team member. Taking her under his wing, he guided and taught the fledgling Nova some of what he knew as Isis tried to make the most of her new situation. Their time together was brief, timing and pressing matters higher up the food chain seeing him soon being promoted and Isis promptly given leadership of his squad, but they maintained close ties right until she sealed herself up. Currently, what Elites records Isis has managed to retrieve in the new world has said that he is unaccounted for, just like so many other Elites that didn’t end up dead during the Aberrant war. And yet, bereft of even a vision of his return, Isis has the odd feeling that she hasn’t heard the last of her old teacher…

Name: Evita “Eva” Angel Di Maria
Concept: Flying shapeshifting Qbolt person?
Notable Powers: Flight, Quantum Bolt, Shapeshifting, Hypermovement

Name: Elaine MacMahon
Concept: Ex teragen elemental mastery person w/ high taint

Other guy’
Other girl