Talk:Persona (Oseng)

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Terazawa Ichijo

Concept: I don't have a concept for this!
Battle Theme: Heats!
Character Stats
Atheletics: 4
Academics: 3
Issue: Extreme Claustrophobia
Issue: Fear of Drowning
Quality: None
Suit: Wands(Fire)
Arcana: The Chariot
Appearance: Magic Jehuty!

Leah (Andronicus)

Any day but Tuesday and Wensday.

Concept: Dad was a martial artist nut. Moved to Japan.


Atheletics: 4
Academics: 2
Charm: 3

Qualities Marital Arts (-1)
Issues: ? (-1)


Attack 1
Area 2
Quality: Almighty
Suit: Swords

Mizushima Sho (Exhack)

Thursday and Saturday, ideally.

Concept: Lonely rich kid who needs a cane and leg brace to get around. Works hard and wants to ascend to head of student council, but doesn't feel he relate to other people well enough and resents all of the special permissions tended to him because of his status.


Physical: 1
Academic: 5
Charisma: 2


Cripple: Limp and very badly near-sighted. Has special dispensation from the school to use a touch-computer tablet to sthenograph notes in class for him.
Opulence: Parents are the CEO of major biochemical company and an accomplished researcher, respectively. All of his leg braces, canes and glasses? Cutting edge and designer.

Persona - (Inverse: Tsar Koschei/Reverted: Odin)

Strength: 1
Magic: 5
Attack (1)
Alter, Enhance (2)
Heal, Area (2)
Defense: 2
Speed: 2
Qualities: Savior
Suit: Swords
Arcana: Emperor

Kobayashi Akemi

Concept: Rich, aristocratic, and self-assured, Akemi is a driven girl with high expectations. She tends to be a bit dismissive of those with hardships, due to a disconnect with them. She her black hair is bound up in a twin-tails style and permed into French-style coils. She is an avid member of the student council, and takes a direct stance on organizing class events and guest speakers. Wants to take over her family business, but has to compete with her brother for it, who is the currently favoured one by tradition.


Physical: 1
Academic: 3
Charisma: 4



Persona - Berith

Strength: 3
Magic: 1
Golden Blessing - Alter (Strength, Positive)
Defense: 1
Speed: 3
Qualities: Gnosis
Suit: Swords (Wind)
Arcana: The Magician
Appearance: A knight in red armour, with a gleaming golden crown on his head, and a pair of red swords. He rides upon a giant, blood-red steed that breathes fire.