Kanon Campaign

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The Kanon Campaign was a major front of the ZOCU-PACT War involving the Japanese-led PACT invasion of Kanon and various orbital and planetary actions within the rest of the star system. The campaign took place between 14 February and 10 December, 2186 and was referred to within PACT forces as Operation Burst Angel. Initially envisioned as a fast-paced operation with overwhelming forces to restore Japanese control over Kanon, the battle for orbital control over Kanon proved extremely costly for PACT with ZOCU light elements able to launch devastating strikes on some divisions while they were still in transit. Once ground operations began, Kanon's terrain, climate and unexpectedly stiff resistance quickly bogged the assault down within a month of its start. ZOCU was also able to run the prototypes and technical blueprints of the then new OMF-06 Hoplite off of Kanon, a success which was to have serious strategic consequences for both PACT and the EU in space. For months, determined resistance on the ground was able to keep PACT forces from delivering a decisive blow despite steady escalation whereas PACT was never able to achieve full orbital supremacy nor completely stem the trickle of reinforcement and resupply to defenders on the ground. ZOCU raiders also inflicted significant losses in the starways behind PACT's front lines, complicating the logistical difficulties already faced by General Takeda. By December, the ZOCU Combined Fleet was once again ready for action and this time dealt a decisive defeat to PACT space forces, leaving ZOCU with control of Kanonian space and over seventy thousand prisoners of war in captivity.


Although relations between ZOCU and the Core had been souring from the start of the 2180's, one of the key indices of tension, the relationship between Japan and Kanon, remained relatively mild. Despite dissatisfaction with apparent insincerity on the Kanonian side of the table, Japan's long tradition of conflict aversion since the Second World War combined with domination of the Diet by a coalition of moderates to form what the Imperial Party later attacked as appeasement. By 2182, the Kanonian and Chosonese cuts of the PACT interstellar catapult network were operational, stimulating some trade and serving as another buffer to cooling relations. For a while, there appeared hope that a deal could be worked out whereby Kanon would promulgate its own self-determiend constitution but continue to recognise the Emperor of Japan. In 2185 however, the harder line Imperial Party secured control of the Diet and at this point, talks broke down, quickly reversing years of gains from their predecessors' careful diplomacy. When Japanese sovereignty over Kanon was publicly asserted throughout late 2185, Kanon responded with the Separation Proclamation declaring complete independence from Japan on New Years Day of 2186. This triggered a series of decisions in Japan and Korea wherein the two mustered their considerable political capital on Earth to pass UN Resolution 11079, green-lighting Japanese and Korean intervention in ZOCU space.

Initial Phase

Operation Burst Angel organised three field corps totalling approximately 168,000 PACT troops of which upwards of 40% were autonomous robotic soldiers. These reinforced the roughly 8,000 troops that were holding a number of prepared UN enclaves against intermittent probing and harassment. The vast bulk of ground forces were provided by the Japanese Self-Defense Forces and Republic of Korea Army with other PACT nations providing only about 4,000 troops total, mostly in support roles. The JSDF had the larger force, but made much heavier use of autonomous robotic soldiers such that the Koreans actually outnumbered the Japanese in terms of humans. By contrast, the ground forces available to the Kanonian Militia consisted of around 20,000 troops, 16,000 reservists, about 16,000 additional emergency volunteers and a small contingent of 3,000 pan-ZOCU forces under the banner of the ZOCU Combined Militia. This 3:1 numerical disadvantage was exacerbated by the superior number of semi-autonomous and remote-control drones available to the PACT army.

Unsurprisingly, the normally divisive Kanonian military command agreed unanimously that the only reasonable course of action was to conduct a prolonged defense and wear the war down to a trickle until the logistical balance shifted in Kanon's favor or the Union managed to muster a major counterattack. Despite unexpected losses in space and an equally unexpectedly high rate of loss for its robotic troops, the PACT ground forces' early gains were rapid. By the middle of March however, the rain season had turned much of the lowlands and rainforests into treacherous morasses. Kanonian sappers destroyed vast lengths of road along the PACT's axis of advance with both explosives and landslides, further hindering fast movement. PACT forces did enjoy air superiority however, and would retain that advantage for most of the campaign.

Kanonian Terrestrial Militia

Commander: Great Duke Akira Sumeragi
20,000 KM troops
16,000 KM reservists
3,000 ZCM mobile forces
16,000 volunteers
3,500 KM troops
500 ZCM mobile forces
4,000 volunteers

Operation Burst Angel

Commander: General Ichiro Takeda
8,000 UN troops
32,000 JSDF troops
60,000 ROKA troops
60,000 JSDF robots
12,000 ROKA robots
4,000 pan-PACT troops
28,000 lost in space
5,000 humans
15,000 robots


Following the halt of offensive operations in mid-March, both sides had approximately six to eight weeks in order to regroup, resupply and reinforce - all activities heavily affected by PACT's lengthy and vulnerable logistical starway. The unexpected costs of the war coupled by ZOCU shipping raids into PACT space made raising reinforcements difficult, especially the human soldiers General Takeda felt he desperately needed. Kanonian experience fighting the robotic offspring of their home planet's posthuman remnants gave them an uncanny ability to expose and exploit numerous flaws of robotic soldiers and heavy losses mounted faster than replacement parts could be shipped in for repairs. Partisans equipped with everything from small arms to aquatic mobile suits also quickly made their presence felt and made a conscious effort to deny their foes the ability to retrieve disabled bots. Nevertheless, overall control of space remained with the PACT fleet and its reinforcements were initially sufficient to nearly maintain their ratio of numerical superiority despite Kanon's limited industrial base supplying and arming emergency volunteers as quickly as possible. From May onwards, General Takeda launched a second, much slower offensive that managed to secure more territory and bring his forces ever closer to the Kanonian capital of Seihou.

Offworld, liaisons and diplomats mounted pressure on Londenium to provide relief to the ground forces on Kanon and Choson and eventually overruled the misgivings of Lord Dorington and many other Londener naval officers. The result was Operation Cosmos Glide, a costly battle that likely delayed the Second Battle of Kanonian Sky, and therefore the liberation of Kanon, due to battle damage sustained. Nevertheless, ZOCU space forces managed to briefly break the blockades over both planets to land much-needed material and modest mobile suit-equipped reinforcements. From PACT's perspective, the daring and tactical success of the raid spooked both Japan and Korea, contributing to the decision to cede the initiative while heavily securing lines of communication and accelerating development of mobile weapons. Thereafter, the ground offensive ground to a stalemate with PACT forces controlled roughly 70% of surface territory within the scope of the operation.

Kanonian Terrestrial Militia

Commander: Great Duke Akira Sumeragi
Forces 12 May, 2186:
36,000 KM troops
2,500 ZCM mobile forces
60,000 volunteers
75,000 volunteers (by August 2186)
3,000 ZCM mobile forces (Cosmos Glide)
7,500 KM troops
500 ZCM mobile forces
22,000 volunteers

Operation Burst Angel

Commander: General Ichiro Takeda
Forces 12 May, 2186:
8,000 UN troops
33,000 JSDF troops
58,000 ROKA troops
4,000 pan-PACT troops
66,000 JSDF robots
9,000 ROKA robots
12,000 JSDF troops
12,000 ROKA troops
2,000 pan-PACT troops
40,000 JSDF robots
8,000 ROKA robots
2,000 pan-PACT robots
10,000 humans
50,000 robots

Plan 12.8

As early as August, KTM Command began forming plans for a counteroffensive in case Japan chose to unilaterally withdraw from Kanon, the idea being popular for emotional reasons as well as the belief that such a victory and a capture of a large number of Japanese and Korean troops as prisoners of war would strengthen Kanon and ZOCU's position at the bargaining table. By October, military intelligence became aware of PACT war planners contemplating the same possibilities. At that point, despite continual reinforcement, losses had been so great amongst robotic forces that continual mustering of defense volunteers by the Kanonian Militia had brought the defenders to almost numerical parity, though they were considerably less well trained and equipped. Nevertheless, a sizeable proportion were transgenes and they had proven so tenacious in defense that initial concerns of a lasting insurgency had been entirely replaced with concern of whether the war could be won at all despite Kanon's war economy being near the breaking point. Meanwhile, attrition had taken a toll on aerospace assets and PACT forces were at the limit of what the insecure logistical trail and public back home would support. Although confident that the JSDF-led fleet in orbit would hold against any ZOCU counterattack, plans were made for an emergency evacuation just in case.

Japan having made no overtures for negotiated peace and with the planned attack in space by the ZOCU Combined Fleet upcoming, the Kanonian Militia launched a full scale counteroffensive on the ground. PACT forces responded (as they had done before to any spike in ZOCU military activity on the ground) with vigorous air attacks but these had to be halted within a week as a decisive engagement in space became imminent.

Kanonian Militia

Commander: Great Duke Akira Sumeragi
Forces 10 October, 2186:
40,000 KM troops
5,000 ZCM mobile forces
180,000 volunteers
60,000 additional volunteers by December 2186
4,000 KM troops
1,000 ZCM mobile forces
25,000 volunteers

Japan-Korea Joint Army Group (Kanon)

Commander: General Ichiro Takeda
Forces 10 October, 2186:
10,000 UN troops
40,000 JSDF troops
75,000 ROKA troops
10,000 pan-PACT troops
12 JSDF Type 286X Tanto prototype tactical armour
2 ROKA KX890 Juri prototype tactical armour
62,000 JSDF robots
12,000 ROKA robots
20,000 pan-PACT robots
17,000 troops lost
82,000 troops captured
-9,000 surviving UN troops released
36,000 troops evacuated
all robots and mobile suits captured or destroyed

