OP's Guide
Shores of Hazeron is a complicated game, but I have attempted to make it simpler. This guide is meant for players in our SB Empires - Iriki-In Dynasty and Medved Union - starting an Empire on your own is MUCH harder.
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Making A Custom Race When Joining An Empire
Start by joining the game as an Emperor, or as a player in an empire who has a race you like. Then just contact Andronicus (Iriki-In Meren) or Silence (Vultan) so that you can switch empires. There is a button in the (F12) Policy Menu - use it to leave your current Empire and choose one you like. It is very strongly recommended that you avoid natural weapons and make sure to be able to jump or fly, as they are very, very useful. It is also important to look reasonably presentable, as all of the citizens in colonies you found will look like you.