Talk:Fleet of Fog

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Do not be scared by numbers of people who want to play, post your concept and I'll pick ones I like
Please include a short personality sketch of your battleship -FBH <br?

Player - Mal
Ship - RN Roma, Vittorio Veneto class battleship, sunk 1943

Although thought of (at least on the surface) as a considerably advanced in growth as a mental model, Roma's sense for strategy is probably exceeded by her vanity and sheer appetite for glory. She loves exceeding orders and wreaking havoc among the humans not only in an effective, but a completely beautiful and overbearing manner. She has an extremely high opinion of every aspect of herself and her genius ideas, though she will also grudgingly admit the merit or efforts of others if they work, which is one of her few redeeming social characteristics. Almost uniquely amongst Fog capital ships, she has an understanding of "morale" and how damaging it can produce dividends that cannot be measured conventionally but perhaps does not truly grasp what actually damages it and what will actually make humans angrier. Nevertheless just the demonstration of the existence of her aesthetic sense has proven highly unnerving to human commanders. All Fog warships command respect for their overtechnology, but a robotic weapon with personal quirks commands fear. Some such quirks include ostantateously drinking tea at the pinnacle of her superstructure during air attacks and blasting ominous music from a gigantic weaponised nanomachine organ where the forward funnel was on the historic Roma.

Privately, Roma is a bit of an internet geek, which actually helps her information intake from human society. She actually has fans (and detractors) on the internet as an e-model who have no idea she is a Fog Battleship - she enjoys the attention immensely. She is a fan of shooting games (which she may think are a human training method) but is extremely bad at them. This is because, she claims, she is always rooting for the bosses, who tank a ton of damage while shooting out massive, beautiful patterns of anti-aircraft fire - exactly what the ideal battleship should do. This coincides with her sinking with more AA weapons mounted than any other ship in the Atlantic region and being historically cheesed by a handful of planes with guided bombs. She has an intense derision of aircraft and takes just as much joy downing a mass of them at once in an instant of "sublime, refined, beautiful, love-coloured curtain fire" (while dressed in gothic lolita fashion, sitting at a table at the pinnacle of her conning tower, drinking tea) as she does firing her main cannon (see below).

Her mental model's body is slightly on the petite, less well-endowed side. Although she maintains her proportions, appearance and medium length hair, she changes clothing and hairstyle frequently in what she may or may not believe is an "actual human fashion trend for humanoid superweapons taken directly from the internet" but is actually a series of (admittedly high quality) cosplays of the Magic Girl genre. She especially known for her freakishly good (and uncannily yangire) depiction of Megavoid Luka, the white-costumed arch-rival of Hisonic Miku, which goes well with her all-white paint scheme and the firing of giant space-distorting gravity blasts in general. She considers herself the "prettiest sister" of the Atlantic Fleet, derising Hood as fat and Bismarck for being a useless drunk.

Player - Dacis
Ship - HMS Hood (51), Admiral class battlecruiser, sunk 1941

As with most of the capital ships of the Fleet, Hood’s mental model is well developed and battle tested. Faster than Yamato or Bismarck and more heavily armed than Repulse or the Twins, she has been in near constant combat with little support and little rest barring the brief refits and repairs between the seemingly endless wave of time critical missions that require her speed and power. This has also made her a high profile target among the human navies, all eager to sink the accursed Hood that had destroyed many a vital convoy or chased down and sunk withdrawing ships. This unwanted attention has already resulted in an engagement in which she was blasted to a burning hulk, saved only by the fortuitous arrival of a storm that allowed her to slip away. The incident has sparked a nascent tactical sense like those found in humans, one that she is eager to explore and develop.

Personality wise, Hood is one of the more subdued and non-confrontational of the mental models, though she is no less aggressive in battle or proud of her capabilities than her sisters. In her small amounts of free time she enjoys reading about the tactical genius of her namesake and his star pupil, as well as the institutions of the Royal Navy and of naval warfare in general. This, coupled with her recent near-death experience, has built up a level of respect for humans that is decidedly rare in the Fleet. She even goes so far as to permit the crews of the ships that she hunts the time to abandon their vessels before destroying them, as well as dropping crude life rafts in the aftermath of battles. When challenged by the other mental models, her answer is always the same: that it’s the right thing to do.

Hood’s mental model’s physical appearance is that of a young teenager despite being one of the oldest ships in the Fleet. Her lithe build is hidden under the simple white dress she prefers and she frequently changes the style of her waist length white hair. She tries to remain on cordial terms with the other capital ships though Bismarck and Roma prefer to pick on her instead. The solo nature of her missions and their frequency leave her with little time for socializing anyway.

Player - BM
Ship - German Battleship Bismarck, Bismarck-class battleship, sunk 1941

Bismarck is a boisterous and energetic Mental Mode, quick to excitement and to anger and quick to fall out of them. She is also sometimes arrogant, proud of her power and skills. She has a habit of acting 'drunk' when idle for long periods of time, which is strange as she does not imbibe alcohol - this doesn't seem to inhibit her faculties. She tends to pick on Hood a bit, given their history, and treats her like a little sister.

Tactically, Bismarck prefers head-on combat and quick, dirty battles over prolonged, subdued maneuvers. These choices benefit her personality and her strength. She is always looking for ways to better use her weaponry, and has taken to experimenting with the nuances of gravitation weaponry and Klein Bottles to see how they can be better used to do the most damage possible. Bismarck assumes that any human willing to challenge a Fleet of Fog vessel accepts the possibility of death, and so shows no quarter and expects none in return. Humans entertain her in combat, and she thinks nothing of those who do not fight - they're not worth her time.

Bismarck's Mental Mode is a tall, athletic girl with long, wavy blonde hair, and blue eyes. She tends to wear loose, easy-going clothing, befitting her high-movement lifestyle, often a buttoned shirt and military-style pants, and a red scarf.

Player - Bearstorm
Ship - Soviet submarine K-27, Projekt 645, sunk via scuttling in 1982

K-27 is the youngest of Novembers, the trio of November-class nuclear-powered attack submarines present in the Fleet of Fog. She's quite affectionate when it comes to her "sisters", K-8 and K-159, and likes to keep in touch with them even when not strictly necessary for tactical reasons. She takes her tasks very seriously, though; when on the field of battle, she is an exemplary submarine. Enthusiastic and dutiful, though she and K-278 really do not get along. Also self-conscious about her displacement, largest of all vessels of her class.

The very fact that K-27 is a "she" is highly unusual; most mental models of Russian ships are male, an artifact of their crews thinking of their vessels as male rather than female. It's not quite certain what caused the Novembers to turn out the way they did - or at least, K-27 is not sure, which is causing her occasional identity problems. With her short-cut, ruffly white hair, athletic build and most definitely male-looking sailor's uniform, she does come across as something of a tomboy, though her rather impressive bosom leaves little doubt as to her actual gender. She's very tall, though slightly plump; she insists that she is just "sturdily built". Has red eyes.

Wears a cute hat.

Player - Screwball
Ship - HMS King Edward VII, King Edward VII class battleship, sunk 1916
Player - Silence
Ship - USS Thresher, Thresher Class nuclear attack sub, sunk 1961
Player - Five
Ship - German Aircraft Carrier Graf Zeppelin, sunk in 1947

Graf Zeppelin is a Carrier, dammit. And he's a former german aircraft carrier in the kriegsmarine... that was sunk by the Soviets. Graf seems to have a mean-streak a mile wide, which is only confounded by the fact that he never saw battle, and that no-one else seems to recognize that battleships are obsolete. Graf himself is mostly quiet and taciturn, and prefers to stay out of the way of combat and let his aircraft do the fighting. Seems to constantly argue with Roma and Bismarck.

Player - Peel
Ship - Regina Margherita, sunk 1916. 13427 tons predread

Queen Margherita is a very proud and regal vessel despite her smaller displacement. She is driven to make up for it by tenacity and application. Her mental model always wears a crown.

Player - Ent
Ship - MN Strasbourg, Dunkerque class Fast Battleship/Battlecruiser. Sunk 1942

Slotted in between larger battleships and smaller cruisers, Strasbourg prides herself in her versatility, being more faster than most other ships within the fleet while still retaining formidable offensive and defensive capabilities. Her mental model is generally gregarious and pleasant towards most of her shipmates, though not without it's sore points: She's taken a bit of a liking towards poking at the German "twins" that were initially made to destroy her, and she tends to bristle at how her sister ship is better known than her even though she was the better built vessel.