Talk:Aberrant 2.0 Paramorphs
Knack Ideas
Nonlethal means: A paramorph with this knack is able to choose not to kill, even when firing a gun or throwing a grenade. Scaffoldings are shot down to pin foes,
System Suggestion: A paramorph may convert any lethal damage done to bashing after soak (it still counts as lethal until soak rules have been resolved). In addition, they reduce penalties for trick shots designed to incapacitate the opponent with the environment (shooting a chandelier, pinning them hind-first in a manhole, ETC) by their Inspiration. A second purchase allows them to apply this quality to aggravated damage as well.
Master of Disguise: The Paramorph is...where is he? My god, that elderly Portuguese woman over there was him all along? Zounds! Such a paramorph could daresay use anything to hide their
System Suggestion: When a paramorph with this Knack disguises themselves mundanely, they eliminate penalties for lacking materials and radical changes by (Inspiration). Either the Daredevil is able to find an impromtu disguise, or they just look the part despite cheap materials.
One Step Ahead: The heroes of the past were often concocting their great escapes as their enemies struggled to keep up.
System Suggestion: When using Anticipation to enact a plan, the Daredevil gets bonus dice equal to their Inspiration/2 regardless of the pool. In addition, they make Inspiration/2 extra Anticipation actions in a session.
Master Detective: You are a master of following trails, regardless of how much effort was put into hiding them.
System Suggestion: When attempting to investigate something (anything, really), add Inspiration/2 to any rolls pertaining to investigating. In addition, in the event of a failed roll to uncover evidence, the player my reroll dice equal to their Inspiration once. GMs should do this even if there's nothing, just to piss players off.