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League Blurb

The League is a smaller faction in an isolated region of space called the Sea of Solomon. It was isolated during the Breakdown but brought together by the need to oppose the invasion of the Magnates. The defence lasted two decades of crash industrialisation, ruthless warfare and tremendous sacrifice, but was ultimately successful and the Magnates were forced to retreat.

Currently the League is stranded somewhat distant from the affairs of the Inner Sphere, on the very edge of the Rim. Their defining policy issue is their cold war with the Magnates, but the riches and mysteries of the Rim beckon in a much more imminent sense than for the inner factions, and eventually the League will be forced to make a decision on how to respond to the political upheavals and encroaching might of the Interior.

The League has in general the weakest technical base of any major bloc, but can get a lot out of 'primitive' technologies, and has the greatest body of theoretical and practical knowledge of xenotech. Nevertheless, they are generally qualitatively inferior. Their equipment tends to be simple, rugged and mass-producible, with a design heritage running back to civilian and pre-breakdown designs, however long-serving machines will have been extensively patched and modified, and systems incorporating significant Velan-derived elements may have an almost cybernetic appearance.

Inspirations: Stalin's USSR, Afghan insurgents, the Alien series, ????

Civilisations & Leaders

  • Traits: Aggressive, Charismatic, Expansive, Financial, Imperialistic, Industrious, Organised, Philosophical, Protective, Spiritual


  • Unique Unit: Drake (replaces Battleship)
  • Unique Building:
  • New Silesia: Imperialistic, ?
  • New Somerset: ?, ?
  • Outremonde: Organised, ?


  • Unique Unit: Inch (replaces Centimetre)
  • Unique Building:
  • Corregidor: Expansive, Financial
  • Daedalus: ?, ?
  • Oceania: Financial, Australian
  • Sao Galvao: Financial, Industrious

China & Friends

  • Unique Unit: Titan (replaces Superbattleship)
  • Unique Building: Immigration Bureau (replaces Courthouse)
  • Some Dudes: Awesome, Owns
  • Cooler Than: Magnificent, Resplendent
  • You Losers: Totally, Sweet

Russia & Friends


  • Unique Unit: Sarissa (replaces Combat Frame)
  • Unique Building: Theta Factory (replaces Dust Factory)
  • Hampshire: Financial, ?
  • Haraway: Aggressive, Charismatic, Expansive, Financial, (Anti-)Imperialistic, Industrious, Organised, Philosophical, Protective, Spiritual
  • Ithaca: ?, ?
  • Kanon: Aggressive, Philosophical
  • New Mercia: Protective, Industrious


  • Unique Unit: Two Battleships (replaces Battleship)
  • Unique Building: Armoury (replaces Factory)
  • Minkowski: Organised, Spiritual
  • Sarreva: Aggressive, Protective
  • Vimelan: Charismatic, ?


  • Unique Unit: Series VII Bioroid (replaces Supersoldiers)
  • Unique Building: Mind-Control Tower (replaces Broadcast Tower)
  • Delten: Industrious, Philosophical
  • Dogma: Expansive, Organised
  • Hyperborea: Charismatic, Organised
  • Rebirth: Aggressive, Spiritual

Solar System Generator

Note: If you roll up a garden or terraformable world, roll again unless you have a particularly good reason why it wasn't colonised.

  • A conventional solar system has 2d6 bodies (including your planet)
  • Planets: rocky planets may be asteroid belts
1-3: rocky
4-6: gaseous
  • Mass: gaseous planets add 4 to the die roll
1: Sublunar (Asteroid belt, 0.0005)
2: 0.01 Earths (the Moon, 0.0123)
3: 0.1 (Mars, 0.107)
4: 1 (Venus, 0.815)
5: 5 (5 Earths)
6: 10 (Uranus, 15)
7: 50
8: 100 (Saturn (Saturn, 94)
9: 500 Earths (Jupiter, 318)
10: Superjovian (HAT-P-2b, >2500)
  • Composition (gaseous):
1-3: Hydrogen/Helium (Jupiter, Saturn)
4-5: Methane/Ammonia (Uranus, Neptune)
6: Hydrogen/Water
  • Atmosphere (rocky):
1-3: Carbon Dioxide (Mars, Venus)
4: Nitrogen/Oxygen (Earth)
5: Methane/Ammonia (Titan)
6: Hydrogen/Helium (Mercury)
  • Atmospheric density (rocky):
1: None/trace
2: Very low
3: Low (Mars)
4: Moderate (Earth)
5: High (Venus)
6: Extreme (Titan)
  • Temperature: planets with thinner atmospheres have greater temperature variation
2-4: Deep Frozen (Pluto, <100K)
5-6: Frozen (equator dozens of degrees below freezing point)
7: Icebox (Mars)
8: Temperate (Earth)
9: Hothouse (Terranova)
10: Severe (water boils on the equator)
11-12: Extreme (Venus)
  • Wackiness?
1-5: No
6: Yes
  • Wackiness!
1: Tidally locked
2: Tidally locked
3: Fossils
4: Xenolife
5: Commercially inviable precursor dust
6: Posthuman structure (or possibly Velan ruin)

Snail (final statblock)

Race: Classic (+1 universal)
Occupation: I-tech (+1 education)
Traits: Obsessed (research) [+3], Dark Past [+5], Obscure Knowledge (AI programming, xenopsychology, esoteric computing, mindstate engineering) [4]
Physical 1 [0]
Smarts 11 [55]
Education 6 [10] specialise Systems Theory 4 [10]
Integrity 4 [6]
Perception 2 [1]
Charisma 4 [6]

Conditioning [0]
Intrusion 2 [3]
Technology 2 [3] specialise Computers 5 [15]
Cacophony Tech 1