Character Creation, RFs and related reference info

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For Dive into the Sky

Character Creation

Kindly fill up this questionnaire

And email it to me at


Characters are defined by a number of stats, which determine different aspects of their performance.
The stats and their basic descriptions are:

● Attack: A character's ability to engage enemy targets. Covers attacking with weapons, and acquiring targets at range. Doesn't care whether they're ground or air targets.

● Mobility: A character's overall agility. Covers the ability to make sharp turns, stop suddenly, and otherwise maneuver on the air, as well as general coordination and agility.

● Wits: Measures a character's ability to think on their feet. Covers things like outsmarting an enemy with some creative trick, convincing people to do what you want, solving all the math that's technically involved in flying, and other feats of mental agility.

● Speed: How fast you can move. Roll this for outrunning or chasing down enemies, making quick flybys (and buzzing the control tower), rushing from place to place, or for reacting really quickly to a surprise or event.

● Defence: Your shields and general defensive ability. Can be used as a last-ditch to stop damage, block with a melee weapon, or stop some projectiles.

Each stat starts at 1 and is capped at 5. You have 9 points to distribute among them.

● Stress: How well you can withstand the strains of combat. Add your Mobility, Wits and Defence scores and multiply them by two to derive this value.
● Hits: Your damage absoption capability, everyone starts with two hits.


Each character has two archetypes: an Ace Style, which determines how they gain Ace Points, and a general character archetype which determines how they relate to other people.. Both archetypes say something about how the character tends to behave. Select one of each that appeals to you.

Ace Styles:

1. Knight: You live for honor and pride. You might have a personal code of honor, or refuse to attack disabled enemies or targets that can't fight back.
2. Soldier: You can read the tide of battle. You're a consummate soldier who knows when you must put mission above all else.
3. Bloodthirsty: You actively seek the death of your enemies. Maybe the Allies killed your parents, maybe the government propaganda machine worked a bit too well, maybe you just like killing people, but you always want to destroy every single enemy you see.
4. Cool: You always keep a cool head, especially in combat. This doesn't mean you're emotionless, just that you're level-headed and your emotions rarely get the better of you.
5. Hotblooded: You burn with passion. You're impulsive, and tend to shoot first and ask questions later, or fly in at full speed with a rebel yell, no matter the odds.
6. Top Gun: You're smooth, skilled, and can turn the tide of battle single-handedly. Allies tend to respect you and enemies tend to fear you. Maybe this has gone to your head, and you're arrogant, or tend to show off, or maybe you're humble about your achievements.
7. Veteran: You were recruited for the program from a young age, and you have considerable experience with RFs and you know all their quirks, which you use to your advantage. You could take your seniority seriously, or perhaps act as a mentor to the others, or just show off your 1337 sk1llz. You start with three Affinities of your choice, but the rate at which you gain Ace Points is halved.

Character Archetypes:

1. Tsundere: You're a bit unsure of your own feelings, and tend to have trouble expressing yourself. This tends to result in treating even people you like rather harshly. Maybe you take time to warm up to other people, or maybe you're just in denial.
2. Bottle Fairy: You're fun-loving, like to party, and if you're old enough, you like to drink, too. You tend to be cheerful and enjoy being around cheerful people. Probably, you'll try to cheer others up. Might be a bit of a prankster or a tease.
3. Heroine: A rather straight-up protagonist type. Earnest, maybe a bit of an idealist. Maybe a bit headstrong, too.
4. Older sister: Whether or not you actually have a younger sibling, you act like you do. Either you're a “big sis” for other members on your team, or you really do have a younger sibling somewhere. If you actually have a relative, they could be anywhere from another PC (if their player agrees), to a civilian living nearby, to dead.
5. Mentor: You tend to like taking other people under your wing. You sort of help and teach others, either by example, or by giving them training.
6. Sexy: You're attractive, and you know it. Whether this means flaunting natural charms, or just acting a certain way is up to you.
7. Bravado: You're boisterous, loud, and boastful. You tend to enjoy yourself and probably get along with anyone else who does the same. You're often informal, possibly to the chagrin of your more military-minded peers.
8. Rookie: You're fresh meat. You probably only joined recently, and may be unsure of yourself. Or, maybe you're full of naive ideals and other such notions your older peers may frown upon.
9. Prankster: You enjoy joking around. Specifically, playing practical jokes on your peers. You're also the sort who'd buzz the control tower.
10. Early Test Subject: (requires Veteran) You were one of the first test pilots in the program, and the early mind-impulse links required some rather drastic modifications that have changed your personality considerably.


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Something between the one on the front page and a non-transforming version of this one

Rüstungsflugzeug (Armed Aircraft) V is the project name of Gründer Industries' 5th Generation Fighter Program, but it is actually a cover for the Rüstungsflugzeug (Aircraft Armour) Program which the PCs are in.

RFs are highly modular powered exoskeletons controlled by mind-impulse links capable of air maneuvers at least equal to modern high performance fighters. How they are capable of this is a closely guarded secret.

The RF is intented to be the future of air combat, and G.I. has several parallel prototype models with slightly differing design concepts. All are capable of air to air and air to ground combat, but some have shown an affinity for specific roles. Characters choose an RF at the start, which can be "upgraded" as the character is more attuned to the RF, and as tweaks are made to improve performance.

RFX-10 (Attacker)

One of the first combat capable RF designed, it has proved to be the most rugged and controllable at low altitudes and speeds, making it ideal for air to ground work.

Starting Affinities:
Air to Ground Specialization II
Defensive Construction I

Wingman Support:
Air to Ground Coordination I - You provide your wingman with a +1 bonus when attacking ground or naval targets

Active Bonus

  • Saturation Bombing- Once per engagement you may engage in an all out air to ground assault. You may attack three ground targets in quick succession as long as they are within a suitable range of each other (use common sense for this). Designate an order of attack and roll a single attack result. The first target must defend against your full result, the second must defend against your full result minus the lowest dice, and the final target must defend against your full result minus the two lowest dice. Failure to hit any target results in Saturation Bombing refreshing.

Wingman Active Bonus

  • Above and Below- Once per engagement you may assist your wingman during their engagement phase in attacking an air based target by providing some close air support of a special kind. Roll a defense check without defense bonuses and add half of the result to your wingman’s attack check rounded down.

Replace medium gun mount with heavy gun mount
Light hardpoints can act as heavy bomb racks

RFX-6B (Electronic Warfare and Control/EWAC)

Originally designed for easy "black box" electronics and avionics replacement, the expanded electronics bays of the RFX-6 variant gives it more room for sensors, jammers and so on.

Starting Affinities:
Adaptable Modifications I
Perseverance I
Defensive Construction I

Wingman Support:
Sky Eye I - You grant your wingman a +1 to all attack checks

Active Bonus

  • Able Steeds- Once per engagement turn you can adjust a single wing’s, be it allied or hostile, standing in the initiative table up or down a single spot. Advanced sensors and a direct link to command allow you to adjust the flight plan on the fly.
  • How it’s Done- Once per engagement you can show everyone how it’s meant to be done on either a defensive or attack check. Convert any and all bonuses currently effecting you into a bonus that will effect the check, this includes any passive bonuses not effecting the check, any wingman bonuses not effecting the check or any extra external additions to the check.

Wingman Active Bonus

  • Digital Battlefield- Once per engagement at the beginning of your engagement turn you may chose to make the combat zone a Digital Battlefield. You feed every allied unit information pertaining to enemy positions and provide leadership of unparalleled skill. For all friendly units' next engagement turn they receive a +3 bonus to all checks, defensive, attack or just general checks.

Has an additional internal utility hardpoint
Has internal long range sensor pod

RFX-25 (Interceptor)

An updated version of the original speed test prototype, this RF has by far the most powerful engines.

Starting Affinities:
Enhanced Thrust II
Air to Air Specialization I

Wingman Support:
Fleet of Wing I - You grant your wingman a +1 to all speed checks

Active Bonus

  • Run Down- Once per engagement you can declare you’re running an air based target down. You chase down the target at maximum speed with the intent of taking them apart, twice if you have to. Make a contested speed roll against the enemy target. If successful you may make a second attack on the target with half your attack dice pool and half your speed check success difference as a bonus.

Wingman Active Bonus

  • Sound Barrier- Once per engagement you can assist your wingman in any defensive check they make when under attack, before or after the roll. You hit your afterburners to maximum power and swoop by the enemy blasting them with a sonic boom. Make a contested mobility check. If successful the enemy attack automatically fails and takes half your defense check worth of stress damage.

Has a pair of additional medium missile racks

RFX-27 (Multirole)

The RFX-27 is a remarkably balanced design, it is highly maneuverable, fast and with a fairly large payload, making it a jack of all trades.

Starting Affinities:
Choose up to three Affinities, level is capped at II
At the start of each mission, you may change one Affinity point

Wingman Support:
Formation Flight I - You grant your wingman a +1 bonus to all checks when they target or are targeted by an enemy you have attacked either this turn or in the previous turn

Active bonus

  • Tide of Battle- Once per engagement you may substitute any of your skill checks with a skill of any choice, even if it just happens to not make sense. Your ability to read the tide of battle has resulted in you seeing the flow of warfare as it is, malleable and fluid that can change with just the right kind of intervention.

Wingman Active Bonus

  • Wings as One- Once per engagement you can assist your wingman during their engagement phase in any means possible. By sticking to your wingman like glue you offer them a second chance in whatever they attempt to do. Roll the exact same check as they do whilst applying bonuses and pick the highest result of the two.

Has an additional pair of light hardpoints

RFX-15E (Strike)

The RFX-15 is monstrous compared to most other RFs, boasting a large payload, long range, and the powerful engines needed to keep it aloft. The E variant has a ground attack focus, and has precious internal space dedicated to targeting pods and terrain following sensors.

Starting Affinities:
Adaptable Modifications I
Air to Ground Specialization I
Air to Air Specialization I

Wingman Support:
Adaptive Communications I - You grant your wingman a +1 bonus to all defensive checks

Active Bonus

  • Precision Strike- Once per engagement during a successful attack on an air, ground or sea based target you may choose to activate Precision Strike. Your attack was so squarely on the money you’ve done more damage than you realized. Add the number of your wits dice (not a check) and any applicable wits bonuses to the stress damage caused.

Wingman Active Bonus

  • Strike Hard and Fast- Once per engagement you may assist your wingman during their engagement phase in attacking any target by providing an almost random, yet precise and well thought out flurry of maneuvers or attacks. Make a wits check without any wits bonuses; add your highest single dice result or the highest straight (Two 6’s or 3 5’s etc) to their attack check.

Has internal LANTIRN navigation and targeting pods.
Has a pair of additional medium hardpoints

RFX-31 (Superiority)

The latest and most expensive design, the RFX-31 is made to out-fly anything else in the sky before shooting it down.

Starting Affinities:
Air to Air Focus I
Thrust Vectoring I
Stealth I

Wingman Support:
Daredevil Tactics I - You grant your wingman a +1 to all mobility checks

Active Bonus

  • All or Nothing- Once per engagement you can declare you are going for All or Nothing. You’re unleashing everything you have in a quick orgy of destruction in hopes of gunning down as many aircraft as possible. Make a wits check, for every 4, 5 or 6 result add a dice to you attack dice pool. You may focus or split this pool amongst targets. If you fail to get any 4, 5 or 6 results All or Nothing refreshes.

Wingman Active Bonus

  • Protective Joust- Once per engagement you can assist your wingman in any defensive check they make when under attack, before or after the roll. You dive into a position in front of your wingman, passing by him. Make a contested attack check against the enemy’s attack check. Reduce the enemy’s result by your result. If your result happens to be greater than the enemy’s you cause half the successful difference in result in stress damage. If his result is greater you take half the failed difference in result in stress damage.

Light hardpoints count as heavy missile racks for the purposes of carrying Air to Air missiles only

RFX-4G (Wild Weasel)

A modification of an early design, the RFX-4 is tough and maneuverable at the cost of a small payload. The G variant includes a sophisticated electronic warfare suite.

Starting Affinities
Thrust Vectoring I
Adaptive Modifications I
Perseverance I

Wingman Support:
Encouraging Presence I - If your wingman is at full stress, they gain a +2 bonus to all checks

Active Bonus

Full Lock- Once per engagement you can choose to Full Lock two or one air, land or sea based targets. Utilizing all the data you gained from enemy attacks you’ve pinpointed exactly where you need to strike for maximum effect. Pick a second attribute other than Attack. Make an attack check and your second attribute check as two separate attacks adding whatever bonuses may apply.

Wingman Active Bonus

  • Trash the Shot- Once per engagement you can assist your wingman if he has been successfully hit by any attack. By forcing yourself in the way of the shot for a few moments, you protect your ally from harm whilst ruining the enemy’s perfect shot. Your wingman gains the successful effects of Perseverance III and the enemy suffers the half of the stress damage that was reduced.

Has internal Jamming pod
Has additional utility hardpoint


In this section is a small list of bonuses ranging from Rank I to Rank III. Multi-role fighters or characters are suggested to look through the list and picked whatever bonuses they like the look of.

All Ranks are expected to hit up to level V as work continues onwards to reward players with a form of advancement for continuous gaming and breast groping in hot springs.

Affinities stack with any wingman supports that are affecting you or any other effects that are affecting you unless otherwise stated in Active Bonus effects.

Adaptable Modifications:

Adaptable Modifications provides a base bonus to all Wits checks. Adaptable Modifications is represented in the form of variable wings like those seen on the F-14 Tomcat, electronic equip with adjustable outputs and inputs, a somewhat transformable airframe or in the case of characters the ability to keep their eye on the wider picture, keep track of all objectives or just a general overdose on coffee.

Rank I- +1 Bonus to all Wits checks.
Rank II- +2 Bonus to all Wits checks
Rank III- +3 Bonus to all Wits checks.

Air to Air Specialization:

Air to Air Specialization provides a base bonus to all Attack checks associated to any air based target, be they planes, flying castles or dragons and shit. Air to Air Specialization takes the form of improved missile payloads, advanced locking and tracking systems, custom weaponry or in the case of characters themselves just a preferred preference or training towards taking down enemy aircraft.

Rank I- +1 Bonus to all Attack checks designated on air based targets.
Rank II- +2 Bonus to all Attack checks designated on air based targets.
Rank III- +3 Bonus to all Attack checks designated on air based targets.

Air to Ground Specialization:

Air to Ground Specialization provides a base bonus to all Attack checks associated to any ground or seas based targets, be they tanks, not so flying castles or scuba diving T-Rexes and shit. Air to Ground Specialization takes the form of additional cluster bombs equipped to the air frame, anti ship missiles, bunker busters or in the case of characters themselves the ability to discern where to drop their bombs with the most effect or training towards attacking targets on the ground.

Rank I- +1 Bonus to all Attack checks designated on land or sea based targets.
Rank II- +2 Bonus to all Attack checks designated on land or sea based targets.
Rank III- +3 Bonus to all Attack checks designated on land or sea based targets.

Defensive Construction:

Defensive Construction provides a base bonus to all Defense checks. Defensive Construction takes the form of hand held shields characters carry into battle with them, additional armor plating in vital areas (obviously not over cleavage), a heavier airframe than usual or in the case of characters themselves sheer tenacity, the ability to roll with explosions to lessen impact damage or lyrical magical bullshit.

Rank I- +1 Bonus to all Defense checks.
Rank II- +2 Bonus to all Defense checks.
Rank III- +3 Bonus to all Defense checks.

Enhanced Thrust:

Enhanced Thrust provides a base bonus to all Speed checks. Enhanced Thrust is represented by engines that have been souped up to provide an incredible max speed, a high rate of climb, airframe designs that have almost no air resistance or in the case of characters a pilot that’s capable of judging air currents to their advantage, utilize gravitational pull to gain a few extra seconds or the ability to realize when to get the hell out of hairy situation.

Rank I- +1 to all Speed checks.
Rank II- +2 to all Speed checks.
Rank III- +3 to all Speed checks.


Perseverance provides a form of damage soak that activates when certain conditions are met. Perseverance is more a state of mind than something that can be represented physically but it can be done so in the form of mechanical construction that makes the aircraft itself capable of flight in even the worst of conditions. Character wise it can easily be represented by the hotblooded pilot who pushes his unit far beyond the norm to the chagrin of mechanics or even crazier lyrical magical bullshit.

Rank I- Reduce stress damage by half on a D6 roll of 6. Always round up.
Rank II- Reduce stress damage by half on a D6 roll of 6 or 5. Always round up.
Rank III- Reduce stress damage by half on a D6 roll of 6 or 5. If damage expends a Hit on a D6 roll of 6 you remain at 1 stress and do not lose the Hit.

Stealth Technology:

Stealth Technology provides a variety of bonuses as rank progresses. Stealth technology can be represented in a vast number of ways, most commonly at can simply be airframe design that gives off almost no signal on radar, to actual light camouflage, anti-missile chaff or in the case of characters the ability to remain almost incognito in the sky using cloud banks as cover or to remain in a heightened state of radio silence without yammering away.

Rank I- +1 to all Mobility checks associated with defense.
Rank II- +1 to all Mobility checks associated with defense, +1 to Wits checks associated with initiative.
Rank III- +1 to all Mobility checks associated with defense, +1 to Wits checks associated with initiative, +1 to Speed checks associated with interception.

Thrust Vectoring:

Thrust Vectoring provides a base bonus to all Mobility checks. Thrust Vectoring is represented by…well…Thrust Vectoring. It can also be represented by an unstable airframe that twists and turns just by flying, a light construction that is quick and nimble or in the case of characters a daredevil pilot that loves to conduct high-g turns, a vast expanse of knowledge with maneuvers or sheer willing and shouting at the plane to turn.

Rank I- +1 to all Mobility checks.
Rank II- +2 to all Mobility checks.
Rank III- +3 to all Mobility checks.

Equipment and Weapons

All RFs have two heavy hardpoints, two light hardpoints and one medium internal gun mount, modified as necessary according to the type of RF. Loadouts are fixed by the GM for the first few sorties, but characters will be able to pick their own loadouts in following sorties. You can put a smaller weapon in a larger hardpoint, but you don't get any bonuses for doing so. Also, RFs get a -1 mobility penalty for every 3 Heavy weapons they carry.


Typically rapid fire cannon, guns are highly versatile weapons capable of effectively attacking air and ground targets. Due to their direct fire capability, their hit bonus is equal to half of your mobility score, rounded down. They can be fired in a "spray and pray" fashion, granting a +2 bonus to hit at the cost of absorbing two rounds of ammo. They all can only be fired at short range.

Internal Guns

M61A2 Vulcan
Size: Medium
Stats: +1 to Damage
Ammo: 10 rounds

GAU-8 Avenger
Size: Heavy
Stats: +3 to Damage
Ammo: 10 rounds

Size: Medium
Stats: +2 to Damage, +1 to hit, cannot "spray and pray"
Ammo: 5 rounds

Size: Heavy
Stats: +4 to Damage, +1 to hit, cannot "spray and pray"
Ammo: 5 rounds

External Gunpods

External Gunpods take up hardpoint space instead.

GAU-12 Equalizer
Size: Light
Stats: +2 to Damage
Ammo: 10 Rounds

Size: Light
Stats: +3 to Damage, +1 to hit, cannot "spray and pray"
Ammo: 5 rounds


Air to Air

Unlike guns, Air to Air missiles can be dodged, with a Mobility vs Attack roll, though it usually involves the target breaking off. Ammo is quite limited, and most have some sort of range restriction as well. They obviously can only be used against air targets.

Semi-Active Radar Homer (SARH)
Size: Medium
Stats: +4 Damage, +6 to hit, medium range only
Ammo: 1 per Medium Hardpoint, 2 per Heavy Hardpoint
Special: Firer declares launch of missile but does not resolve the attack until after all other flights have completed their actions. The missile automatically misses if during the turn: 1) The firer makes a mobility check, or 2) If the firer makes a defence check, it fails a wits check to maintain the lock

Medium Range Active Radar Homer (XMAA)
Size: Medium
Stats: +4 Damage, +3 to hit at medium range, +1 to hit at short range
Ammo: 1 per Medium Hardpoint, 2 per Heavy Hardpoint
Special: Fire and forget: At medium range only, you may split your attack dice to engage more than one target.

Long Range Active Radar Homer (XLAA)
Size: Heavy
Stats: +5 Damage, +3 to hit, Medium and Long range only
Ammo: 2 per Heavy hardpoint

Advanced Air to Air Missile

Air to Ground

Heatseeking Air to Ground Missile (XAGM)
Size: Medium
Stats: +5 Damage, +3 to hit at Short Range, +1 at Medium Range
Ammo: 1 per Medium Hardpoint, 2 per Heavy Hardpoint
Special: Fire and forget: You may split your attack dice to engage more than one target by launching more than one missile. If you do so, every missile is at +4 to hit regardless of range.

Long Range Air to Ground Missile (LAGM)
Size: Heavy
Stats: +8 Damage, +3 to hit at Medium Range, +0 at Long Range
Ammo: 1 per Heavy Hardpoint
Special: Interceptable by active enemy SAMs, Attack vs Attack roll. Sea-skimmer: +3 to hit at Medium - Long Range against Naval targets

Anti-Radiation Missile (HARM)
Size: Medium
Stats: Destroys radar on a hit. +3 to hit at Medium and Short Range
Ammo: 1 per Medium Hardpoint, 2 per Heavy Hardpoint
Special: Can only be fired at emitting radars

Standoff Dispenser (JSOW)
Size: Heavy
Stats: +3 Damage, +3 to hit at all ranges
Ammo: 1 per Heavy Hardpoint
Special: Can use the Carpet Bomb special rule, range determined by altitude


Multirole missiles can count as either Air to Air or Air to Ground missiles for the purposes of loadout limits.

Joint Strike Missile (MSL)
Size: Light
Stats: +3 Damage, +3 to hit, Short Range only
Ammo: 2 per Light Hardpoint, Heavy hardpoints can carry 2 + 1 Medium Missile
Special: Can attack Air or Ground targets

Dogfighting Missile (AMSL)
Size: Light
Stats: +3 Damage, +6 to hit, Short Range only
Ammo: 2 per Light Hardpoint, Heavy hardpoints can carry 2 + 1 Medium Missile
Special: Can attack Air or Ground targets


Iron Bombs

Unguided "Dumb" bombs, cheap and plentiful. Accuracy can be adversely affected by altitude.
Carpet Bombing - Additional bombs can be dropped to increase damage and improve hit chance at the rate of half of the damage bonus (rounded down, minimum of 1) per additional bomb dropped. This will also cause an area effect if targets are in close proximity to each other.

500lb Iron Bomb (UBG)
Size: Light
Stats: +3 Damage, Short Range only
Ammo: 3 per Light Hardpoint

1000lb Iron Bomb (UBGL)
Size: Heavy
Stats: +7 Damage, Short Range only
Ammo: 1 per Light Hardpoint, 3 per Heavy Hardpoint

2000lb Iron Bomb (UBGH)
Size: Heavy
Stats: +11 Damage, Short Range only
Ammo: 1 per Heavy Hardpoint
Special: Counts as two Heavy weapons

Cluster Bomb (CBU)
Size: Light
Stats: +0 Damage, +3 to Hit, Short Range only
Ammo: 3 per Light Hardpoint

Anti-tank Cluster Bomb (CBUL)
Size: Heavy
Stats: +3 Damage, +3 to Hit, Short Range only
Ammo: 1 per Light Hardpoint, 3 per Heavy Hardpoint

Fuel-Air Bomb
Size: Heavy
Stats: +15 Damage, -3 to Hit, Short Range only
Ammo: 1 per Heavy Hardpoint

Smart Bombs

Laser Guidance Upgrade
Upgrade kit to UGBL and UGBH
Can use targeting data from laser designator. Accuracy penalty from altitude negated, bomb range can be increased to Medium by performing a lob-toss maneuver or dropping from a higher altitude.

Size: Heavy
Specialized runway denial munition. Short Range, low altitude only.
Ammo: 3 per Heavy Hardpoint

Bunker Buster
Size: Heavy
Specialized anti-hardened structure munition. Laser guided, follows all laser guided munition rules.
Ammo: 1 per Heavy Hardpoint, counts as 2 heavy weapons for weight purposes.

Equipment Pods

All Equipment Pods take up one Light hardpoint.

Jammer Pod
Opposed Wits +3 check at Medium or longer range to degrade target enemy wing/SAM battery's Attack rolls by the Measure of Success. You may split your Wits dice to jam more than one target.
If not internal, counts as two Heavy weapons for the purposes of weight penalties

Defence Pod
Grants a bonus level of Defensive Construction and Perseverance for five Defense and/or Perseverance rolls

Long Range Sensor Pod
Grants a +5 bonus to Wits checks for the purposes of active detection. User suffers a -3 penalty to defence checks. If not internal, counts as one Heavy weapon for purposes of weight penalties

Navigation Pod
Grants a +5 bonus to Nap of the Earth flying rolls. This bonus is conferred to one wingman as well.

Targeting Pod
Short/Medium range only. Grants a +3 bonus to Wits checks for the purposes of passive detection. Has laser designator. It works in a similar fashion to the SARH. No attack roll is made when the laser guided munition is launched. The designator makes a Wits +3 check to designate the target. If successful, and if the designator does not make a mobility check, nor makes a defence check and fails the subsequent Wits check (as with the SARH) by the end of the turn, then the attack roll is made at the end of the turn with a bonus equal to that of the designation check.
If not internal, counts as one Heavy weapon for purposes of weight penalties