Infantry Construction Suggestion

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Battletech has (surprisingly) a simple and quick system for building infantry units that worked fairly well in my experience, so I suggest using a variant of it for Sphere 2 infantry building.

Step 1: Choose Fireteam/Squad Size

There could be a few choices to how you want to split your soldiers and how they want to be arranged. Larger fireteams and squads are obviously harder to move around and less tactically flexible (lower initiative?) but have more firepower and can take more casualties.

Presumably anyone who has more than one or two fireteam and squad sizes would get slapped.

Step 2: Choose Weapons

Choose a primary weapon for all your dudes. That's the gun most of them have. In general these should be rifles (although maybe high Physical transgenes can go around carrying M60s as their standard gun).

Then choose a support weapon or two. Man-portable MPGs, grenade launchers, machine guns, PIGs, chemical weapons, SAMs, anti-tank rockets, whatever. The heavier support weapons presumably would give you an idea of what your infantry are meant to engage.

Step 3: Choose Mobility

Leg infantry (they walk), jump infantry (if we have infantry jetpacks), mechanized infantry (they have Humvees or little hover-skimmers attached), etc. Mobility would presumably affect movement speed and how they get affected by terrain, as well as cost.

Step 4: Choose Armor

Because unless you're Rambo, being shirtless in combat is rarely a good idea for prolonged survival.

Step 5: Special Abilities

Give your infantry optical camo, or combat engineer tools, or ECM, or let them blend into the population, or whatever. Presumably infantry "expansions" (if they exist) would allow you to get more special abilities for infantry rather than working as craft expansions.