Alicia Winters

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Genre: hard work girl
Alignment: Lawful Evil


Alicia is the daughter of a House Winters, a prominent magical bloodline. She's come to the Clock Tower to study, and to study hard. Indeed studying is what she does most. She accepts no suitors as they might get away of her grades. Study and magic seem to be what she loves most. She's still rather popular however, due to her good looks personable manner and cash.


Rich (4CP)
Magical Bloodline (4 CP)

3 XP remaining


Physical: 2 (3)
Endurance: 2 (3)
Intelligence: 4 (10)
Integrity: 3 (6)
Charisma: 4 (10)
Perception: 2 (3)

Will power

1 (free)


Magic Circuit: 3 (24)


Energy Control: 1 (3)
Augmentation: 1 (3)
Necromancy: 1 (3)
Puppetry: 3 (18)
Warding: 1 (3)
Mentalism: 1 (3)
Elementalism: 0