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Revision as of 21:51, 24 September 2010 by Bossmuff (talk | contribs) (→‎Lame Stuff)
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Concept: Combat Gynoid/Tactical Analyist/Bitch
Height: 6 feet
Build: Rider
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Amethyst
Feet: Robot Hover-Stilettos

History: Uruk Station was discovered in a system long-thought lost by stellar phenomena, by a single bounty hunter pursuing her prey. Far out on the fringes, the station was found adrift the system's asteroid belt, abandoned and moderately damages. The computers worked, but told little but the station's name and some smatterings of research notes regarding weapons development and an attempt at a Netsphere download. It appeared that most of the data had been wiped; there were signs of asteroid collisions and fighting. After a thorough search, she finally found something; a stasis pod, still active on its own power, in a laboratory. Her presence opened the chamber, revealing a woman lying in repose; and in a flurry of activity, she awoke. Her eyes glowed, and she fixed on on the bounty-hunter. "Establishing Imprint" was all she said, and the circuit-like veins through her neck and shoulders streamed with light, before dying down.

Here next word was even more terse.


Description: STE-1A ("Stella" if you wish") is currently the bounty hunter's assistant and critic. Unable to stop her imprinting protocol upon activation, she is compelled to follow and help her unwelcome master. She was designed as a combat unit and analyst, and serves that function aboard the hunter's ship.

Stella has several internal weapons systems, and evidence from the station suggests that she has a Netsphere artifact integrated into her body as well. She refuses requests to scan her.

She is tight-lipped about her origins; she says the station suffered disaster, but claims to have been in stasis through most of it. She simply doesn't talk about her life before being found.

Cool Stuff

Combat Gynoid - STE-1A isn't human - she's a military-grade machine built in a lab. Her heart is metal, her brain is digital, and her feet are insensible. She kicks ass with those feet. Also has some other gynoid systems like hoverfeet and interfaces.

Weapons Array - STE-1A has a neat array of internal weapons, from blades and claws to arm-mounted guns that fold out. Most notable of these are a six-pack of powered robotic tentacles, which also mount or hold guns and clawed fingers.

Blur-speed - She's here. Then she's there. Then she's on top of you and the sword in in your eye.

Super-Netsphere Access - has Bullshitium hacking ability regarding Netsphere stuff and some regular computers.

SL Transfer Unit - For the big guns.

Lame Stuff

Auction-house Rock: STE-1A is worth a ton on the Black Market. Or to the Federation military. Or to that rich guy with the robot-fetish. Somebody might know this.

Messed-up Programming: She's got a tsundere bounty hunter locked as her Master. This basically means that she cannot allow her master to die, either from inaction or the actions of others, and she cannot leave her master for long without seeking him/her out (unless following an order). She can disobey orders at her own discretion, with no penalty, though following orders gives her leeway as to time away from the master. This leads to all sorts of problems. There might be other crap in there that triggers when certain situations arise (due to her lost secret origin v.1.3)

Mal Girl

The girl with the mech?!

Nadia Gray

Player: FBH
Badass Special Ops Bounty Hunter
Height:2 Meters Tall
Hair: Black
Build: Ent

Bio: Nadia is a famous bounty hunter, a woman of few words and a jerk

Cool Stuff
Awesome Lone Wolf Bounty Hunter Skills
Prototype Power Armour
SL Transfer Unit
Knows far more than she's telling

Lame Stuff
Moody Loner Tsundere

Finn Zeventy

Player: Shrike


  • Power: 2 (3)
  • Speed: 2 (3)
  • Wits: 3 (6)
  • Education: 3 (6)
  • Charisma: 4 (10)
  • Manipulation: 5 (15)


  • Computer: 1 (1)
  • Conspiracy: 0
  • Etiquette: 2 (3)
  • Firearms: 2 (3)
  • Knowledge: Loot 1 (1)
  • Mechanic: 2 (3)
  • Melee: 1 (1)
  • Netsphere: 1 (1)
  • Pilot: 3 (6)
  • Stealth: 2 (3)
  • Streetwise: 4 (10)

Bio: The guy with the cool ship. Probably not very Han Solo, but it seems to have ended up that way. Drat!

Althea Hendrickson

Player: Ent(FBH was bugging me again!)
Concept: Action Information Broker
Height: 2 meters

Cool Stuff:
Sam Fisher skills stuff
Information gathering skills
Combat and Surveillance gear

Arawn Faeris

Player: Duneczan
Well-meaning swordsman
Height: 6'3"
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue

Bio: Soldier. Scholar. Carries a sword and grins weirdly.

Cool Stuff
Sword Badassery
Medic! (field surgeon ftw)
Deep Thinker


  • Cybernetics in the equipment section. This is pertinent to my character (as robotic implants), but may also be cool for other people as well. It might be good to specify which augmentations are considered 'exhuman', and which are not, just for the sake of fluff. --Bossmuff 19:58, 21 September 2010 (UTC)

Peelsaga Lite Character Creation

Fuck this noise.

You are a dude. Or a chick. You are assumed to have some armour cloth casuals or a personal forcefield, a pistol, some cash, and basic competencies and possessions. Beyond this you may define three cool things your character owns/can do. If you want more than three cool things you must define a lame thing for each cool thing. You may only have two lame things before you enter the Allen Zone and become unplayable.

If you want to do something, roll a d10. 1 is lousy, 2-5 is bad, 6-9 is good, 10 is great. Just what that means depends on your skills and the situation.

If you fuck up you may use a save state and reroll. You may do this up to three times before the people watching the LP catch wind and stop.

Characters should be independent or beholden to one of the PCs, but also capable of working in a group.

NB: Mecha, power armour, combat gynoids and so on still aren't allowed to have sensible feet without spending on it.