Notable Incidents in Mage

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General Mage and OOC

[00:17] <@Shrike> MJ's getting blood in his nanite streams again
[00:19] <@Cara_Stang> I'm not taking him to the cyborg vet again
[00:19] * @Cara_Stang gets a shotgun
[00:19] <@Cara_Stang> Can't afford the twenty bucks
[00:20] * @MJ12 rips out Cara's throat at the behest of his Iteration X masters :(
[00:20] <@MJ12> *yip yip*
[00:20] <@Cara_Stang> :(
[00:20] <@Shrike> progenitor
[00:20] <@MJ12> I'm a cyborg attack dog!
[00:20] <@MJ12> I work two jobs :(
[00:20] <@MJ12> it's a hard life

<Koffee> Just because Mari likes Cara's pancakes, thinks about Cara alot, and when the train pulled away from the railroad station stared wistfully out of the window while dramatic music played, doesn't mean she has True Love: Cara >:('

<IxJac> So, where's Robert Nishida this morning?
(in PM)
<Andronicus> Giving a Spartan massage to Garner
<Andronicus> Say it. SAY IT.

[After being unwillingly possessed by a Yuki-Onna]
[19:50] <@Tsurara> "This is her body which she gifted to me. But we do not have long to destroy the plans of Lord Mikhaboshi."
[19:50] <@IXJac> Kana senses absolutely NOTHING evil about this spirit
[19:50] <@Westin> (Liz gives up her body to anyone who asks, she's a dirty slut)
[19:50] <Andronicus> (you sound jealous)

Original Series

<IXJac> You have some vampire blood on your sword
<Kanako> it's covered in teflon remember? ;p
<IXJac> Drip drip drip
<Ralson> (No, keep it)
<Ralson> (it's useful)
<Kanako> (fuck no)
<Ralson> (It's full of essence!)
<Kanako> (are you serious?)
<IXJac> (yes)
<Kanako> !

<@MReynolds> "The closest I got to getting laid last night was kicking another guy in the crotch." >:(
<@Cara_Stang> "I didn't know you liked men in that way."

<@MReynolds> Cara's a Trad brat :p
<@Tia-> :P
<@Cara_Stang> Yeah. She is. She's been in the Quaesitor's for... wel forever more or less, so
<@MReynolds> back in the day, when she was young
<@MReynolds> the older mages gave her candy to spy on the young 'uns
<@MReynolds> :p
<@Tia-> lol

<IXJac> Anyway, the conversation drifts off into other topics. Both of you roll Manipulation+Expression
<John_Nightingale> d1
<IXBot> John_Nightingale : ( 7 )
<Tia-> d1
<IXBot> Tia- : ( 8 )

<IxJac> You just went through airport security, so is anyone really gonna beleive you coincidentally had a gun on you?
<John_Nightingale> I'm claerly a terrorist
<John_Nightingale> don't you know, dem eeeebil terrists can sneak anything anywhere!
<IxJac> You'd need to be wearing an arab headdress for that to work. ;)

<IXJac> OK, three attacks?
<Kana-> yup
<Kana-> d5
<IXBot> Kana- : ( 10 8 4 10 2 )
<Kana-> d2
<IXBot> Kana- : ( 9 6 )
<IXJac> Roll to hit the next?
<Kana-> no rolling damage?
<IXJac> Lets do the to hit rolls
<Kana-> okay next...
<Kana-> d4
<IXBot> Kana- : ( 10 6 10 5 )
<Kana-> d2
<IXBot> Kana- : ( 10 3 )
<Kana-> d1
<IXBot> Kana- : ( 10 )
<Kana-> d1
<IXBot> Kana- : ( 10 )
<Kana-> omg.
<Kana-> d1
<IXBot> Kana- : ( 10 )
<Kana-> ...
<Kana-> d1
<IXBot> Kana- : ( 8 )
<Vali> Wow.
<IXJac> OK, Kana kills the FUCK out of all three, slashslashslash
<beta-chan> Off with his head.

<IXJac> The reinforcements are standing there, shaking their radios as music blares, when suddenly, as if from nowhere. . .
<IXJac> Ral, you are racing forward in a fury

  • Vali crashes out a window and lands in their midst!
  • Vali crashes out a window, lands, and THEN gets in amidst them!

<IXJac> Well, the only window is the van they're beside, so Vali crashes through that

<Mari> Dex+dodge?
<IXJac> Dex+Athletics
<IXJac> He's bringing the whole place down

<IXJac> You blast a hole in Sieg's chest, and he collapses! Cathy(other) let's out a shriek as he falls
<Cara_Stang> (Awesome)
<Cara_Stang> "Good shooting Cathy!"
<IXJac> d3
<IXBot> IXJac : ( 1 8 7 )
<IXJac> "Showed that nasty delinquent what's what, what?" Says the constable fiercely
<Catherine> "Indeed!"

<IXJac> Cathy takes 3 points of damage! You've been demon jizzed. It's burning up her clothes

<MJ12> Well Norse, yes, I am fully aware that shooting a mage in the head multiple times before they can cast their spell is an effective countermagic method

  • Cara answers the phone, frowning. "Where were you? I called."

<Proteus> "Acquiring phenomenal cosmic power."

<Westin> you're a MAGE
<Westin> this is called MAGE: THE ASCENSION


<IXJac> Kano flings his improvised spear at the boomer
<IXJac> d10
<IXBot> IXJac : ( 8 7 2 6 10 7 3 2 7 10 )
<IXJac> d2
<IXBot> IXJac : ( 9 1 )
<Shu> (good god)
<Kana> This is going on events
<IXJac> d12
<IXBot> IXJac : ( 3 6 7 7 8 7 5 8 4 3 9 6 )
<IXJac> d8
<IXBot> IXJac : ( 10 7 1 3 2 1 10 3 )
<IXJac> The pole smashes into its eye and penetrates, and Kano leaps aside and tumbles into the water

  • Catherine feels remarkably exposed, tries to sense if there are any spirits around, since they often congreate at gambling houses.

<Andronicus> (Norse the only spirits here are the kind in bottles. :p)

<IxJac> OK, Mari gets. . . 8 successes
<IxJac> OK, if mari was down any WP, she regains it as she lectures MJ until his minutes run out on onyx
<Mari_chan> (and Cara laughed when Mari ordered that copy of Onyx quarterly)

<IxJac> Although you do see that he's trying to put the moves on you. Clumsily. That's a red tinge of lust there
<Cara> "... take you up on that. It gets rather... lonely staying in a hotel."
<IxJac> And it HAS been a while since you fed. . .
<Cara> Cara's a good girl. He'll make the first move! And when if fails she stops pretending. >:(
<IxJac> Sexual intimacy breaks down mental barriers, particularly in the untrained. . . if you can figure out how to get a sword into the sack. . .
<Cara> Cara's not the cool dominatrix type for anything.
<IxJac> Roll Appearance+Intimidation!
<Cara> Cara lets him hit on her and encourages him!
<Cara> d6
<IxBot> Cara : ( 5 10 10 10 3 6 )
<Cara> Oh god
<IxJac> Hahahaha
<IxJac> "Mistress Stang! Whip me! beat me! Penetrate me with your sword!"

Westin: so what's my effective dex for the duration of the flaw?
IXJac: -2 to all physical stats
Westin: d6
IXBot: Westin : ( 7 7 6 2 3 7 )
IXJac: And half speed besides. *shuffle shuffle*

      • Westin shuffles like a geriatric spy past the guard

IXJac: Old man ninja

<Cara> Derek knows the Cultists personally
<IxJac> Good guys. First thing they did when he joined the Cabal was get him totally stoned and have a threesome.
<IxJac> Cultists, y'know? Couldn't convince the Chorister though

<IXJac> OK, are you just blowing EVERYTHING up?
<Mari_chan> yes
<Mari_chan> everything

<@IXJac> "And to reach that Utopia," Siegen says, face alive with missionary zeal. "All this must be swept away, using the fire that first split the timelines!" And then a light brighter than any sun descends on the city, throwing all into stark relief, then wiping away even the shadows.
<@IXJac> He turns back to Maria. "You could be a uniquely useful asset - a woman from before the Timelines split, and one who I think undertands this great work. Yes a great asset. Will you join me?"
<@IXJac> And Cathy realizes what he is. This man is mad, and you are trapped in his madness. He is a Marauder.
<@IXJac> "Will you join me?" he says again. "Come fight for Utopia with the Zolian Alliance?"
<@IXJac> He holds out a hand, then frowns. His hypnotic speech halting. ". . . Did you know there's a badger stuck to your face?"

<@IXJac> "Now, we must continue where we left off." He raises a hand, and horrible clawed talons grow from his fingers.
<@IXJac> "No screaming?" he frowns. "I'm sure the lovely nurse down the hall would love to play too."
<@Proteus> "I'm not convinced of that"
<@Proteus> "Raven feathers are rather out of style"
<@IXJac> "You are no fun *at all*. Come on, just one scream. Or I start on you first."
<@Proteus> "Why don't you start on the power troops that the technocrats are sending here just for you?"
<@IXJac> "Hahaha," he cackles. "A fine jest, but there will be no-" The door crashes inward, and a sleek suit of armour stands backlit in the bright hallway lights, gaunlet levelled.

<@IXJac> Looks into the face of herself in a past life. Herself who is drawing a sword from out of the jacket she has tied to her back, as her partner - a younger Takezo Kanshin - does the same.
<@IXJac> "Die, Technocrat." They don't look like they're sitting down.

GENOVA: Hacker Elite

<Beta-chan> This is the day half the chantry couldn't figure out any of the puzzles and therefore decided to crash through the door with a Soviet armoured train

<IxJac> The Betas grin evilly, press the Phase II button, and extra gatling barrels pop up.
<IxJac> Bullets break open in an endless shower of smaller bullets, and THEY break open into tiny spirals of MIRVs themselves, and the platform is COVERED in explosions.
<IxJac> A concentric wave of blasts doing 21 points of damage radiates out from the Lenintrain

<@Beta-chan> Early warning lights come on, then a combination of Corr and-
<@Beta-chan> I'm TOO MOE TO DIE

<IxJac> You're racing for the exit now, bursing from the smoke and fire, trailing flames
<IxJac> The spider crashes into a tower stack in Zone 2 and explodes, another Beta flickers out
<IxJac> Laser light locks onto your train, he swings up a MASSIVE cannon as big as he is, it's tip glowing with charge
<IxJac> <Line ends here, Proteus.> Says Apthalon. And he fires, with Mari levels of built up successes
<IxJac> The massive beam fires, as wide as the train, pushing Apthalon back several meters, even braced as he is, his feet tearing up the magnetic rails
<IxJac> The bolt smashes into the train dealing 12 successes of forces damage, for potentially 36 damage. Armour melts away, peeling back, And Ione steps forward, a bubble of force around her, scoring 6 sux on Countermagic
<IxJac> The whole front of the train is blown away, just molten edges, as you race for Apthalon, the air whipping past you. He discards the plasma cannon, and charges.

Chicago Suicide Mission

<IXJac> You guys can MAKE as many (molotov cocktails) as you like
<IXJac> Depends on how many you want to carry though
<Westin> I'm not carrying one
<Cara> Why not?
<IXJac> Because he doesn't want to go up in flames when he gets hit by a laser bear. ;)

<IXJac> You blow his head off, the body crashes back.
<IXJac> The second guard, blows a WP, and lunges furward and slaps the button
<IXJac> Primium bars shoot up from the floor, linking to the ceiling all around the entrance cage, and the security booth shutters slam shut
<IXJac> A panel in the ceiling snaps open, and a chaingun swings out
<IXJac> Alessio?

      • Alessio swings out his special gift for the technos, an M72 LAW. "Go to HELL!"

<IXJac> The rocket slams into the security shutters, blowing them open, and showering everyone with plaster

<IXJac> "OMG, OMG, they did something to Kevin." A woman screams. You can hear the man you attacked gagging with a death rattle
<IXJac> "It's like, some sort of gas!"
<Cara> Ars Mentis. 'Believe me.' "Goddamnit! You shoot at me BEFORE I could tell you we're evactuating the level! Gas HAS been released and it's effected the guys in the booth."
<IXJac> OK, Cara spins an illusion. "Alright! We're going!"
<Cara> "Great!"
<IXJac> Three people get up from the cubicles, "Take care of Kevin!" Says the woman to a hallucinary hazmat suit, and they run past Cara for the exit elevator
<IXJac> They pile in. Zavaros looks at you, then them as they run past, then as they pile into the elevator he glows with a faint burning aura, braces, and HADOKEN!
<IXJac> His punch smashes them hard into the wall, stunning them. he moves up, snags one of their pistols and methodically shoots each in the head, before tossing the pistol back on one of the mens bodies.

<Cara> "This isn't you. Let Noethung show you the true way, Adept Caldwell."
<Cara> WP. Cara's going to reach into Mari's mind and with a iron fist rip away the falseness, as the searing light of Sol strips the shadows from sight, leaving only the truth.
<IXJac> "NO! This is MY subject!"
(10:43:19 PM) Cara: "She belongs to the ORDER OF HERMES, CUR!"
<IXJac> OK, Cara, you batter into another mind, but throw his control back
(10:43:36 PM) Cara: Can I ATTACK that mind?
<IXJac> "And you are in MY Construct, Deviant. I'll make you pay!"
<IXJac> Well, so long as he keeps hanging out being snide, yes
(10:46:18 PM) ***Cara has Noethung out and without pausing from her earier mothing jabs it TOWARDS the source of her enemy, cutting across the false perception of distance into the pathetic light of her enemy's mind.
<IXJac> Security Supervisor Noetelli botches.
<IXJac> OK, Cara. Your sword strikes back down the link, through the construct, and into the mind of Security Supervisor Angelo Notelli
<IXJac> And you're in
<IXJac> Anyway, Angelo is sitting at his desk co-ordinating the security response.
<Westin> (start *de*-coordinating the security response)

<Noetelli> Noetelli's going to tell AT-620 that the RD's have suffered a paradox backlash and are attempting to escape. Go up and get to the exit elevator ASAP and take care of them.
<IXJac> OK, AT-620 recently lost two MiBs, 623 'Eric' and 623 'Frank'. So they have a couple of new recruits. It makes sense to send them in first to get blooded. Notelli nods. It makes sense to him.
<IXJac> "AT-620, get your asses in gear!"
<IXJac> OK, the MiB's all pile into the elevator.
<IXJac> They're on the way up. . .
<Westin> "Genjo! Go over there on the side of the elevator, kill anyone who manages to survive!"
<Westin> "Alessio, with me! You rocket the thing, I spray the survivors."
<Westin> Westin's going to dump the entire X-6 magazine into the elevator as a spray
<Westin> "Ares! GOD OF BLOODSHED AND WAR! I dedicate this TO YOU!"
<IXJac> OK, the first MiB blocks his buddies and takes all the fire. Roll d6 for damage. Difficulty 4
<Westin> "Yeah, Ares? I didn't like you much too either."
<IXJac> The rounds bounce off his coat as he blocks the path, he takes a single cinematic scar down the cheek as a bullet nicks him in all the barrage. Your SMG clicks empty in a cloud of barrel smoke

      • Alessio fires a rocket that screams through the air. David used a sling, Danny by the grace of God has better equipment that burns with righteous fury!

<Alessio> "Indeed, God is Good!"
<IXJac> OK, the rocket hits the first MIB dead on
<IXJac> He blows a WP and 3 quint, and suicidally contains the blast in his body, the rocket blowing him back through the elevator and exploding inside his jacket.
<IXJac> The other MiBs are thrown back by the blast, but one's aroured jacket protects him, and the other takes light wounds

      • Mari_chan decides that they need to quickly coup de gra (whatever) this before they become a threat and forces 4 the explosions into a pillar of of angry fire in the elevator

<IxBot> Mari_chan : ( 2 1 2 1 )
<IXJac> Noooooo!

<Westin> (Crank the despair up too, along with the aggression and crank reason down)
<Noetelli> Despair level Shinji Prime

<IXJac> Zavaros, meanwhile, has pulled a mask out of his pocket. As the door was melting through, he pulls it over his face. It looks, for all the world, like a Mexican Wrester's mask, painted with the horrific Oni designs of a Japanese Noh mask.
<IXJac> A his shirt has fallen open to reveal the writhing tiger tatoos on his chest and arms, and a dark red/black aura is rising and writhing from him, in a sense of growing power
<IXJac> OK, Zavaros is unleashing the full power of his Tiger Tattoos, and his Oni Mask
<IXJac> He's taking two actions with the power of the mask, the first is a flying kick at the door, to smach the half ton of metal right back in the face of the lead MiB
<IXJac> The Mib is going to abort and try and dodge
<IXJac> OK, he takes the door right in the face\
<IXJac> OK, that's. . . with everything. . . 16 points of damage
<IXJac> OK, no help, he's flies back and is squashed flat against the far wall

<IXJac> There's a black man strapped in a medical chair, and standing over him is a wild eyed man in a lab coat with a syringe! "Stop! Come any closer and I kill him!"
<IXJac> Genjo spends a WP and 3 quint
<IXJac> And he crosses the room in a blur. "What mon, wi THIS syringe? You mean the one I got?"
<IXJac> "Normally I'm about the mercy -" He looks at the haggard face of Ondayo. "But, phsyician, heal thyself"
<IXJac> And he jabs the doctor
<IXJac> The doctor screams and falls back, his skin blackening rapidly, his tongue swelling as he gaggs and his back archs

<@Shu> "It as not good ahnd evir as so dry cuttuh in your terevision dramas. It irs one monster agahnst anozzer monster. Ahnd often, onry the most monstrous wins."

<IXJac> You sense something approaching, an aura outside the bar, foul and predatory and heading your way
<Eli_Lorentz> (I'm assuming I can tell the aura is not Cara's)

Japan the Ninja OVAs

<Koffee> (Gags and a ropes? Cara and Shu would get along just fine!)

<IXJac> OK, Shu takes the blow with no damage, skidding off his batman nipples

Japan Endgame

<Westin> "Should we go back and find someone to interrogate?"
<Westin> "It's only ONE giant robot with a gatling gun."

<Westin> Can I try Entropy 2 to have someone JUST HAPPEN to get on at the next onramp?
<IxJac> Well, you can try. +2 for unlikely (they cleared the road prior to ambush), +1 for distraction. So (difficulty) 8.
<IxJac> OK, A little compact pulls out of a narrow road ahead of you. . . Just as the Javelin anti-tank missile behind you noses over and dives. It comes screaming down, but misidentifies.
<IxJac> The little compact takes the anti-tank missile and is blown to smithereens in front of you. You swerve past. A second point of light lofts into the air behind you.

      • Proteus hacks into its tiny computer brain

<IxJac> The Missile locks onto the burning car behind you, still skidding down the road, and strikes it as well.

<IxJac> OK, Westin takes aim. This will be a two turn action.
<IxJac> It pauses, turns its head toward you, eye irising wider with a faint focussing sound. . . take your shot
<IxBot> Westin : ( 1 7 7 2 2 6 9 9 9 6 6 6 )
<IxJac> BAM! The Mjollnir kicks, it's a tiny target under heavy armour, but you hit it dead on.
<IXBot> Westin : ( 6 2 9 9 7 8 5 7 1 4 2 7 )
<IxJac> The Eye explodes in a spray of glass and green fire, wreathing the head in sparks

[17:59] <@IXJac> Roll damage+4
[17:59] <@Westin> d14
[17:59] <IXBot> Westin : ( 7 3 5 4 7 4 7 4 3 3 9 7 3 8 )
[18:01] <@IXJac> d10
[18:01] <IXBot> IXJac : ( 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 4 7 9 )
[18:01] <@Westin> (HAHAHA YES)
[18:01] <@IXJac> Westin's heavy round smashes into the boomer, punching a hole in the plate

[04:39] <IXJac> Roll Westin's Manipulation+Brawl, to use the power of Bro-fist punch bonding to convince Graner
[04:39] <Westin> (LOL)
[04:39] <Westin> d7
[04:39] <IXBot> Westin : ( 10 1 1 3 3 3 1 )
[04:39] <Westin> :|
[04:39] <Westin> FUUUUUUUCK

<Shrike> Hm I realized I'm flying into battle between giant robots in a blackhawk surrounded by marines while all I have is a submachine gun and an official-style trench coat.
<Shrike> This is getting dangerously out of hand

SF0 Infiltration

<IxJac> (Roll Kana's appearance+Loli)
<IxBot> Kana : ( 1 2 1 2 )
<IxJac> Oh no.

  • Robert_Nishida snaps the X-5's sights into line with Boss Sasaki's head, aiming to put two precise shots right into his brain. Aimed shot, -3 for precise aiming for the +3 damage on both.

<IXJac> That's three actions, one to get the gun out, then two more for the shots
<Robert_Nishida> Well that's -4/-5, so I'm firing at 5d/4d... yeah, I'll take that chance
<IXJac> OK, Westin draws and fires his first shot
<Robert_Nishida> 4 sux, +3 dmg from the called shot (you said those were levels, right?)
<Robert_Nishida> d9 + 3
<IXBot> Robert_Nishida : ( 6 2 6 5 10 4 2 5 9 )
<IXJac> Reroll the 10 for pistols
<Robert_Nishida> d1
<IXBot> Robert_Nishida : ( 8 )
<Robert_Nishida> You will either flow with the wheel or GET GROUND DOWN BY IT.
<IXJac> Westin fires and puts it RIGHT into Sasaki's third eye

<IxJac> He's going to do a quick thrust with the sword, still trying to heal himself, while backing up with a dodge
<Kano> Alright I'll chop his head off and parry any reply
<IxJac> That's a +2 difficulty to attack
<Kano> d8
<IxBot> Kano : ( 9 3 9 10 9 5 9 6 )
<IxJac> Shit, his dodge won't cover that unless he's lucky
<IxJac> You slice through the etherial demon armour that protects him, roll damage. And I'd suggest using WP
<IxJac> Roll his temp WP
<Kano> d5
<IxBot> Kano : ( 10 3 9 7 6 )
<IxJac> Agg, Kano takes Sasaki's head off
<IxJac> Stunned it falls to the alley floor, "five centuries. . . and a mortal!"
<IxJac> Zetsubou no Tachi, the sword of despair, falls from his fingers, as his body falls to its knees, then keels over
<Kano> "Mortal? Yeah. Damn my mortality is hardcore."

Orphan Recruitment

<@IXJac> OK, fine. Cathy is outside by the garage, chanting up the enochian to step sideways when a baseball flies past her
<@IXJac> It's followed by a young kid, who takes one look at Cathy, and flees in terror!

  • @Catherine_West sighs...

<@IXJac> "Dad! Dad! There's a Satanist behind our garage!"
<@IXJac> Cathy has to flee back inside!

<@IXJac> "Homemade." She says prodly. "Elaine makes magical pie." Says Dad. "If you beleive in magic of course."
<@Liz-> "Nobody could not believe in magic after tasting this."
<@Catherine_West> "Indeed."

  • @Mari_chan has some peacon pie

<@IXJac> It's good pie, but the hyperbole irritates Mari. TRUE Magick is far greater than mere pie!
<@IXJac> People need to be told!
<@Mari_chan> "Magick of course is bigger then pie, take for instance the fellow who went all crazy and blowing up piplines, magic thought did that"
<@Liz-> "Oh Mari. :3"
<@IXJac> Everyone blinks
<@Liz-> "you're totally like me when I was your age."
<@Liz-> "I didn't give mom and dad a break."
<@IXJac> "Still don't." Coughs dad
<@IXJac> She's trying to cut off a good lecture before it gets going!
<@IXJac> Mari has a mind to lecture them all, including this know-nothing Orphan on the basics of mystical thought as distilled for Sleepers by the great Aliester Crowly!
<@Mari_chan> "I won't even begin the age thing, but this is a proper leasson, I mean had there not been magick going on, you would of been dead today from snippers, you know what it costed me to jam the EM spectrum!"
<@Catherine_West> "Oh dear!"

  • @Liz- stares

<@Catherine_West> "I think the excitement..."
<@Mari_chan> "Now take for example Crowley's great babylon working, many people thought it was a bust, but if you look at the works of Hermand, and Adept Flagus....."
<@Catherine_West> "I think you are very excited and scared over the attack you saw"
<@Catherine_West> "I know it must be hard for you to understand, but please, you're safe now, it's not..."
<@Mari_chan> "Oh be quiett Cathy, if you were half the mage Crowely was we wouldn't of been trapped in the realm of nightmares!"
<@IXJac> Roll Mari's Int+Occult vs Cathy's Charisma+Etiqette
<@Mari_chan> d7
<IXBot> Mari_chan : ( 7 7 2 8 8 6 9 )
<@Catherine_West> (AUGH!)
<@Catherine_West> 1 WP
<@Catherine_West> d6
<IXBot> Catherine_West : ( 6 8 8 6 10 7 )
<@Catherine_West> d1
<IXBot> Catherine_West : ( 7 )
<@IXJac> Cathy is able to divert a possibly catastrophic revelation of reams of Hermetic lore by smothering the conversation in apologies.
<@IXJac> It's probably a good time for an exit.

<IXJac> You arrive very early monday morning, and Liz heads for school while Kano goes to talk with her folks, and lays on the only social skill he possesses at 3. Intimidation!
<IXJac> Uh oh. Liz comes home to find her folks apparently of the impression that Kano is a cop, and Liz is being sent to a remedial school for juvenile delinquents.

Production Log

<IXJac> The Nephandi ARE the good guys
<IXJac> My finest moment was convincing one of the good characters to join the Nephandi because it was the right thing to do.
<IXJac> That was awesome
<IXJac> Unfortunately the lot of you are too evil for that to work.
<Andronicus> lol

<IXJac> OK, as Dynamic you must successfully change yourself or someone else
<Westin> what do you mean by "change yourself/someone else"?
<Camille_Vasselin> Change Kerrin from "Kerrin=1" to "Kerrin=0"

[REDACTED] >:[ --Ezekiel- 07:16, 21 May 2010 (UTC)

<Kano> (see how MJ comes to life when allowed to play a baby technocrat? :D)
<IXJac> lol

Hermetic Follies

18:24] <IXJac> Roll Cathy's Manipulation+Research
[18:25] <CatherineWest> d6
[18:25] <IXBot> CatherineWest : ( 7 1 6 8 7 9 )
[18:25] <IXJac> Whooops! Cathy falls into the arms of the dashing Etherite.

<IxJac> "Seyla Marillia Josephine Caldwell bani Bonisagus, Scion of the Ancient House, by thy true name I call thee, and GROUNDED I name thee!".