Cornucopia Syndicate Plan

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Cornucopia Syndicate Plan

Rather than individually buy equipment such as weapons etc, we contribute Rep/Credits to a central pool to gain blueprints for a Cornucopia Machine so we can jointly build equipment. This will long term save us massive numbers of credits (We break even every 4 of an item we build)

Samantha's Contribution:

1 Desktop Cornucopia Machine
20,000 Credits worth of Blueprints

Things we need

1: Credits
It'll cost 5000 Credits to get a suit of heavy armour blue prints, 20,000 for A Seeker Rifle, and 5000 for most types of Long Arms. Various smart ammos and seekers are also pretty expensive. MJ says we can get open source on a lot of types of goods (need to pin down what exactly he means though) but if we're also buying low end goods (and I kind of need to) we're going to need quite a lot of credits.

Most goods of Low cost or below can be found open-source (with the right connections and enough research time). Anything, however, which must be customized to the system in question (i.e. personal augmentations) cannot be found open-source and have to be built. Weapons modifications can't normally be found open-source, arms cartels generally frown on people cracking their templates. --MJ12 Commando 01:12, 4 August 2010 (UTC)

2: Technical skills
We also need technical skills. Samantha has Armorer, but we're still going to need someone to assemble things like robots and electronics.

Get someone who can circumvent DRM (high Infosec, Programming, and relevant Professions (IT, etc)). Self-deleting limited-proliferation templates are a bitch you know. And don't ask about those which give you nitroglycerin if you try to crack their DRM and fail. --MJ12 Commando 01:12, 4 August 2010 (UTC)
I'm going to have reasonable amounts of electronics, and around 60 Infosec, Programming, and interfacing. So I can handle the hacking with a smile! --OmegaPaladin 00:46, 5 August 2010 (UTC)

3: a list of the stuff we want
We also need to agree precisely what we want to be able to make in quantity. I suggest we make sure everyone carries one of each of the items we replicate. At least one.

Open Sourced Stuff

MJ told me most Low Cost Items have open sourced stuff except
1: weapon and armour mods
2: any augmentations
3: anything that has to be customized for another object