LOE Ship Armour Test

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Ships may normally only have a single type of armor, but multiple instances of a single type may be stacked with specified benefits. Armors listed with two values such as +4(+3) would pay 4 slots for the first armor instance but only 3 for every additional instance.

Shield and protection upgrades may be fitted in Option slots without penalty, but as per normal may not be split between Armor/Option.

Ships may only have one shield upgrade active at any time, but as many protection upgrades as desired.

HA# - Heavy Armor; reduces the rating of Pierce or Break effects (as appropriate) by the Heavy Armor rating.

Tech Armor


+1 Oak Boarding
9+ Armor Save

+1 Ironroot boarding
8+ Armor Save

+1 Hides
8+ Armor Save vs Energy

+1 Bracing
Structural upgrade
+1 MDP

+1 Fore/Aftercastle
Structural upgrade
Extra defense vs boarding actions
May be built as an Option


+2 Ironclad
8+ Armor Save

+2 Silvered
7+ Armor Save vs Energy

+2 Metal Frame
Structural upgrade
+3 MDP


+2 Rolled Steel Armor
8+ Armor Save
Stack Bonus: +1 Armor Save

+1 Improved Bulkheads
Structural upgrade
+2 MDP

+1 Asbestos Armor
Armor upgrade
-1 Soak Difficulty against Incendiary weapons
HA 1 vs. Incendiary Energy weapons
+1 to crew's cancer rate!

+0 All or Nothing Armor
Structural upgrade
-2 MDP, -50% Critical chance

+1 Kevlar protection
+1 MDP, +1 DamCon

+1 Mirrored
Structural upgrade
+1 Armor Save vs Energy weapons

+1 Torpedo Blisters
Structural upgrade
+1 Armor Save vs Slow weapons

+1 Reactive Armor
9+ Shield save
Always takes first critical strike on the ship and always suffers maximum effect (destruction)
If Reactive Armor ever rolls a 1, it is destroyed.

+1 Inflatable Decoys
6+ Shield save
When the inflatable decoy makes a successful save it pops and offers no further protection. Unaffected by break weapons

+2 Rigid Decoys
8+ Shield save
The fourth time the Rigid Decoy fails its save it is detected and offers no further protection. Unaffected by break weapons


+2 Hypercomposite Armor
7+ Armor Save
-25% base MDP
Stack Bonus: +1 Armor Save

+2 Hyperalloy Armor
8+ Armor Save
Stack Bonus: +1 Armor Save

+1 Thermal Superconductor
Armor Upgrade
-1 Soak Difficulty vs. Incendiary Weapons
HA1 vs. Incendiary Weapons
Allows reduced DamCon save vs. Incendiary weapon damage

+1 Swarm Decoys
6+ Shield save
After two successful armour saves, a swarm decoy is used up and provides no further defence. Unaffected by shield breaking weapons

+2 High Fidelity Decoy
7+ Shield save
After four successful armour saves, the decoy is detected and offers no further defence. Unaffected by shield breaking weapons

+2 Kinetic Battle Screen
8+ Shield save vs non-Energy weapons
Stack Bonus: +1 Shield Save

+2 Deflectors
9+ Shield save
Stack Bonus: +1 Shield Save

+2 Scattering Field
7+ Shield save
-2 to all AA, Stealth and Sensor rolls
Stack Bonus: +1 Shield Save

+2 Pin-Point Barriers
7+ Shield save, 2 blocks/turn
Stack Bonus: +2 blocks/turn

+2 Expanded coverage
+1 Shield save

+3 Interference Field
3+ Shield Save
Penalty: 1/2 Move, ship cannot fire or perform launch/recovery operations while shield is active.

+2 Bubble Field
Protection Upgrade
5 MDP field

+2 Double layer bubble
+4 Shield MDP
+2 Regenerative bubble
Regeneration 1/turn

+2 Aggressor Shield
Protection Upgrade
An Aggressor Shield allows a shield to be temporarily modified into a powerful offensive weapon.
Attack equal to shield save, range 0, Slow, AB1, SP1, MD2.


+2 Macromecular Armor
7+ Armor Save
Regenerates 1 MDP/turn
-25% total MDP
Stack Bonus: +1 Armor Save

+2 Dispersive Crystal Armor
8+ Armor Save
HA2 (energy)
Stack Bonus: +1 Armor Save

+2 Adaptive Matrix Armor
8+ Hybrid Save
Stack Bonus: +1 Armor Save

+3 Unobtainium Armor
7+ Armor Save
HA1, +2 MDP
Stack Bonus: +1 Armor Save, +1 MDP

+3 Intra-Hull Shielding
Structural upgrade
Regeneration 1/turn - may not regenerate more than the MPD gained from Intra-Hull Shielding.

+1 Boosted shielding
+1 regenerative MDP

+2 Battle Pods
Structural upgrade
-2 MDP, Adds 3 Option Slots

+3(2) Ballenger Shields
9+ Armor Save
Stack Bonus: +1 Armor Save

+3(2) Variable Shields
9+ Hybrid Save
Stack Bonus: +1 Hybrid Save

+2 Pseudomatter decoy
6+ Shield save
After three successful armour saves the Pseudomatter decoy is destroyed and offers no further protection till the next turn.

+3 Stasis Field
2+ Shield Save
Penalty: Ship may not perform any actions or recharge weapons while field is active. May not operate for more than 2 consecutive turns.

+2 Stasis Controller
+1 turns of consecutive operation

+4 Perimeter Shields
Protection upgrade
8+ Shield Save
Can be stacked with other shields

+1 Hard Shields
Protection upgrade (must be applied to a shield system)
HA1, brings shield up to Milieu 5
