Skies of Arcana
Setting Notes
General Overview
Skies of Arcana is a hard magic setting, in a stellar cluster originally ruled by the Celestial Empire. The elven fleets and soldiers of Celestial Empire brought civilization to the known worlds and for ten millenia, off and on, were the defining power of the galaxy. Internal strife has befallen them though, and for the past five centuries centrifugal forces have worked to tear it apart into myriad kingdoms and principalities and grand duchies and free states.
Against this, younger races have made their mark. Freed from the stiffling and overbearing stasis that came with with being subject to the Empire diversity and innovation has blossomed. Of course, the flipside to this is that the galaxy is a chaotic place.
Sky Towers
Sky Towers are where those on the ground connect with the greater universe. Sometimes taking the form of immense trees, other times vast pillars rising into the sky they all exit the atmosphere to provide a convenient moorage for starcraft. Their origin is unknown but all are ancient. As a side-effect of their mere existance the planet's atmosphere wraps up and around them, often leading to strange weather patterns. Many are surrounded by shells both natural and artificial that provide valuable real estate. Travel between spaceside and groundside is commonly done by endlessly cycling plates.
Skies of Arcana Misc Background