Talk:Combat Resolution Page

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Combat Statistics

By MJ12

Combat Statistics here come in the form of primary and secondary combat statistics. Primary ones are used for direct engagement, while secondary ones generally add saves or modify the primaries.

Primary Combat Statistics

  • Ranged Attack: A unit's ranged offensive capabilities.
  • Close Attack: A unit's close-in offensive ability.
  • Agility: A unit's agility represents its ability to maneuver. This can be used offensively (adding to attack) or defensively (adding to defense), and for units with particularly high agility, may add an agility save, allowing them a chance to entirely avoid damage.
  • Defense: A unit's ability to survive successful attacks.
  • Combat Effectiveness: A unit's ability to keep effective in combat under fire.

Secondary Combat Statistics

  • ECM: ECM ability may modify a unit's attack and defense levels against units with lower sensor ratings.
  • Sensors: Sensors counteract ECM and Stealth.
  • Shields/Point Defense: Shields and PD provide a PD save, which gives a unit a chance to entirely avoid damage.
  • Stealth: Stealth counteracts the ability of sensors to detect a unit. A unit which is successfully stealthed increases any range penalties against it.
  • Experience: A unit's level of experience may increase its combat effectiveness, ECM, sensors, stealth, and PD.
  • Range: A unit's range allows it to take penalties to its own attack to penalize other attackers (holding at extreme range).