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The Old Regime.

The Triple Monarchy of Handeran, Carcosa and Eudelmos.
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Politics and Religion
Capital: Baddanberg
Religion: Bonifacists
Government: Absolutist Monarchy
Monarch: HRM Prince Kaloyweschel
Population and Economy
Population: ?
Languages: ?
Tax Revenue: ?
Resources: ?




The Triple Monarchy has not "caught" up with the rest of the world in terms of politics. Labeled as a dangerous throwback or a sickman by some in pre-war years the Triple Monarchy belayed expectations of collapse or inter-nationality civilwar by its entry into the Great War on the side of the Clovis Alliance in its first year when Lodin XII correctly calculated that Clovis and its allies would win. Its victory over its enemies saw the strengthening of the Regime aganist its opponents domestic and foreign. This was not needed; but provided a boost to the existing strength within the system. A comprehensive police state has existed in the hereditary lands since 1841 (after a period without) that combined with a established political tradition has ensured the survival of the state.

Feudalism as it once existed was abolished in favour of the relatively liberal enlightened Carcosan monarchy which saw the basis of the centralized state form. The liberal monarchy was gradually converted in the minds of neighbors to what they call a rigidly oppressive, and bureaucratic, absolutist state in the 1870's. Significant reforms were made in some levels, mostly dealing with civil administration, but the viewpoint remained fixed in the minds of the "republican rabble".

The nobility retains a great deal of Elven blood but also the national characters of the three component regions of the Monarchy. The nobility system, however, is directly related to the concept of service nobility and is regulated by the throne. This is done in the form of noble registers and lists detailing precedence and duty allowing a mix between the ancient nobility, the sword nobility, and the service nobility.


High King Lodin XII
Prince Kaloyweschel (Lodin XIII)

Instruments of the Regime

"Opposition, that's conspiracy." --- Grandmaster Herodius Pasner, 1791.

Special Service Corps
Originally the Carcosan Order of the Black Thorn in 1510 Paaulus I inherited the cumbersome Order from Lady Mar and reformed it into the Carcosan Order of the Black Rose and weeded out the infirm and disloyal; subsequently the Order took on the character of special missions for the throne. This was a tradition that would continue. Lodin VII eventually reformed the Order away from a military corps that sometimes dealt with special matters into a corps that sometimes dealt with military matters. Waning and waxing in importance and use "The Carcosan Brotherhood of the Rose" was set on a permanent footing by Werdkel the Mad during the lead up into the Long Revolt. Officially renamed the Special Service Corps during Lodin XII's rationalization of the departments in the 1950's.

Factions of the Regime

As political parties are illegal there exist no formal political organizations of the sort seen in other countries. Leagues of nobles have arisen over the years and ad-hoc factions that have grown to have some permanence exist to fulfill the role in function.

The Cloviphilles
Intensely pro-Clovis and militarists. Bolstered by the victory in the war the Cloviphilles would like nothing more then "another go" at the enemy.

Opponents of the Regime

The Death Korps (Anarchists)
The self-titled Death Korps is a peasant army formally active in Eudelmos during the Long-Revolt and the Tax War; wildly erratic in goals and methods the Death Korps was eventually splintered and most of its supporter rode down. Supposedly exists, but many believe the odd Death Korps killing or assault are actually OCBK liquidations in disguise. Notably, its leader Jerica Gwarwick was never caught.

Social Democratic Party
Taking root in the war years the Social Democracts are both leftis and revolutionary in outlook seeking to topple the monarchy and destroy existing society. Intensely persecuted by the SSC its leadership has been decapitated politically in the past with the governments adoption of the "National Factory Safety" and the "Labour Relief" Bills.

Wendal Seperatists During the War the Monarchy annexed a number of border regions containing a significant Wendal population. They clamoured for statehood before and continue to do so under their new master.


The victory of the Carcosan-Handeran Army over the Eudelite rebels in 1901 set the pattern for the Army until the war reform of 1985-9.
