Talk:Flash Points in Sphere

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Revision as of 17:02, 8 February 2010 by Peel (talk | contribs)
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--Stuff to be cleared with Shrike--

Atlantic Relations

Relations between PACT and the EU have soured somewhat since the end of the ZOCU war, with several protectionist trade agreements and a slew of territorial disputes causing continued friction between PACT and EU, mostly in the Atlantic.The growing trade war begun when several American, Canadian, Mexican and Brazilian firms banded together to lobby their governments and NAFTA for protection against what they saw as supremely unfair competition by various EU companies, who were protected by EU non-tariff barriers and advantaged by the tightly nit nature of the EU.

This has been compounded recently by several small but hardly irrelevant territorial disputes, such as French Guyana, The Falkland Islands, Han Island, Saint Pierre and Miquelon. This, together with rights to the arctic have proven quite stormy lately, with Canadian, Danish and French forces mounting several fairly hostile military exercises in the area.

  • I think inherently much of Europe thinks PACT could have put more effort into the war, and much of PACT is annoyed about being dragged into an unnecessary war. So relations would be cooled by that regardless of whatever generic superpower squabbles have intruded since. The territorial arguments would be long-standing whines about sphere of influence. A limited postwar division between them is good for the game regardless since it provides another check on escalation. Peel 00:02, 9 February 2010 (UTC)