Persona PC Bios

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Edmund O'Reilly

Name: Edmund O’Reilly
Player: BM
Concept: Photography Student/Wannabe reporter


Edmund’s face is rarely seen on school grounds.

It’s not because he’s ugly. He’s no loner; in fact, he’s always seen about the school, often in the strangest of places. In fact, if anything showy happens, Edmund O’Reilly is often there, either right in the thick of it or trying desperately to get into the thick of it.

The reason no-one sees his face much is probably due to the camera he’s always carrying, that rarely sees the inside of its carrying case when there’s something interesting going on.

A complete shutterbug, Edmund spent much of his childhood in New York State taking pictures of strange things he found, exploring and documenting strange occurrences, or conducting ‘interviews’ with bemused adults. When his parents moved to Sunshine City, he took it in stride; after all, there were so many new and interesting things to see there.

Edmund is a highly energetic individual, and extremely devoted to photography. He’s a rather upbeat, likable sort, as well as a prominent member of the yearbook committee and covers many roles in the school newspaper, and is often requested to cover school events. His enthusiasm and optimism generally leads to good publicity rather than bad, and most school organizations like him for his efforts to gain them attention. Edmund’s reviews and reports often carry startling levels of detail, his photos capturing events in curious detail.

Edmund has an eye for visuals, and can often spot things that most others would overlook. He is also attuned to patterns, and his paintings and drawings are extremely detailed, whether they are abstract or realistic. This attention to minutae and design makes his photographs and artwork powerfully evocative. While primarily visual, he also possesses well-tuned hearing, though he has little interest in music beyond the listening. His perceptive ability can border on the fantastical at times. In fact, his ability to always arrive at the right time to catch a particularly entertaining bit of drama or sudden unprovoked happening borders on the supernatural…

He has a love of detective novels and television shows, as well as journalism. He also has worked a series of part-time jobs in order to pay for his cameras and other equipment, including electronic stores and ramen shops. He has attempted to create several amateur movies, though he has trouble finding actors. He loves caramel coffee cake with an unnatural passion that rivals some of the greatest lovers in history.


Athletics: 2
Academics: 3
Charm: 3

Qualities: Psychic (1) – Guess it crossed the supernatural line after all…

Persona: Argus

Major Arcana: Hermit
Minor Arcana: Cups

Opposed Arcana: Swords

Strength: 2
Magic: 2
Defense: 3
Speed: 1

Quality: Gnosis

Appearance: Argus’ figure is that of a tall, muscular man, standing upright, with rich olive-tone skin. Less humanoid is his head – a mass of glittering blue eyes clustered at his neck. Long straight stalks extend from his shoulders in a fanned collar, all covered with the same eyes which, in fact, line his entire body.


Glare (Attack – Water Element): A cold stare that literally chills the victim to the bone. The target so transfixed is blasted by a sudden eruption of ice shards and super-cold air.

Panopticon (Alter – Defense (Positive)): The target gains acute situational awareness so potent it’s supernatural. This awareness grants a minor degree of control, dulling disruptive influences upon the body.

Vika Tenori Stamford

Player: Mal

Short stature, with shortish pink hair and a flat chest, but looks cute when out of her usual tomboy context. An unlikely looking delinquent; the 'Bike Shorts Bomb of Sakihito' (referring to how she wears bike shorts under her uniform, making her immune to panty flash while spinkicking people). As befitting the setting, she is somehow half Japanese.

Vika is the token orphan girl perpetually on the edge of falling through the cracks in the system - that is, she would be falling through the cracks if she weren't rising through them. Currently, she is technically under foster care, but actually lives alone on government money instead. She gets an athletic scholarship as well, but her marks are too poor for her to actually participate in club activities.

Athletics: 5
Academics: 1
Charm: 2


Martial Arts
Issues - Super Impulsive

Malcurion 9

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Sword = Yes

Strength: 5
Magic: 1
Defense: 2
Speed: 2

Arcana: Chariot (and how!)
Suit: Wands


Vladimir (Vlad) Sakharov

Player: Shrike

Athletics: 2
Academics: 2
Charm: 2

Opulence (2)


Major Arcana: Magician
Minor Arcana: Pentacle

Strength: 1
Magic: 3

Sheen: Alter (increases magic defense)
A reflective aura that helps to defend against magical attacks.
Dawn's Breaking: Attack + Area
A blast of golden light from the sky that sends out a soundless shockwave.

Defense: 1
Speed: 1


Bhavak Rangaram

Name: Bhavak Rangaram
Nickname: Bravo
Player: Singh
Concept: Foreign Exchange Student


Basically a strange Bhuddist foreign student that just came in and has a mysterious past. Fairly quiet, doesnt speak much but when he does its with a heavy air. Strange man in a strange place and all that. >:(

Personality & Ambitions: He has three desires: reach enlightenment, help as many other people as he can and be happy. To that extent his personality is incredibly easy-going but at the same time disciplined. His greatest fear is not that he wont reach enlightenment, but that one day he'll become old and start to forget all that he's learnt - especially since his family's suffered heavily from hereditary Alzheimers


Athletics: 2
Academics: 2
Charm: 4

Psychic (1)


Description TBC

Major Arcana: Temperence
Minor Arcana: Fire

Strength: 2
Magic: 2
Defense: 1
Speed: 1


Naoko Daidoji

Player: Screwball


Athletics: 2
Academics: 4
Charm: 4

Qualities: Cripple


Name: Jeanne d'Arc

Strength: 1
Magic: 3
Defense: 3
Speed: 3

Minor Suit: Wands
Major Suit:

Attack 1 (Enhance 1)
Alter 1 (Magic Increase)

Kasumi Fukatsu (or Fukatsu Kasumi)

Kasumi is a popular and academically successful girl who coasts through school as fast as she can with as little effort as possible. She’s secretly very depressed, feeling closed in by the school, the smallness of it, desperate to leave and get on with what she considers real life and unwilling to really commit to anything at school, personal or as an activity.

Kasumi is quiet charming and hides her sadness well, and behind activities such as piano, dancing and the like. She’s quite willing to date but it never seems to go anywhere.


Athletics 3
Academics 4
Charm 3


Issue (Claustrophobia)

Persona: Hippolyta

Description: a gleaming goddess with four angels wings on its back, each feather a sword. Her face is beautiful but her open mouth shows inside she is hollow. In its hippolyta carries a long sword of glowing white fire.

Strength: 3
Magic: 2
Defence: 2
Speed: 3
Major Suit: Devil
Minor Suit: Swords
Powers: Attack, Enhance (speed)
Weakness: wands