Economic Budget Records
Below is a record of economic statistics and expenditures, compiled quarterly starting at the beginning of 5300 AE. For updates on troop movements, please see Military of the Avalonian Republic.
Budget for 5300 AE, 1st Quarter
- Internal Revenue
- Food - 11
- Gold - 2468G
- Mana - 2125M
- Adamantium - 750A
- Levistones - 20L
- Books - 170B
- Internal Investment
- Gold - 360 (Spare Remaining Gold)
- Exports
- Imports
- Upkeep
- Population - 10 Food
- Military - 387G, 454M (Total)
- Army - 122G, 152M
- Navy - 265G, 302M
- Mages - 188G, 160M
- Total Upkeep - 10 Food, 587G, 614M
- Production
- 5x Fire-caster Company - 5 Common Draft, 650G, 325M, 400A, 25B
- 2x Frigga Class Transport - 240G, 150M, 4L
- 3x Mjolnir Class Frigate - 840G, 225M, 3L
- Upgrade 10x Fire-caster Company with Common Magic Book - 50B
- Upgrade Lightblade Company with Light-Broadsword - 10G
- 1x Thor's Wrath (Aerial Bombardment; Lightning flies from the Sky and fries all units in a large area; Force 5) - 125M
- 4x Aesir's Anger (Beam Cannon; A wide beam of energy flies out from the direction of the caster; Force 4) - 100M
- 10x Freya's Protection (Deflection Field; A magical field capable of protecting a battalion (200 men) from firearms, arrows and magical attacks. Will not protect from melee attacks or hand-thrown weapons; Force 3) - 50M
Net Revenue
Net Revenue goes straight into the Republic Reserve or Resource Storage Station.
- Food - 1
- Gold - 513G
- Mana - 486M
- Books - 95B
- Levistones - 13L
- Adamantium - 350A