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Catherine carefully marks out a circle upon the floor, within the circle she draws various geometric symbols symbolising the union of the normal world with the netherworld. In the middle of the circle she places a brass brazier on top of three bricks whose underside is sprinkled with sand. Then she lights a fire in the brazier using acacia, cedar, and sandalwood.

Finally she calls out, "Hear me messenger of the gods, hear me O Great God Thoth, for I am one who is beloved by your wife. Have pity on me, for I seek to petition the Great God Osiris. You who love men, bring my message to the Great God Osiris, say 'Here is a petition from the land of mortals, where the people cry out for justice'."

With those words she takes the paper holding the petition and places it into the fire, letting the fire consume it utterly.

THE PETITION The Osiris Nu, whose word is truth, saith: Homage to thee, O great God, Lord of Maati! I have come unto thee, O my Lord, and I present this petition to thee, O my Lord, that I may see your justice bestowed upon the Earth. I know thee, I know thy name, I know the names of the Forty-two Gods who live with thee in the Hall of Maati, who live by keeping ward over sinners, and who feed upon their blood on the day when the consciences of men are reckoned up in the presence of the god Un-Nefer. In truth thy name is Rehti-Merti-Nebti-Maati. I come to thee petitioning for redress against wrong, that you may re-establish the rule of Ma'at. I come that you should do away sin.

Behold there is the creature Lao, a demon in the guise of a man, who makes a mockery of Ma'at. Behold his hands are red with the blood of the innocent, his words like poison in the ear of the great, ever is he a stirrer up of trouble. Thrice a traitor; to his master, to his host, and to the Holy Ones. Behold he eats the heart, he takes that which belongs to the gods, he is a consort of Apep.

Therefore grant my petition that just punishment befall this wicked one who has offended the god, be it in this land, or in the Hall of Ma'at, for I know that the gods herein are just and love virtue. Send me word of your judgement, that I might present it.

(Please just pretend that this is all good blank verse, we'll say that it works in Latin or Enochian)

In the middle of the room Catherine places a brass brazier into which she places cedar, juniper and sandalwood, before lighting a fire. Afterwards she takes a red wax figure and carves the name of Lao on it, engraving it with symbols to mark it as a Kuei-Jin. At last she picks up a knife and grabs a black cockerel, holding it over the fire before she slices its head of, letting the blood spray onto the fire which sputters and sends up clouds of smoke.

O Dire Ones! A daughter of Seshet calls you, A follower of Hermes Thrice Blessed, See this creature Lao, unnatural and foul. Thrice a traitor; to master, host, and temple. Ever stirring up strife, a bringer of bloodshed, His crimes cry out for justice! Hear me now!

Alecto let your unceasing wrath be roused, Megaera rouse yourself for the crime is treason, Tisiphone avenge a murdered innocent, O ye furies, O dire ones, O avengers, rise! Awake! Can you not hear the spirits that cry for justice? Awake! Upon my word break forth and tear him down!

With that last incantation she drops the wax doll into the fire, where it melts, mixing with the blood in strange and disturbing ways as more and more smoke rises up.

The Glasses: (Mind 3), Created by a brilliantly insane Son of Ether, it is the single greatest weapon the "Sleepers" have against the Technomancers. After watching another roommate get snuffed trying to awaken a new recruit, the Son realized that she needed to change direction. She knew that there was a HUGE group of disenfranchised people who actively believed that there was some all powerful illuminati trying to take over the world. Since they actively disbelieved in the Technomancer's enforced reality, she knew she could tap into this base distrust, by giving them what they wanted.

She fashioned a pair of sunglasses, and enchanted them so that anyone could use them successfully. Put simply, if a person wears these glasses, the glasses scan the area for any Technomancers or anyone using Technomancer Magick. Once the information is discovered, the Glasses project into the mind of the USER powerful illusions that the Technomancer or the item being used is something wholly alien. Since a Technomancer is more likely to be in a position of power, the conspiracy nut will obviously believe that this is the proof he requires to show that aliens landed in Dallas to murder JFK. Proof being a powerful thing, the nut will take up his war, armed with his glasses, and blow up anything that looks funny.

What precisely the user sees is up to the Storyteller. Some suggestions range from all Technomancers being stereotypic Communists in great coats, with vodka in each fist, to Japanese vomiting forth from all types of medium, to even aliens from another dimension, who have taken over the world. However, the constant influx to the brain _does_ generate Paradox. To the Sleeper, this manifests in a pain so severe that a health level is lost an hour. This damage can be regained by taking them off, and resting for a like amount of time. For a Mage, a Paradox point is collected per hour of _total_ use. If the Mage consistently puts it on, and takes it off very fast, remeber to throw enough curve balls (he really didn't get a good glimpse last time) to encouage him to keep them on.

Even though the Son never awakened a single user of the Glasses, those who use them call those who do not "Sleepers," almost reflexively.