Azkander Gray

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"I saw the Ghost of La Rue last night. Standing forlorn on a street corner in the rain, watching cars go past- by the time I recognized those eyes and turned to look back, he was gone."


The Ghost of La Rue, Azkander exists as a sort of local myth among late night party-goers and other night-owls. Like ships passing in the night, the young man is spoken of in chat rooms and on message boards by those who have seen a glimpse of him- and been smitten since. Azkander himself is both an orphan and an Orphan- awakened to Magick at so young an age that warped his development. Growing up on the streets, he rapidly learned how to make people do what he wanted- and in the process cultivated a persona that let him convince others to assist him, no matter how dangerous or debauched his requests. In the process, he accrued a number of unfortunate disorders, including an addiction to sensuality and carnal acts that often drives him distraction if not regularly sated. Worse, his early awakening interfaced somehow with his life as a vagrant/couch surfer to mystically erode his existence in the eyes of others. While many might remember the shine of his eyes, glowing neon in the deep of the night, few could tell you who the Ghost of La Rue is, or if an encounter with him really happened- or if it was just a wistful memory.

While Azkander has few who truly know him, those he has given some measure of trust to- most commonly those he meets in the night only remember his eyes, and that pitiable, burning innocence of his that drove them to take him home, away from the rain.


Azkander believes that reality as is commonly known is a reality viewed through the lens of oppressive banality, and only through shocking the Sleepers Awake can the true world be seen. Real emotions, sensations, experiences- these are at the core of transcending the built-up falsehoods that dominate the world. Through such things, the mind can be opened up, and awareness be spread to a sublime level, taking in a greater, superior world. This, coupled with playing to the expectations of those trapped in impure reality grants a sublime force of personality the will to do Magick.


Drugs, Sex, Tattoos, 'Outfits & Accessories'

At A Glance

Name: Azkander Gray
Age: Late Teens?
Gender: Male
Core Concept: Sensualist Orphan/The Ghost of La Rue
Nature: Visionary
Demeanor: Kid
Paradigm: 'Everything is an Illusion'/'The Art of Desire'
Tradition: Escstatic-adjacent Orphan

Vital Statistics

Willpower 10/10
Quintessence 3
Arete 3
Healthy -0 <----
Bruised -0
Hurt -1
Injured -1
Wounded -2
Mauled -2



Strength 1
Dexterity 4 (Sublime)
Stamina 1


Perception 5 (Keen-Eyed)
Intelligence 2
Wits 1


Charisma 2
Manipulation 5 (Convincing)
Appearance 6 (Pure)



Alertness: 1
Athletics: 1
Awareness: 2
Expression: 3
Seduction: 4 (Corrupting) (2 FP)
Subterfuge: 3


Fast-Talk: 2
Firearms: 2
Stealth: 1


Esoterica: 3
Investigation: 1
Pharmacopia: 3


Essence: Dynamic


Correspondence 1
Forces 3
Prime 2


Avatar: 3
Arcane: 4
Wonder: 2 (Bulletproof Hoodie) (2 FP)


Legendary Attribute (App) (3 FP) (9s or 10s get specialty rerolls for additional sux)
Linguistics 1 (English, French) [Free]
Enchanting Gaze (Heterochromia) (2 FP)
Sanctity (2 FP)


Addiction (+1 FP) (Sex)
Echoes (+1 FP) (Urban Myth)
Inappropriate (+1 FP)
Short (+3 FP)