Luceedi Lily

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Physical: 3 [6]
Endurance: 2 [3]
Intelligence: 2 [3]
Integrity: 3 [6]
Charisma: 5 [15]

  • Mystic Allure: 3 [6]

Perception: 3 [6]

Willpower: 0
Circuit: 6
Discipline: 0?? Augmentation??

Rich: 4
Prodigy: 4

Free Sorceries

-Shard of Exaltation A+
-Mystic Allure
-Noble Phantasm: Irresistable Song Princess??

Stats, Fate Style!


NP: A+

Personal Skills

Golden Rule: Wealth and Body A
A combination skill shared with such figures as Cleopatra who are (in)famous for being unreasonably rich and beautiful.

Shard of Exaltation A+
The state of having a Shard of Exaltation and the ability to manipulate Mana in order to augment their actions at the level of cause and effect - a Marble Phantasm. Any Exalt summoned as a Servant has this skill. As a Solar Exalt, the quality of the shard is first class and even at a basic level is equivalent to a rank in Divinity roughly two ranks lower; equal or above that of minor deities along with the special considerations accorded to the Eclipse caste.

Universal Communication B
The ability to communicate and come to a mutual understanding with anything short of outright eldritch horrors. At this level, it will lower the Mad Enhancement of opponents, thereby weakening Servants who rely on madness, by three ranks but it is temporarily sealed if Luceedi's own Mad Enhancement is active and has no effect if Mad Enhancement is ranked EX.

Class Skills

Mad Enhancement E
Present regardless of class due to the Great Curse. Not normally active unless limit is broken but also has no beneficial effect until then.

Magic Resistance C

Riding E
Mostly sat on things in life, but her status as an Eclipse caste grants a minimal Riding skill of E. Knows enough to be dangerous.

Noble Phantasm

Emerald Eyed Wisteria A (Anti-Army)
The allure of a songstress able to have two opposing armies lay down their arms by the power of her voice and beauty. Its True Name is unspoken and can activate fully once she just hums a few bars.


Luceedi is strongest when summoned as a Rider and can also be summoned as an Assassin, Caster or possibly Berserker. Lancer represents her as a young princess and is most likely her weakest form.