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Magic Rules

Magic builds Aura as a kind of etheric advantage. Willwork is the median; builds modest amounts of aura and is somewhat visible, uses Aura to boost spell power and duration. Aura also has greater passive effects. Sorcery build Aura fast and is highly visible, uses Aura to determine range as well as power and duration. Aura has few passive effects as all energy is channeled into Sorcerous soul. Thaumatech has minimal aura build and visibility but makes minimal use of it as well, with spells having set effects. The exception is Solinarchs have an aura field they can turn on and off instantly, for various special effects.

Types of Etherics

Etheric spells are divided into four basic categories; Transmutation, Aura, Veil (Spirit), and Void (Fate). Transmutation effects are by far the most common, as the willworker influences the Ether around them to turn one type of substance or energy into another, or to control its shape or movement. Transmutation effects require the willworker to be in physical contact with whatever object or force they intend to modify. All living things attract ether, and build up an etheric aura around themselves. Auras can be made to resonate with each other over a distance, and a Willworker can use this to affect the auras of others by consciously modifying her own. Aura magic has little to no effect on inanimate objects. Veil effects work by manipulating the boundary between this universe (Apatha), and the Etheric one (Peritha). Veil magic is difficult to cast, and often dangerously unpredictable, but allows the Magi to summon beings from other dimensions and warp the very nature of reality. Void magic is a relatively recent development and uses the more esoteric connections made between objects and events to warp space and time.

Aura Charging

Magi and Sorcerers can consciously charge their Auras. This requires a standard action, and a roll of Aether + Aether Channel. The DC is 5 + the Current Aura Level for Wild Magic. Success results in the gain of one point of Aura. More skilled Magi can raise this DC to gain larger amounts of Aura. For Sorcery, the DC is 5 + (desired Aura Gain)^2. If successful the Sorcerer will gain (desired Aura Gain) in Aura points. If any trait or equipment adds to a Magi or Sorcerer's Aura gain, it is added after all other calculations. This means that while Magi must steadily charge their Auras level by level, skilled sorcerers can gain large amounts of Aura in a single roll, and it is no harder for them to charge at high levels of Aura than it is at low levels. Thaumatechs are not trained in how to charge or discharge their Aura, although there are Thautech Praxi that will perform that function for them.

Aura works much like Advantage, but it can only be spent on magical effects. A Magi or Sorceror will gain their Aura rating as a bonus to all Aether-based rolls. Thaumatechs do not get this bonus unless they are also Magi or Logitike, and then still only for Aether rolls. For Intellect-based rolls (the meat and potatoes of Thaumatechnology) the Thaumatech must use normal Advantage.

With regards to Auras, spells are either Aura Boosting, Aura Draining, Aura Neutral or Aura Hanging. An Aura Boosting spell will raise the casters aura the specified amount every time it is cast. Similarly an Aura Draining spell will reduce it the specified amount. Further, if the caster does not have sufficient aura to spend on an Aura Draining spell then that spell cannot be case. An Aura Hanging spell relies on the level of the caster's aura for its effects, which are often sustained. An Aura Neutral Spell has no effect on the Aura in any way - many Thaumatech Praxi fall into this category.

Sorcery Aura Effects

The great advantage of Sorcery is that it allows the sorcerer to use magic against targets beyond point blank (touch) range, or to use it over a very wide area. The range depends on the Sorcerer's current Aura level. The chart below is the baseline. More powerful sorcerous souls, or Shar, have additional modifiers.

1. Sense Range 100m, Manipulate Range 10m, Radius 5m
2. Sense Range 1km, Manipulate Range 20m, Radius 10m
3. Sense Range 5km, Manipulate Range 50m, Radius 25m
4. Sense Range 10km, Manipulate Range 100m, Radius 50m
5. Sense Range 50km, Manipulate Range 500m, Radius 75m
6. Sense Range 100km, Manipulate Range 1km, Radius 100m
7. Sense Range 500km, Manipulate Range 5km, Radius 250m
8. Sense Range 1,000km, Manipulate Range 10km, Radius 500m
9. Sense Range continent, Manipulate Range 100km, Radius 1km
10. Sense Range planetary, Manipulate Range 1,000km, Radius 10km

Magi and Sorcerer Combined

A character may have both the Magi and Sorcerer Traits, in which case they will be able to use both types of Ether Channeling. All Magi spells can be cast through sorcery at range.

A Magi with Second Level Sorcery, gained through bonding with a familiar gains the ability to cast spells at range as determined by their familiar, rather than the Sorcerer Aura Effect chart. Such a character gains none of the effects, abilities, or penalties of being a Sorcerer, and is treated as a Magi in every respect.

Willwork Basics

Willwork, or wild magic, is also known as "Logitike" in Jibril and the "First Prana" among the Zenith. Willwork is commonly believed (incorrectly) to be the earliest form of magic practiced on Arth. It is the simplest of the three major magical arts, and any minimally etherically sensitive individual can practice it with training, requiring no special souls or silver circuitry.

Zenith Willwork

Below is the collection of magical Prana taught to to Zenith Magi in a more or less standardized fashion across the Empire. The spells or "Prana" of the Zenith school have become the standard for willworkers across much of Arth. Compared to the Jibrilite Logitike lists, there are both more Zenith Prana overall, and more combat focused ones. Additional Prana can be learned from various specific schools, such as those taught by oracles, ice mages or blood magi.

Bronze Circle

Anja - Transmutation

Echoes - Veil - Simple summoning of lights or shadows or noises

Psychometry - Continuum -

Evil Eye - Aura - Basic mental attack

Dampen - Aura - Dump Aura potentially generating Ether

Restore - Transmute - Heal PS

Craft - Transmute - Assist with building or crafting

Philtre - Transmute - Pheromones

Iron Circle

Basic combat spells

Mana Bolt - Aura - Basic attack

Ward - Aura - Turn Aura into HL

Blight - Transmute - Damage with touch

Silver Circle

Improved Ward

Inner Fire - Boost stats

Heal - assist wound roll

Forge - create matter from ether

Dreamwalk - Continuum - Enter mind while sleeping

Scrying - Continuum - View subject due to previous link

Gold Circle

Willwork Spells

Willwork Spells expend both Ether and Aura to cast. Many spells can also expend additional Aura and Willpower to increase their effects.

Names given for various spells and practices are the standard Rafaelan names, which are considered traditional if sometimes a bit "common" or "vulgar." Any additional names or terms in brackets refer to the preferred Zenith and Jibrilite terms (Zenith / Jibrilite).


Standing Ward

Etheric Messenger

Etheric Construct


Second Sight (Anja/Aspex)
Cost: 1 Ether - committed, Action: Free Action, Range: 0, Duration: Until Cancelled, Spell Type: Transmutation
Required: Magi / Sorcerer, Ritual Skill 1
Description - This spell modifies the user's eyes to allow them to see Ether out to visual ranges. Interpreting what they see sometimes requires the Read Auras skill. This spell applies a -2 concealment penalty to mundane Sense rolls as the flows of ether obscure normal sight, but allows the watcher to add the Aura ratings of those around them as a bonus to detection. Second Sight can see living beings through inanimate objects inside of 25m so long as they have Core Ether or a positive Aura value, but it cannot see through living objects like trees and other vegetation.


Bile Use - Cost: 1 Ether, Action: one standard action, Range: 10m, Duration: Instant, Spell Type: Transmutation
Required: Magi / Sorcerer, Spellcraft Skill 2
Description - The Magi transmutes her spit into another substance with an Aether + Spellcraft roll, then spits it at a target, hitting on a Physique + Athletics roll against their ranged AC. The DC of the spellcraft roll depends on the nature of the transmutation, as does the effect. In battle common substances are various poisons, phosphorous, and adhesives. Some substances can be extremely dangerous to the caster, and if she does not score at least 10 on the Physique + Athletics roll she will hurt herself.

Carrion Lord Use - Cost: 1+ Aura, Action: one standard action, Range: 0m, Duration: Instant, Spell Type: Aura
Required: Magi / Sorcerer, Spellcraft Skill 3
Description - The Magi summons a swarm of local insects to her aura, eventually creating a swarm that can completely hide her from sight. A more powerful version can attract birds instead.

Thunderclap (Mana Flash / Mana Flash)
Use - Cost: 1+ Aura, Action: one standard action, Range: 10m + 5m per Aura spent, Duration: Instant, Spell Type: Transmutation
Required: Magi / Sorcerer, Spellcraft Skill 1
Description - To cast this spell the Magi generates some loud noise with a clap or a stamp, and then rapidly amplifies it with a transmutation effect, often adding in a flash of bright light as well. Those within range of the effect are stunned for (Aura Spent) + 1d3 rounds, suffering a -5 Action penalty.

Use - Cost: 2 Ether, Action: one standard attack, Range: 10m + 5m per 2 Ether spent, Duration: Instant, Spell Type: Transmutation
Required: Magi / Sorcerer, Spellcraft Skill 3
Description - To cast this spell the Magi touches the ground and channels a sudden pulse of Ether into it, making it heave. The effect is normally omni-directional in a circle all around the caster, but by spending 1 Willpower the Magic can instead direct the effect in a directional cone extending for twice the normal range. The Magi rolls Aether + Spellcraft, and all in the area of the effect must beat this roll with an opposed Physique + Athletics roll or be knocked prone, losing an action.

Ward (Auroshell / Halo)
Use - Cost: 2 Ether - committed, Action: one standard attack, Range: 0, Duration: Until cancelled, Spell Type: Transmutation
Required: Magi / Sorcerer, Spellcraft Skill 2
Description - This spell allows the character to reinforce their aura with an effect that provides DR against any one type of attack (Physical, Energy, or Ether). The caster commits 2 points of Ether and gains 2 points of DR, coverage 10, for every point of their current Aura. If they gain additional Aura while the spell remains active, they gain additional DR. If they lose or expend Aura, the DR decreases. This effect lasts until the character's Aura drops to zero, or the caster consciously ends the spell. Witchfire attacks (and its derivatives) cannot harm someone protected by a Ward of any sort. As a Standard action the caster may roll Aether + Spellcraft against a DC of 10 + Aura strength to change the Ward's protection from one type of attack to another. Failure means the Ward collapses. A character cannot benefit from multiple Ward-type spells at the same time.

Witchfire (Mana Bolt / Mana Bolt)
Use - Cost: 1 Aura, Action: one standard attack, Range: 25m, Duration: Instant, Spell Type: Aura
Required: Magi / Sorcerer, Spellcraft Skill 1
Description - Allows the character to send a pulse of energy from their aura to the aura of another target within range whose aura is visible to them. This means that the caster must be using Second Sight (Anja / Aspex), and the target must either have Core Ether remaining, or a positive Aura. This attack ignores cover and cannot be dodged. It can however be countered by a countermagic action and an opposed Ether+ Spellcraft / Ether Channel + Aura roll. The defender must be within 25m of the target, and suffers -5 to their roll if their aura is not the target. The attack deals 1d10 Ether Damage and a Minor Burn Trauma Wound. The Magi can increase the wound to a Moderate Burn Trauma wound by spending one Willpower.

Witch's Kiss (Mana Break / Megablow)
Use - Cost: 1 Ether, Action: one standard attack, Range: 0m, Duration: Instant, Spell Type: Transmutation
Required: Magi / Sorcerer, Spellcraft Skill 2
Description - As a standard action allows the character to roll to hit the target as with a single unarmed strike, and if successful performs a transmutation based attack that deals 2d10 Atomic Damage, and deals a Moderate Penetrating Wound. The Magi can increase the wound to a Major Penetrating Wound by spending one Willpower. This attack ignores armour.

Thaumatech Basics

Thaumatech Praxi are constructed from ether conductive circuits made of the silver alloy Archenium, with the flow of energy regulated by tiny ether geode chips within the circuitry. These circuits can be created as “plug and praxis” kits, where a skilled Thaumatechnician can rapidly combine various circuits to create different effects.

A typical Thaumatechnician’s “plugsuit” runs off the users Aether Aura, and involves receptors at head, neck, chest, waist, ankles, upper arms, and gloves or gauntlets. One of the gauntlets traditionally contains a slot or mounting for connecting the combined circuit. The mounting of an active ether circuit is called the pix. These circuits usually gather Ready Ether from the user (depending on the quality of the suit anywhere from 3 to 15 points), removing the need to Channel Ether save for the very largest Praxi.

Thaumatech circuits are divided into five separate types. Unless a pix has a dual module mount, it can only take one circuit of each basic type. A multi-module mount can fit any type of module, but does not otherwise lift the restriction on mounting only one of each type of module. Some pix mounts may be unable to mount certain types of circuits.

Primary Module: The primary module is required for all Praxis, and determines the basic nature of the Praxis’ effect. Most Primary modules can also function as a Secondary module. Primary modules will include everything from attack and defense Praxi to transmutation and animation Praxi.
Secondary Module: A primary module added as an additional effect to another module. This usually weakens the effect, and ups the power cost.
Modifier Module: Modifier modules will expand or change the effect of the Primary and Secondary modules in some way, such as affecting a larger area, inverting the Praxis effect, sometimes just adding a cosmetic flair. Modifier modules are the most common type of module to be dual mount capable.
Range Module: The range module adds additional range to the Praxis effect. Without this module the default range for the Primary Module is used. When added, the range module’s multiplier is added to the Praxis effect. Modules that cannot have their ranges extended beyond touch will have a default range of “0”. A common way around this limitation is to use “Pix balls” or “Pix Shells,” which are Praxis circuits contained within balls that are then thrown or fired into the desired target area.
Special Module: Special modules apply more significant and powerful modification effects to the Praxis that the Chosen wish to keep restricted. Most commonly available pix do not have a Special Module slot.

Assembly of a Praxis circuit is usually with the main module in the center, and the other modules plugged into the main in a cross pattern. Modern Praxis circuits are quite compact, and a full four point assembly will usually still comfortably fit into the palm of a hand, with most individual components being coin sized. The full assembly will be a beautiful shape of external crystal shells, internal silver tracery and dancing points of light, making Praxis circuits common jewelry for Jibril Nobility.

Although mechanically assembling a Praxis circuit is a simple matter of clicking the relevant modules together, to create a functioning circuit the Thaumatech must also channel ether into it as she does so in an etherically complex procedure, which serves as the circuit's security access code. This process involves both training and genetics, and the Jibrilite nobility are bred for latent circuit access. An unskilled user attempting to assemble a Praxis circuit will be left with just a pretty lump of silver and crystal. The Chosen also have the ability to spontaneously disable and disassemble any Jibrilite Praxis circuit which is not in the hands of an authorized user, which has limited the use to which the Zenith Empire is willing to put any captured Praxis circuits.

Because of the influence of the Chosen over the development of Thaumatechnology, many of the circuits have names based events, passages, or holy people or objects from the Empyrian Codex. Even among the enemies of the Chosen many of these names have become ingrained in the common language of Thaumatechnology.

Thaumatech Praxi

Use describes how the Praxis is actually used. Aside from high end restricted Praxi, any user with sufficient Ether Channel to pay the cost of activating a Praxis can use it when it is assembled. Cost is how much Ether must be spent or committed (committed ether is unusable while the Praxis is active, but can be regained upon ending it) to activate the Praxis. Action is the action required to use it. Range is the Praxis default range without further modification. Duration is how long the Praxis effect actually lasts for once activated. Praxis Type describes what kind of etheric effect is used.

There are three basic Etheric effects: Transmutation, Aura, and Veil. Transmutation effects change one thing into another and commonly only work at touch range. However the Chosen are masters of Transmutation, and have found ways to create ranged attacks by transmuting high energy forces into being, and then releasing them. Aura effects work through the interaction of one Aura with another. They are typically short ranged, but if a specific link is established can function at almost unlimited ranges. Veil effects work through translating matter and energy across the barrier between worlds. These effects are commonly centered on the user, but often have extended spheres of effect. Veil effects are the most powerful, and most restricted.

Assembly describes how difficult the circuit is to assemble, and what skills and traits are needed. The full assembly complexity of a circuit is the sum of the complexity of all its modules. A Praxis circuit cannot be assembled without the required trait: Thau Delta, Thau Epsilon, and Thau Zeta. Each higher level trait also gives access to all the lower level Praxi. Praxi can be assembled without meeting the minimum skill requirement, but this cannot be done in combat, only in quiet and controlled conditions.

Assembling a Praxis circuit is a Special action, rolling Intellect+Thuamatech against a DC of the full assembly total. If successful, the Thaumatech quickly assembles the desired Praxis within the space of a normal combat action, and may then immediately use it if they have an additional action. If the Thaumatech beats the difficulty number by twice or more they can assemble the circuit as a free action, regaining their Special action as a Move action. If they fail, they can roll again with their next action and add the results together.

Many of the Praxi below are similar to Wild Magic equivalents, however in general Thamatech Praxi tend to be cheaper to activate, with more stable and longer duration effects. On the other hand, Thaumatech Praxis have only a single mode of operation and no flexibility on the part of the user beyond what modules are added to modify the effect. Also, due to in-built safety limitations, some Thaumatech effects have less raw power than their wild magic cousins, although this can sometimes be countered by the addition of modules to remove these restrictions.

Primary Modules - Attack

Ether Bolt
Use - Cost: 1 Ether, Action: one Shoot, Range: 25m, Duration: Instant, Praxis Type: Aura
Assembly - Component: Primary, Complexity: +5 Easy, Required: Thau Delta, Thaumatech Skill 1
Description - Allows the character to send a pulse of energy from their aura to the aura of another target within range whose aura is visible to them. This attack ignores cover and cannot be dodged. Unlike Witchfire, Ether Channel cannot be used to cancel this attack, however it is still blocked by Aura shield effects. The attack deals 1d10 Ether damage and the Minor Wound (Pain).

Mind Bolt
Use - Cost: 1 Ether, Action: one Shoot, Range: 25m, Duration: Instant, Praxis Type: Aura
Assembly - Component: Primary, Complexity: +5 Easy, Required: Thau Delta, Thaumatech Skill 1
Description - Allows the character to send a pulse of energy from their aura to the aura of another target within range whose aura is visible to them. This attack ignores cover and cannot be dodged. Unlike Witchfire, Ether cannot be used to cancel this attack, however it is still blocked by Aura shield effects. The attack deals 1d3 Mental damage and a Minor Vibe.

Telekinetic Bond
Use - Cost: 2 Ether, Action: one Shoot, Range: 25m, Duration: Instant, Praxis Type: Aura
Assembly - Component: Primary, Complexity: +5 Easy, Required: Thau Delta, Thaumatech Skill 2
Description - Allows the character to create a link between their aura and another within range whose aura is visible to them. The character can then yank the target forward up to 20m, or throw them back 20m with an aura repulsion or attraction effect. If the target hits something in the process, they take damage as per falling damage for the distance traveled. This module can be modified by area modules, however doing so increases its activation to two shoot actions as the additional auras are connected.

Thaumaletric Lance
Use - Cost: 3 Ether, Action: one Shoot, Range: 100m, Duration: Instant, Praxis Type: Transmutation
Assembly - Component: Primary, Complexity: +10 Moderate, Required: Thau Epsilon, Thaumatech Skill 3
Description - An illicit Thaumatech Praxi, created by Gregorio Arhyna, Thaumalectric Lance is designed for use in Thaumatechnic Urban areas. The spell uses existing ether transmission lines, including power, panoptic, and teleptex cabling, and transmutes a massive energy surge that leaps along those lines before forking to the target. The lance does require a to hit roll (Senses+Ether Channel) but ignores most cover. It is obvious to all (a crashing storm of electricity racing to the target) and can be dodged at a DC of 20 + the creator's Thaumatech skill. The Lance deals 2d10 Energy damage, and automatically inflicts the minor wound "Shock." If the target is standing adjacent to a connected Thaumatech device such panoptic mirror, or a teleptex terminal the attack crits on a 9, rather than a 10.

Mega Bolt
Use - Cost: 5 Ether, Action: two Shoot, Range: 100m, Duration: one round, Praxis Type: Transmutation
Assembly - Component: Primary, Complexity: +10 Moderate, Required: Thau Epsilon, Thaumatech Skill 5
Description - “The Praxis the Won the Crusades,” Mega Bolt is a powerful and highly effective brute-force attack. The Thaumatech creates high energy particles between their hands, then spits them out in an extended beam to the limit of the range band. Inside of 100m the bolt is wide enough (1m) that no to-hit roll is needed. Outside that range, to hit rolls must be made or the beam scatters to a new line, using the standard scatter rules. This beam ignores cover, burning through everything until it hits maximum range. All caught in the beam must make a dodge roll or be struck, suffering 3d10 Atomic damage, negating all armour, and permanently (until repaired) reducing any armour DC against subsequent attacks by 1 for every 5 damage inflicted. Because the energy takes time to coalesce, the attack is obvious to anyone able to view Ether, and the dodge difficulty drops to DC20 + the creators Thaumatech Skill (in Solinarchs this is replaced by their Ether Channel Skill). Although created through transmutation, the actual Megabolt attack is Atomic.

Use - Cost: 5 Ether, Action: one Shoot, Range: 0m, Duration: one round, Praxis Type: Veil
Assembly - Component: Primary, Complexity: +15 hard, Required: Thau Epsilon, Thaumatech Skill 6
Description - A terrifying Praxis, Voidcall takes all matter within a 5m radius of the activation and throws it across the Veil into the Void. Those in the target area can make a dodge at DC20+ the Thaumatech's Ether Channel. The Praxis is calibrated to spare the area immediately around the activation point, but this relies on precise calibrations by the activating Thaumatech. If activating personally, the Thamatech must roll Intellect+Thaumatech at DC15, or be caught in the effect herself, with no dodge allowed. As a result most Thaumatechs will only use Voidcall from Pix balls or shells.

Primary Modules - Defense

Use - Cost: 1 Ether - committed, Action: one Special Action, Range: 0m, Duration: until cancelled, Praxis Type: Transmutation
Assembly - Component: Primary, Complexity: +5 Easy, Required: Thau Delta, Thaumatech Skill 2
Description - This Praxis allows the character to reinforce a metal object to increase it's DR by 2. Armour reinforced in this way reduces negation effects by half (round down). This is an extremely common Praxis among Jibrilite officers and Clerics, and is also standard on the armour of elite Crusader formations.

Use - Cost: Variable - committed, Action: one Special Action, Range: 0m, Duration: until cancelled, Praxis Type: Aura
Assembly - Component: Primary, Complexity: +10 Moderate, Required: Thau Delta, Thaumatech Skill 3
Description - This Praxis allows the character to reinforce their aura with an effect that provides DR against any one type of attack (Physical, Energy, Atomic Ranged, or Ether). The caster may commit 1 point of Ether for 2 points of DR, and may spend as many points as their Ether Channel rating. This effect lasts until the committed ether is regained, or until an external force destroys it, in which case the committed Ether is lost. Manabolt attacks (and its derivatives) cannot harm someone protected by an Haloshell, but they do burn off one Ether from the spell’s effect per hit. Area modules can be applied to this Praxi to expand the radius of the shield.

Use - Cost: Variable - committed, Action: one Special Action, Range: 0, Duration: until cancelled, Praxis Type: Aura
Assembly - Component: Primary, Complexity: +5 Easy, Required: Thau Delta, Thaumatech Skill 2
Description - The character can use this Praxis to deepen shadows allowing them to move unseen by prying eyes. Every point of Ether spent grants a +1 bonus to Stealth rolls per ether committed if the character is in daylight, +2 in low light, and +3 in darkness. The character can spend as many points at once as their Ether Channel rating and the effect lasts until the committed Ether is regained.

Use - Cost: Variable - committed, Action: one Special Action, Range: 0m, Duration: one round, Praxis Type: Aura
Assembly - Component: Primary, Complexity: +10 Moderate, Required: Thau Delta, Thaumatech Skill 3
Description - The character can spend 1 Ether have their Aura deflect either light or Ether around themselves, becoming invisible either to normal sight, or ether sight. If Umbra is used against Light it also provides 5DR against Laser weapons, and if used against Ether it also provides 5DR against ether attacks. This effect last for one round, so the character must spend an action each turn to sustain it. This is an Aura effect.

Primary Modules - Utility

Cost: 1 Ether - committed, Action: one Free Action, Range: 0, Duration: Until Cancelled, Praxis Type: Transmutation
Assembly - Component: Primary, Complexity: +5 Easy, Required: Thau Delta, Thaumatech Skill 1
Description - This Praxis modifies the user's eyes to allow them to see Ether out to visual ranges. Interpreting what they see sometimes requires the Read Auras skill. This Praxis applies a -2 concealment penalty to mundane Sense rolls as the flows of ether obscure normal sight, but grants a +2 high visibility bonus against characters using Wild Magic or Sorcery that round. It should be noted that the Chosen have the command codes to this Praxis, and without modification it will not detect any of their works unless they wish it to. The filtering options Aspex uses can also be abused by a savvy ether user, and active attempts to deceive any Aspex used by a non-Thamatechnician gain a +5 bonus.

Simple Transmutation
Use - Cost: 1 Ether, Action: one Special Action, Range: 0, Duration: instant, Praxis Type: Transmutation
Assembly - Component: Primary, Complexity: +10 Moderate, Required: Thau Delta, Thaumatech Skill 2
Description - The character can transmute one simple and homogenous material into another similar material. Stone can be turned to sand, wood to leaf fiber, copper to iron, and iron to titanium. Although simple transmutation can be used on dead matter, it will not work on anything living. The effect reaches .5m in radius from the point of touch and can affect 1kg of matter a round. Breaking matter down is simpler than reinforcing or improving it, and doing the reverse only allows .5kg of material a round. This is a fairly common effect, so to avoid rampant vandalism many materials are created transmute resistant (Ather+Ether Channel against a DC of 15+) or even transmute immune, either by charging them with an ether current, mixing them with etherically suspended bacteria, or just alloying them with Archenium.

Use - Cost: Variable - committed, Action: one Special Action, Range: 0, Duration: until cancelled, Praxis Type: Transmutation
Assembly - Component: Primary, Complexity: +15 Hard, Required: Thau Delta, Thaumatech Skill 2
Description - The character can use this Praxis to make themselves stronger, faster, smarter and more dextrous. Every point of Ether spent grants a +1 bonus to Physique, Senses or Intellect. The character can spend as many points at once as their Ether Channel rating. No stat can be raised over 25% (round down) of its natural value, to a minimum of one. This effect lasts until the committed Ether is regained.

Use - Cost: 2 Ether - committed, Action: one Special Action, Range: 0, Duration: until cancelled, Praxis Type: Veil
Assembly - Component: Primary, Complexity: +10 Moderate, Required: Thau Delta, Thaumatech Skill 3
Description - This Praxis prevents all sound and light leaving the enclosed area, turning it externally into a black sphere, but otherwise leaving those within unaffected and still able to see and converse. By default the effect extends over 5m radius. Area modules can either increase or decrease this. This Praxis provides complete defense against laser weapons, but upon being hit by any weapon able to deal energy damage it will destabilize and disperse the following round.

Use - Cost: Variable - committed, Action: one minute x ether committed, Range: 0, Duration: until cancelled, Praxis Type: Aura, Transmutation, Veil
Assembly - Component: Primary, Complexity: +20 Very Hard, Required: Thau Epsilon, Thaumatech Skill 6
Description - The character can use this Praxis on any dead body to re-animate it as a construct (technically it will work on the living too, but safety restrictions forbid this). To do so the Thaumatech modifies the target body and then infuses energy from across the Veil into it, binding it to her Aura. This Praxis requires a roll of Intellect+Thaumatech Theory. The cost to do this is 1 Ether for an insect (DC10), 2 ether for a small animal like a bird or dog (DC15), 3 ether for a small human or goblin (DC20), 4 ether for a normal sized human (DC25), and 5 ether for a large animal like a horse or ogre (DC30). Once animated the construct will operate like it did in life, although it's intellect will be reduced to 0 without further modification. The construct can then be given one general command (guard this area / guard me / attack that man) for each level of Thaumatech Skill the user has, otherwise it will just act as a direct puppet of it's creator's will, taking one Free Action a round to direct. The creator has a aura link to the target, and can send orders to it over any range, however without telepathy she will have no actual knowledge of what it is seeing or doing.

Cost: Variable (committed or expended), Duration: one round or until cancelled, Praxis Type: Transmutation Description: Gravitron transmutes gravitational waves over a localized area, increasing, reducing, or redirecting them. For committed Ether a character can change how gravity affects themselves. 1 Ether reduces gravity adding a +10 to all athletics rolls for movement, 2 Ether nullifies it completely, allowing a character to float. The character can also "pulse" gravity in an area centered on themselves, increasing, decreasing or redirecting it for a round. Each committed Aether increases or decreases gravity by 100% increments, up to a limit of the users Thaumatech skill. The normal radius for this is 10m, can be increased for the cost of one gravity increment. When used as an area effect, one Core Aether is always lost when then committed Aether is recovered.

Manipulate simple machines

Modifier Modules

Party Module
Use - Cost: +1 Ether, Action: N/A, Range: N/A, Duration: N/A, Praxis Type: Veil
Assembly - Component: Modifier, Complexity: +5 Easy, Required: Thau Delta, Thaumatech Skill 1
Description - This module uses veil energies to create sympathetic reactions in the local ether, resulting in bright lights and psychedelic patters. This can be extremely distracting, and will apply the "Distracted" vibe to anyone viewing it. Aside from that, this module is just good fun, particularly for stoned young Thaumatechs at after-curfew Chapel parties.

Covert Module
Use - Cost: 0, Action: N/A, Range: N/A, Duration: N/A, Praxis Type: Veil
Assembly - Component: Modifier, Complexity: +15 Hard, Required: Thau Delta, Thaumatech Skill 5
Description - This module dumps excess energies across the Veil adding +5 to detect the affected Praxis. This effect is obvious to anyone able to view across the Veil, and so actively counterproductive in such cases, adding +5 to their attempts to detect the Praxis.

Personal Area Module
Use - Cost: 0 Ether, Action: N/A, Range: N/A, Duration: N/A, Praxis Type: Veil
Assembly - Component: Modifier, Complexity: +5 Easy, Required: Thau Delta, Thaumatech Skill 2
Description - This module removes area effects from a Praxis that possesses them, reducing it down to a personal effect, or a user defined smaller area.

Local Area Module
Use - Cost: +100% Primary Ether / +1, Action: N/A, Range: +5m all directions, Duration: N/A, Praxis Type: Veil
Assembly - Component: Modifier, Complexity: +10 Moderate, Required: Thau Delta, Thaumatech Skill 3
Description - This module uses complicated Veil resonances to extend the area of effect of the attached Praxis. Using it increases the cost of the Primary Praxis circuit by 100%, unless the Primary Praxis is a Veil effect with its own pre-existing area of effect, in which case the cost is just +1 Ether. This Praxis cannot be applied to Aura-based Primary modules unless specifically stated otherwise in the description.

Power Enhancer Module
Use - Cost: +1 Ether, Action: N/A, Range: N/A, Duration: N/A, Praxis Type: Transmutation
Assembly - Component: Modifier, Complexity: +10 Moderate, Required: Thau Delta, Thaumatech Skill 3
Description - This module increases all damage effects of the modified Praxis by one dice.

Dwell Time Module 1
Use - Cost: Variabe, Action: N/A, Range: N/A, Duration: 1 minute, Praxis Type: Veil
Assembly - Component: Modifier, Complexity: +15 Hard, Required: Thau Delta, Thaumatech Skill 5
Description - This module allows a committed Veil effect to be turned into a standing area effect for one minute by paying its ether rather than recovering it.

Range Modules

Mid Range Module
Use - Cost: +50% Primary Ether / 1 Ether, Action: N/A, Range: x2, Duration: N/A, Praxis Type: Veil
Assembly - Component: Range, Complexity: +5 Easy, Required: Thau Delta, Thaumatech Skill 3
Description - This module uses complicated Veil resonances to extend the range of the attached Praxis. Using it increases the cost of the Primary Praxis circuit by 50%, rounded down to a minimum of 1 Ether.

Long Range Module
Use - Cost: +100% Primary Ether / 1 Ether, Action: N/A, Range: x4, Duration: N/A, Praxis Type: Veil
Assembly - Component: Range, Complexity: +10 Moderate, Required: Thau Epsilon, Thaumatech Skill 6
Description - This module uses complicated Veil resonances to extend the range of the attached Praxis. Using it increases the cost of the Primary Praxis circuit by 100%.

Special Modules

Target Increase Module 1
Use - Cost: +1 Ether per target, Action: N/A, Range: 20m, Duration: N/A, Praxis Type: Aura
Assembly - Component: Special, Complexity: +15 Hard, Required: Thau Epsilon, Thaumatech Skill 6
Description - This module allows the user to expand the target set of any targeted Aura Praxis. For attack Praxi it allows a second aura within 20m of the first to be targeted. For defensive Praxi it allows the effect set to be expanded by one (so for Haloshell it would allow two types of damage to be protected against).

Selection Module 1 Use - Cost: 0, Action: N/A, Range: 20m, Duration: N/A, Praxis Type: Veil
Assembly - Component: Special, Complexity: +15 Hard, Required: Thau Epsilon, Thaumatech Skill 6
Description - This module allows Veil effects to be modified to only affect a specific type of object within their area of effect. This type is fairly general, such as "clothes," "humans," "birds," "guns," etc. More powerful Selection Modules can narrow the target set down further.

Autonomy Module
Use - Cost: Special - Geode Core, Action: Hours, Range: N/A, Duration: N/A, Praxis Type: Transmutation
Assembly - Component: Special, Complexity: +15 Hard, Required: Thau Epsilon, Thaumatech Skill 6
Description - This module allows a Thaumatech to create an independent construct with its own (limited) will and independent power source. This Praxis requires access to a suitable geode core to implant into the construct. The Thaumatech then rolls Intellect+Thaumatech Theory, and for every 10 points can create 1 point of Intellect in the target. Once created the construct will run off its own internal power, and will not require committed Ether from the Thaumatech.


Clockwork Coil Provides a bonus to the functioning of mechanical equipment

Restore Prime Restores PS and reduces wounds

Transfer Will Converts Ether into other Exploits