Sistine Chapel

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Lore (Sistine)

1: Her name's not actually Sistine Chapel. Probably.
2: She skipped three grades but never bothered to get into UCLA early and has just been camped in the FGSC "chapter house" since before the Patra moved in.
3: Gaming Handle: <Papess>

Vital Statistics

Name: Sistine Chapel
Age: 18
Avatar: Dynamic
Nature: Rogue (Regain Willpower whenever you manage to score a victory against the forces of authority.)
Demeanor: Conniver (Regain Willpower whenever you manage to avoid work or problems by tricking someone else.)
Arete: 3
Quint: 3/3
Tass: 0
Dox: 0
Damage: -
Willpower: 5/5
Exp: 0/0
Init: +5


Physical [44]

Strength: 1
Dexterity: 5 (Sick Flicks)
Stamina: 2

Social [24-4]

Charisma: 2
Manipulation: 2
Appearance: 3

Mental [64+56]

Perception: 5 (Details)
Intelligence: 5 (Connecting Dots)
Wits: 5 (Twitch)


Talents [39+4]

Alertness: 5 (Situational Awareness)
Art: 3
Awareness: 1
Expression: 1
Streetwise: 2
Subterfuge: 0

Skill [27+19]

Gaming: 5 (Action)
Hypertech: 2
Research: 3
Technology: 3

Knowledge [15+35]

Academics: 3
Computers: 5 (Coding)
Cryptography: 3
Investigation: 3
Linguistics: 2 (English, Japanese, Korean, Spanish)
Lore: Mages: 1 (Technocracy)
Politics: 1 (Social Media) Science: 4 (Computer Science)

Spheres [65+4]

Correspondence: 2
Entropy: 0
Forces: 1
Life: 0
Matter: 0
Mind: 1
Prime: 0
Spirit: 0
Time: 3

Traits [21+12]


Avatar: 3
Fame: 1
Patron: 1
Resources: 1
Sanctum: 5

Merits/Flaws [-21]

Age [-3]
Allergy: Outside [-6]
Dull Sense: Taste [-3]
Echoes [-3]
Short [-3]
Shy [-3]

Magic and Gear

