AI:L Rules Testing

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Ascension Isle: Legacy

Based on version Rules version 0.302

Ranged Combat

Combat Damage

As characters take damage they build up Physical Stress. When Physical Stress is high enough, the character is incapacitated, and may even die.

A Character can tolerate a number of Stress Points equal to their Physique + Physical Conditioning + Racial Minimum. For humans the racial minimum is 5. This number forms their Stress Limit. The character is not penalized for any damage that does not exceed the Healthy State stress limit, unless other conditions are attached to the damage. When damage equal or greater than this limit is taken the character is in Critical State and is incapacitated. When damage equal or greater than twice this limit is taken, the character is in Dying State and dies (although advanced medical care can still revive them). When damage equal or greater than five times this limit is taken, the character is in Annihilated State, and their body is completely destroyed.

Heroic characters have additional levels of stress limit equal to their Heroic Level. Characters can also buy additional levels of stress limit through traits. These levels increase the amount of damage a character can take before becoming incapacitated.

Heroic characters can also choose to “cap” damage taken by instead suffering wounds. Capping damage means that a character halts the damage taken at the start of the next level of stress limit, regardless of how many points of damage were inflicted. The price for this is the character must suffer from an ongoing penalty that will reduce their stats, abilities or traits in some way.

For example, a Local Hero with a Stress Limit of 15 has two Healthy State stress levels, for a combined total of 30 stress points. While healthy, the character takes a gunshot which inflicts 35 points of damage. Normally this would blow through all his healthy stress levels, and put him five stress points into Critical State. Rather than be incapacitated, the Hero chooses instead to cap the damage at his first healthy level, taking only 15 points of damage, putting him into the start of his second Healthy State level, and suffering a wound. Note that even if the Hero had previously suffered 14 points of damage, he could still cap the damage from this latest attack, effectively only suffering one point of damage from the hit.

Some particularly powerful attacks have the “Overwhelming” tag, and have limits on how much they can be capped. An Overwhelming 2 attack will blow through two stress levels before it can be capped, and Overwhelming 3 will go through three levels, and so on. An attack that is “Completely Overwhelming” cannot be capped at all, without special traits. Overwhelming attacks are common with particularly powerful weapons, particularly vehicle mounted ordnance.

Other attacks have the “Stressful” tag. A stressful attack will always do damage equal to however many stress points the target has remaining in their current stress level. Stressful 2 will do damage equal to the points remaining in the next two stress levels, and so on. Stressful attacks are common in hand to hand combat, as well as with some magic attacks.

PS resets very quickly out of combat. Once combat ends, PS will reset to the beginning of the current stress level. So a character with a Stress Limit of 10 and sitting at 5 PS would reset to 0 at the end of combat. However, if their Stress limit was 12 putting them in Critical State then they would only reset to 10, remaining in Critical State. PS can also be reset by using various traits both in and out of combat.


Crippling Injuries

Long term badness, much ouch

Accuracy Challenge (Combat DC)

AC = Base 10 + Size Modifier + (Natural Stat) + (Skill)

For ranged combat, the character's Senses Stat is added to their AC unless they are surprised or unaware. Their firearms skill is also added to the AC if they have adopted the "Alert" stance. Other modifiers, such as for range, movement or cover, are applied as edge penalties or bonuses to the hit roll, rather than modifying the AC.

Edge Modifiers (Ranged)


Additional Range Increment: -1 (rifles) -2 (pistols) -3 (shotguns)
Target Moving: -2
Target Sprinting: -4
Target Speeding (vehicles): -5 to -10
Three Quarter target (limited cover): -2
Half Target (partial cover): -4
Fractional Target (loophole): -6
Full Cover: -10
Limited Visibility (dim light): -2
Low Visibility (dark, smoke): -5


Point Blank Range: +5
High Visibility Target: +1
Aiming: + scope/sight bonus

Combat Maneuvers (Ranged)


Adopting a stance is a free action, but can only be taken at the start of a character’s turn, before any other actions have been taken. A stance cannot be changed or dropped until the start of their next turn.

Braced: Gain +2 Accuracy Edge, reduce total range and recoil penalties by 1. May not move, lose Senses bonus to ranged AC.
Alert: Gain +2 Initiative Edge, and add weapon skill to ranged AC. May not sprint. All attacks must be Snap Shots.

Standard Actions

Reload: Standard action. Restore Ammunition in current weapon. Lose all stored Advantage.
Aim: Standard action. Gain accuracy advantage equal to scope/sight bonus. Scope Advantage is lost once aiming character moves, sight Advantage is lost once the aiming character sprints.
Hit the Deck: Free Interrupt Defensive Action. Hit the Deck is declared after an attack is declared and any modifiers are added, but before dice are rolled. Add +10 to ranged AC for the remainder of the round, but grant opponent +4 Initiative Advantage. Expends all Advantage and remaining actions. A character who hit the deck may not roll for Initiative in the following round, and will go last in the next initiative order. If two or more characters took defensive actions, then roll for initiative between them to determine which goes last.
Snap Shot: Free Action. Before taking a standard attack action, a character may declare that it will be a snap-shot. Snap shots allow characters to maintain their full cover bonus against incoming fire, including that triggered by overwatching, or being overwatched against, but suffer a -4 Accuracy Edge penalty. Pistols only suffer a -2 Accuracy Edge penalty when snap shooting. Scopes cannot be used when snap shooting, but sights can.
Overwatch: Standard attack action. Hold attack and only attack if target attacks or moves, then may convert overwatch to any standard attack action. An opponent who is engaged by an overwatch attack while attempting to attack themselves treats their cover as one level lower, unless taking a snapshot. A character who is overwatching also treats their cover as one level lower against any incoming fire until they cease overwatching. Lose one overwatch action every time damaged by a successful attack. All Overwatch actions expire when initiative is rolled. Gain +2 initiative advantage when one or more of your unused Overwatch actions expire.
Suppressing Fire: Standard attack action. Expend one point of Ammunition from current weapon. Roll standard attack against target AC, ignoring cover. If successful, do no damage but remove Advantage from target equal to 1 Accuracy and Initiative, and inflict -1 Accuracy Edge, for 1 point of success over AC threshold for fully automatic weapons, or for every 3 points over the threshold for semi-automatic weapons, or for every 5 points over the threshold for single shot weapons.
Marching Fire: Standard attack action. Expend one point of Ammunition from current weapon. If shot misses, gain +2 Accuracy Advantage. Can only be used by full-auto weapons.
Burst: Standard attack action. Expend one point of Ammunition from current weapon. Pick a number of consecutive adjacent squares equal to weapon's rate of fire rating, and conduct one rapid fire attack against each target in those squares. Can only be used within the weapon's first range increment, unless braced (adds 1 increment) or using a bipod/tripod/fixed weapon. Can only be used by full-auto weapons.
Rapid Fire. Standard attack action. Expend one point of Ammunition from current weapon. Score an extra hit for every recoil increment over threshold up to the weapon's rate of fire rating. Can only be used by semi- and full-auto weapons.

Accuracy Advantage Actions

Aimed Shot: As a Free Action, expend 2 points of Accuracy Advantage for 5 points of Accuracy Edge this round.
Critical Shot (I, II, III): As a Free Action, expend 4 / 6 / 8 Accuracy Advantage to gain +1 / +2 / +3 Overwhelming on one attack and +1d6 / +2d6 / +3d6 to the damage roll. Certain weapons such as sniper rifles will increase the Critical Shot damage.
Kill Shot: As a Free Action, expend 10 Accuracy Advantage. If next attack hits, target must roll Physique + Physical Conditioning against DC of shooters Senses + Weapon Skill + 1 per damage die on weapon, or be dropped instantly to Dying State, otherwise deal damage as a Critical Shot I.

Initiative Advantage Actions

Quick Draw: As a Free Interrupt Action, expend 2 points of Initiative Advantage for 5 points of Initiative Edge this round (declared before initiative is rolled).
Double Tap: As a Free Action, expend 4 points of Initiative Advantage to make the next attack as a rapid fire attack that does not expend ammunition and does not suffer recoil, but can only score a maximum of one extra hit.
Improved Snap Shot: As a Free Interrupt Action, expend 6 points of Initiative Advantage to make a snap shot at any point in the current turn. Defensive actions cannot be taken against this attack.
Trick Shot:
Insane Trick Shot:

Combat Traits

Basic Traits (possessed by all characters)

Adrenal Surge: Allows a character as a free action to spend one point of Adrenaline for one extra move action during their turn.
Tight Focus: Allows a character as a free action to spend one point of Focus for a free standard action during their turn. This standard action cannot be an attack, although it can be made in support of an attack, such as an aim action.
Fake Out: If the character's target takes an interrupt action before the die is rolled for an action, Fake Out allows a character as a free action to spend one point of Willpower to cancel the action and recover any Advantage or Exploits spent on that action. The action still counts for the purposes of the character's action limit this turn. Fake Out also allows a character to perform a Double Fake if their opponent uses Fake Out, and spend a point of Willpower themselves, in which case the two opponents make an opposed roll Intellect + skill roll, using the skill being used for the current action. If the character performing the Double Fake wins the roll then they can also cancel their interrupt action and any penalties or bonuses it applied. If the character performing the Fake Out ties or wins the roll, then they also recover the spent Willpower.

Special Traits

Firearms Basics


All firearms have a recoil number. This number indicates the amount by which a multi-shot attack, such as rapid fire, must beat the target AC to score additional hits. For every multiple of the recoil number over the threshold, the weapon gains an additional damage roll.

Rate of Fire

All weapons have a rate of fire. Single, Semi-Auto, or Full-Auto. Single shot weapons cannot use the Rapid Fire ability. Semi-Auto weapons can expend Ammunition to use Rapid Fire. Full-Auto weapons make all standard attacks as Rapid Fire without expending ammunition, and have access to additional forms of attack.


All weapons have limited ammunition, however rather than track individual shots, the ammunition stat is used only to track the amount of ammunition available for special attacks, such as rapid fire and suppression.

Unarmed Combat

Close Combat Accuracy Challenge: Base 10 + (Natural Stat) + (Skill) + (Init or Acc Advantage)

Initiative Advantage may be added to AC for a Dodge, Accuracy Advantage for a Block.

Physical Factor Physique Modifier. 0 Physique +5, 1-2 = +2, 3-4 = +1, 5 = 0, 6-7 = -1, 8-9 = -2, 10 = -3, -1 for every point over 10. Physique modifier can never reduce Physical Factor below half original value (round down) or 2.

Strikes build 1 Accuracy Advantage on a success 1d6/2, with Physical Factor of 8 (+/- Physique modifiers) for additional 1d6/2 damage.

Spend Accuracy Advantage

2: +5 Accuracy Edge
4: +1d6/2 damage on next attack, reduce PF by 1, to min of 1.
6: +2d6/2 damage on next attack, reduce PF by 2, to min of 1.
8: +3d6/2 damage on next attack, reduce PF by 3, to min of 1.
: +1d6/2 damage on all attacks this turn, reduce PF by 1, to min of 1.
10: +4d6/2 damage on next attack, reduce PF by 4, to min of 1.
: +2d6/2 damage on all attacks this turn, reduce PF by 2, to min of 1.

Spend Initiative Advantage

2: +5 Initiative Edge
4: Sucker Punch: one free move action at start of initiative round. This action must end in an attack
6: One vs Many: take a second turn immediately after your first, but can only take move actions, and may not attack the same target(s) as you attacked on your first turn.
8: Counter Punch: take one free move action for every close combat attack (successful or otherwise) against you this round. These move actions must all end in attacks.
10: One Man Army: Take an additional turn after your last and attack a separate enemy. Can only use move actions. Effect ends either when there are no new enemies to attack or within range.

Throws build 1 Initiative Advantage on a success 1d6/2, lose one action, with Physical Factor 8 (+/- Physique modifiers) for optional 5m throw distance.

Grapples build 1 Accuracy and 1 Initiative Advantage on a success Opponent is grappled

If someone is grappled they lose all stored Advantage, and do not get point blank bonus on their weapon. Can only conduct grapple attacks in turn. In grapple defender can always add Acc Advantage to block. Grappler gains an additional +1 Acc/Init Advantage for every Physical Factor 6 (+/- Physique modifiers) points over the threshold scored by grappler.

Firearms get no point blank bonus when grappled. Additionally, pistols suffer -5 edge accuracy, and other firearms -10.

Standard non-attack actions taken at point blank range allow the other character the option to take a move action as an interrupt.


Striking Stance +2 Accuracy Edge to Strikes, +1 Accuracy Advantage from successful Strikes +2 Opponents Accuracy Edge to Throws, Cannot add a Skill to Ranged AC

Throwing Stance +2 Accuracy Edge to Throws, +1 Initiative Advantage from successful Throws +2 Opponents Accuracy Edge to Grapples, Cannot add a Skill to Ranged AC

Grappling Stance +2 Accuracy Edge to Grapples, +1 Initiative and Accuracy Advantage from successful Grapples +2 Opponent’s Accuracy Edge to Strikes and Melee Weapon attacks, Cannot add a Skill to Ranged AC

Tumbling Stance +2 close combat AC, +1 Initiative for each unsuccessful enemy attack. Loose all Accuracy Advantage, may not build Accuracy Advantage.

Blunt Trauma Wounds (Progressive)

Light (Bruised)

1: Suffer +1 PS
2: Suffer +2 PS
3: Suffer +3 PS
4: Suffer +3 PS, lose one Adrenaline
5: Suffer +3 PS, lose one Adrenaline
6: Suffer +3PS, lose one Adrenaline, one action next turn

Moderate (Winded)

1: Suffer +4 PS, lose one Adrenaline
2: Suffer +5 PS, lose one Adrenaline
3: Suffer +6 PS, lose one Adrenaline
4: Suffer +6 PS, lose two Adrenaline
5: Suffer +6 PS, lose two Adrenaline, one action next turn
6: Suffer +6 PS, lose three Adrenaline, both actions next turn

Heavy (Stunned)

1: Suffer +6 PS, lose one Adrenaline, Focus and Willpower, lose both actions next turn
2: Suffer +6 PS, lose two Adrenaline, Focus and Willpower, lose both actions next turn
3: Suffer +6 PS, lose three Adrenaline, Focus and Willpower, lose both actions next turn
4: Suffer +6 PS, lose three Adrenaline, Focus and Willpower, lose both actions next turn, and reduce actions by one for remainder of combat.
5: Suffer +6 PS, Target is moved to Incapacitated State
6: Suffer +6 PS, Target is moved to Dying State