AI:L Armoury

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Small Arms

Jibril Small Arms


Mattock Trion 4PS
2d6, Range: 25m, recoil +4, Shots: 10, Semi-automatic

Mattock Trion 4PS Custom
2d6+2, Range: 30m, Recoil +2, Shots: 10, Semi-automatic


Mattock 15CL
4d6, Range 50m, recoil +6, Shots: 25, Fully Automatic

Mattock 15CC
3d6+4, Range 30m, recoil +4, Shots: 25, Fully Automatic

Angelican 2LR
6d6+3, Range 100m, Recoil +8, Shots: 5, Scope: +2, Bolt Action

Republic Small Arms


Prion-Pillar M140
2d6, Range: 20m, Recoil +5, Shots: 12, or 25 with drum mag, Fully Automatic

Salva M52
4d6+4, Range: 25m, Recoil +10, Shots: 6 (revolver), Single Shot


Prion-Matchless M100
4d6, Range 50m, recoil +4, Shots: 25, or 50 with drum mag, Fully Automatic

Prion-Pillar M146
5d6, Range 100m, Recoil +6, Shots 12, Semi-automatic

ZEN-Tek Small Arms


Zipper Holdout Needler
2d10 Energy, AN: 5, EF:10, Range 100, Recoil +0, Shots 10, Single Shot
The Zipper is a very small personal defense pistol, used as a holdout weapon. For this purpose the Zipper comes equipped with a mag-loaded wrist holster, which provides a +3 Quickdraw bonus to any initiative rolled before the first round of combat. The wrist holster also serves as charger, and the Zipper will steadily recharge off the users Ether Aura when not in use. This process usually takes an hour per point of energy, however the user can speed this along by rolling for Ether Recharge. Doing so is not advised by ZEN-Tek, and each such roll will decrease the weapon's maximum shot capacity by 1, until the power cell is provided maintenance.


Markom Laser Pulse Rifle
2d10 Energy, AN: 5, EF:8, Range 200, Recoil +0, Shots 20, 2 shots
The Markom was the standard energy weapon of the Republic military. It is rugged and easy to use, but benefits greatly from the skill of the user. The Markom has a removable cooling sheath that significantly increases the bulk of the weapon, but reduces all overheat chances by -20%. The greatest restriction on the continued use of the weapon is the deterioration of the mass produced energy cells.

Straker Heavy Beam Spitter
3d10 Energy, AN: 10, EF:6, Range 200, Recoil +0, Shots 20, 2 Shots or x2 AP
The Straker is a heavy beam weapon capable of rapidly cycling for multiple shots, or firing a single powerful beam that can cut through armour. The Straker has additional cooling coils for easy overload, and so does is at -50% to overload chances. Due to its weight the user must have at least a Physique of 5 to carry it, and the shooter's move speed is halved on rounds in which they fire the Straker.

Personal Protective Equipment

Jibril Gear

Fusilist under shirt
10DR, Coverage 4

Fusilist coat
10DR, Coverage 7

Fusil Skysilk coat
10DR, Coverage 7, Transmute Immune

Cruxis 1CA Peace Armour
10DR, Coverage 5, Physique rolls:-1, Aspex Praxis in helmet.

Cruxis 2CA Crusade Armour
15DR, Coverage 7, Physique rolls:-1, Aspex Praxis in helmet.

Cruxis 3CA Crusade Armour
15DR (17DR Half Energized), Physique rolls:-1, Coverage 7, Aspex Praxis in helmet, Reinforce Praxis in chest

ZEN-Tek Gear

EeGee Aurolectric Personal EnGlobe
20DR (Ranged only, Full Energized), Coverage: 10, Activation Cost: 1 Core Ether (first activation)
The Ayvee is a wonder of ZEN-Tek science. It achieves superior protection to all defensive spells and Praxi, and at far lower ether cost. The device itself is an adjustable harness worn over the upper chest, usually below the clothing (ZEN-Tek even offers a comfortable sports bra version!). The EeGee is invisible when on standby, but when active will flash as a faint sphere of light around the user. The EeGee does have three weaknesses. While calibrated against all ranged attacks, it provides no protection against close quarters attacks (setting the field to do so might trigger it every time the user moved). While the EeGee provides full protection against Atomic attacks such as megabolt, if penetrated by a megabolt the generator is extremely prone to damage, and will immediately fail if -1DR or more of damage is dealt. Finally, the field can be quickly overwhelmed by multiple attacks. Each activation defends only against one attack (although it will defend against all shots in that attack), and each subsequent activation costs twice as much ether as the previous activation (1,2,4,8,16!. . .). The number of activations the EeGee is allowed is pre-set by the user, and cannot be change on the fly, sometimes leading the system to draw more power than the use is comfortable with. Resisting this power draw is a free interrupt Aether + Ether Channel roll at DC 15.