Hisa's Garden

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Hisa's Garden is a trapped-in-virtual-reality character game off the traditions of Sword Art Online, Log Horizon and Overlord. The protagonists are a small after-school club trapped by the final server shutdown of Altima, the great MMO of the previous generation.


Released in 2028, Altima was among the first and by was by far the greatest child of the FullDive virtual reality MMO boom. Though hardly the most innovative as a game, Altima defended its incumbency from later products through an enormous advantage in content bolstered by powerful user creation and custom content tools. For nine years the game reigned supreme and for nine years it waned. Eventually, all things come to an end. With the announcement of its successor, HiSA Online, it was also quietly announced that the nigh abandoned world of Altima would finally be allowed to end.

Altima Archaeology Club

In a certain school in a certain prefecture of Amahara, there exists a small but unique school club – the Altima Archaeology Club. Though their reasons for being here are all different, they have been exploring the endless realms of this once thriving game, rambling through myriad realms filled with the works and monuments to the achievements of their forebears. Though it is a reality whose existence has been but an eyeblink to the real world, it is still a reality older than they are. Now, however, the world is ending and with it, so will the club. To celebrate and mourn the end of this reality, the club has gathered in their humble guild hall to wait out the very end.

But it didn't come.

The club members watched the stars swirl and the earth shake is if the whole world were tumbling into the void... and then the stars returned... as did the moon. The smell of grass and trees, the night of the wilderness wafted in through the windows, and you could no longer log out.