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Useful things go here. They make us go.



Mai's Counterattack
Etherweb Carrier Channel
Tyran Invicta
Fourth Paradise
The Order of Nasht
Vale of Hespirii



Gael Cygni
Schliraum Sternreich
The Celestine Existence
NPC Characters


Ground Combat
Ship Combat
Air Combat


Principles and Interests
Frankish Principles and Interests (Early Draft/Sample)
Tyrasan Principles and Interests
Lost Ground Principles and Interests


Jane's Weapons of the Galaxy


Everyone who doesn't want to use the default icons needs three unique icons; one each for Army, Navy and Agent/Individual. They should be relatively small (ideally 50 pixel diameter) and preferably circular.

Hero Scribbles

You may not activate more than three heroes a turn, though you may activate less (or even none) if you so choose.

All heroes need an epithet; the Queen Luceedi, the Elder Wyrm Rhodos, Tenno Showa.

Three levels of hero combat

Social: Conflict over some third party
Mental: Conflict between two heroes with no intent to physically harm
Physical: Brawl!

IX's Character Rules


Characters start with 5 stat points and one trait point at level 1. No Stat may start at more than 3, and no trait of more than tier 1 may be chosen.
Characters gain one stat point and an increasing number of trait points per level. When levelling one already purchased trait may be exchanged for trait points.
All characters can choose any trait, based on their pre-requisites. All characters must start as one of five basic class templates, with two already pre-selected traits. Once they level up however, characters are not otherwise restricted in what traits they may choose


Starting Traits: Leadership, one of Land Command, Sea Command, Air Command


Starting Traits: Politics, one of Diplomat, Merchant, Academic, Revolutionary


Starting Traits: Etherics, one of Tech, Magic, Technomagic, Old Empire (specify Paradisium, Exalter, Freeman, Atlantean), God Tech.


Starting Traits: Covert Operations, one of Assassin, Spy, Saboteur


Starting Traits: Heroic, one of Champion, Explorer, Rogue

Stats: This is your dice pool. Any stat can be rolled in most situations, so long as an appropriate story is told.

  • Combat: All form of personal combat from fists to lightning bolts to battlemechs.
  • Mysticism: Understanding the mysteries of the universe, a spiritual connection to the whole.
  • Mental: Cleverness and intellectually rigorous plans and strategems.
  • Social: Your appearance and charisma stat.
  • Conviction: Zeal and drive; sheer force of personality.


2 types

Leader Traits: World-affecting
Adventurer Traits: Narrative hero vs hero/on your own

Characters start with 3 character points and gain (1 + 2x level) every time they gain another level

Leader Traits

General is a general skill in commanding army units. 'General' is a term of role, not necessarily the actual rank.
  • Haig is a bonus towards any units with a batch size of 1:10,000 or greater and all ground units with no more than one added cap.
  • Achtung Panzer is a bonus to mobile, armored units.
  • Dojo Master is a bonus to units, so long as they have +1 or better melee (or are Simple, which defaults to Melee)
Air Marshals is a general skill in commanding army units. Like generals, this is a role, not necessarily their actual title.
  • Colonel Tomb is a bonus when facing enemies of generally superior advancement/quality level.
  • Bomber Harris is a bonus to strategic bombing.
  • Yamamoto is a bonus on strikes against warships.
Admirals are (space) naval leaders.
  • Nelson provides a bonus to simple naval units.
  • Honor Harrington provides a further bonus to simple naval units when fighting enemies of generally inferior advancement/quality level
  • Togo provides a bonus to maneuver and fleet command.
  • Bras D'or provides a bonus to all Fast warships.
Agents are the best covert ops agents a nation has.
  • Gundamjacker improves the ability to steal military units.
  • Walker improves the ability to steal advancement
  • Mata Hari can steal military information, providing a bonus against the target in one battle
Explorers are archeologists, geographers and the like. In a dangerous universe like LOE, they probably have two fists and know how to use them.
  • Archeologist allows the hero to search for artifacts
  • Indiana Jones increases the likelyhood of an artifact being Ancient/Technomagic
  • Lewis and/or Clark allows the hero to prospect for land and resources
  • Dowser may potentially find exploitable Ether while performing other exploration missions
  • Geologist may potentially find magic materials while performing other exploration missions
Officials are individuals such as merchant princes, diplomats, etc. They keep the wheels of economy going and the lines of dialogue open.
  • Gorbachev is a bonus to diplomatic relations with NPCs
  • Adam Smith increases trade return
Savants are leaders of knowledge; engineers, scientists, mages. They can provide useful benefits on research or training programs as well as a bonus to magic rituals or magic-like works.
  • Witch's Circle improves the effectiveness of High Magic cast under the hero's leadership.
  • Ford can eliminate the build time on one or more added capabilities.
Icons are individuals who are the foci of a nation; Oracle-kings are the most typical. If your nation has Lord of All, you must have an Icon hero. Icons can be quite powerful but are essentially defensive heroes - they can only act in your territory.

Adventurer Traits

Move faster
Take hits
Hit harder
See further
Extra lives
Avatar is a special trait that must be taken at level 1 and costs 0 points. This represents a hero that is something far larger and more powerful than a human, such as a dragon or a space battleship; this must be defined and specific as a military unit in your OOB. An avatar comes with some way of interacting on the human level - polymorph spells, robotic interface shells, etc - but will nonethless often face some difficulties in some tasks. Avatars will generally find it difficult or impossible to engage on the Adventurer level, particularly in physical confrontations - they are units and fight as such.

Heroes always have one Archetype and one or more (but normally only one) Roles.

Archetypes are what your hero is; from an otherwise normal human to a wizard to the avatar of a mile-long ancient superdreadnought.
Roles are what your hero does (in a heroic fashion); military leader, diplomat, explorer, etc.


Humans are the simplest and most common archetype. They have no unique abilities, but as a member of the majority population in the galaxy there are no real downsides to being a human.
Demihumans are, essentially, near-humans. This includes both traditional 'fantasy' races such as orcs, elves or merai as well as transhumans and cyborgs, and most tend to have some sort of exceptional or unusual ability. Demihumans are generally accepted in more cosmopolitan corners of the galaxy - or indeed even make up the dominant population - but may need to conceal or obfuscate themselves elsewhere.
Paragons of Magic are powerful beings of magic - sometimes archmages, but often oracles. Their origin - human or demi - is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, as these beings that wield immense personal power are best treated very, very politely.
Monsters are sentient creatures much larger and more physically powerful than humans; giantkin such as cyclops, dragons, etc. Some particularly powerful demihumans may count as monsters, despite their lack of stature; elder vampires and samothracians come to mind. Monsters are generally large and unsubtle unless shapeshifting magic is used, and even without magic wreak havok on a scale only matched by large combat vehicles.
Avatars are the human-scale interfaces representing large (and almost inevitably battle) machinery such as Atlantean battleships, or more unusually, technomagical weapons that can shapeshift into human-scale beings. Avatars themselves operate on the human scale but as what amounts to the remote tool of some sort of vast and powerful weapon system as well they are highly unsubtle in toto.