Isabella Sintawichai
Combat Information
- Initiative: 12 + 3d6
- Matrix Initiative: 5 + 5d6 (cold), 5 + 5d6 (hot)
- Astral Initiative:
- Primary Armor: , Rating:
- Accessories:
- Primary Ranged Weapon:
- Dam: , Acc: , AP: , Mode: , RC: , Ammo:
- Accessories:
- Primary Ammo:
- Other Ammo:
- Primary Melee Weapon:
- Reach: , Dam: , Mode: , RC: , AP:
Condition Monitor
- Physical Damage Tracker:
- Stun Damage Tracker:
General Information
- Body: 5
- Agility: 4
- Reaction: 5 + 2
- Strength: 4
- Willpower: 5
- Intuition: 5
- Logic: 5 + 2
- Charisma: 4
Special Attributes
- Edge: 1
- Essence: 5.18
- Magic/Resonance: 4 (5 - 1 from Essence loss)
Derived Attributes
- Composure:
- Judge Intentions:
- Memory:
- Lift/Carry: 40 kg
- Movement:
- Physical Limit: 6
- Mental Limit: 8 + 2
- Social Limit: 7
Skill Groups
- Athetics (Gymnastics, Running, Swimming): 1
- Agility: Gymnastics
- Strength: Running, Swimming
- Stealth (Disguise, Palming, Sneaking): 1
- Agility: Palming, Sneaking
- Intuition: Disguise
Active Skills
- Skill Name (Attribute): Rating [Specialty]
- Automatics (Agility): 2
- Unarmed (Agility): 1
- Perception (Intuition): 1
- Computer (Logic): 6 + 1
- Cybercombat (Logic): 6 + 4
- Electronic Warfare (Logic): 6 + 2
- Hacking (Logic): 6 + 1
- Hardware (Logic): 1 + 1
- Software (Logic): 1 + 1
- Corporate Politics (Logic): 4 + 3
- Literature (Logic): 1 + 3
- Corporate Families (Intuition): 1 + 2
- Cosplay (Intuition): 1 + 2
- Fashion (Intuition): 1 + 2
- Matrix Games (Intuition): 1 + 2
- Information Security (Logic): 6 + 3
- Fixers (Intuition): 3 + 2
- Language: English (Intuition): N
- Language: Chinese (Intuition): N
- Language: Japanese (Intuition): 2 + 2
- Language: Korean (Intuition): 2 + 2
- Language: Thai (Intuition): 2 + 2
- Quality (Cost/Rating): Effects
- Primary Lifestyle: Type (Months Paid)
- Nuyen:
- Licenses: License (Rating)
- Fake IDs/Related Lifestyles/Funds/Licenses
- Fake ID (Rating)
- Name
- Loyalty: , Connection:
275,000 Nuyen
- Hermes Chariot: 123,000 Nuyen (152,000 remaining)
- 8 programs: 2,000 Nuyen (150,000 remaining)
- Cerebral Booster 2: 63,000 Nuyen (87,000 remaining)
- Alphaware Datajack: 1,200 Nuyen (85,800 remaining)
- Mnemonic Enhancer 2: 18,000 Nuyen (67,800 remaining)
- Alphaware Smartlink: 4,800 Nuyen (63,000 remaining)
- PuSHeD: 15,000 Nuyen (48,000 remaining)
- Transys Avalon: 5,000 Nuyen (43,000 remaining)
- Actioneer Business Clothes: 3,500 Nuyen (39,500 remaining)
- Chameleon Suit: 6,200 Nuyen (33,300 remaining)
- 3 sets of Electrochromic Clothing: 1,800 Nuyen (31,500 remaining)
- Actioneer Business Clothes (3,500), Rating: 8
- Chemical Protection 4
- Fire Resistance 4
- Chameleon Suit (6,200): Rating: 9
- +2 to Limit when making Sneaking tests, +2d to Sneak when wireless-enabled
- Thermal Damping 3 (+3 to Limit against IR detection, +3d to Sneak against IR when wireless-enabled)
- Chemical Seal (can seal suit for sneaking purposes)
- Electrochromic Clothing x 3 (600 each)
- Can change color/pattern
Ranged Weapons
- Name (Total Cost)
- Dam: , Acc: , AP: , Mode: , RC: , Ammo:
- Accessories:
- Primary Ammo: Type (Amount)
- Other Ammo: Type (Amount)
Melee Weapons
- Name (Total Cost)
- Reach: , Dam: , Mode: , RC: , AP:
Total Essence Loss: 0.7 + 0.24/2 = 0.82
- Cerebral Booster 2, 0.4 Essence
- +2 Logic
- Mnemonic Enhancer 2, 0.2 Essence
- +2 to Mental Limit, Knowledge/Language/memory-related tests
- Alpha Datajack, 0.08 Essence
- Gives DNI, Wireless gives Rating 1 Noise Reduction
- Alphaware Smartlink, 0.16 Essence
- +2d to weapon dice pools when using smartlinked weapon if Wireless enabled, +2 to Accuracy
- PuSHeD, 0.1 Essence
- +1 to Logic-linked Skill tests
- Model: Hermes Chariot, Rating: 2 (5/4/4/2)
- Attack: 4, Sleaze: 4, Data Processing: 5, Firewall: 2
- Programs: Decryption, Stealth, Edit, Toolbox, Virtual Machine, Armor, Hammer, Biofeedback
- Matrix Condition Monitor:
- Vehicle:
- Handling: , Speed: , Acceleration: ,
- Pilot: , Body: , Armor: , Sensor: , Seats:
Other Gear
- Name (Total Cost), Rating:
- Accessories:
- Transys Avalon (5,000), Rating 6
- Rating 6, Firewall 6
- May Slave up to 18 Devices
- Slaved: Hermes Chariot (gives Firewall 6 for defense)
Special Abilities
Spells/Preparations/Rituals/Complex Forms
- Power Name
- Type/Target: , Range: , Duration: , Drain:
- Notes/Explanation
Adept Powers or Other Abilities
4 Power Points
- Fire-Bringer Mentor
- +2d to Artisan tests
- 1 Free Level of Improved Ability (noncombat skill)
- Improved Reflexes 2 (2.5pp)
- +2 Reactions
- +2d6 Initiative Dice
- Improved Ability (Cybercombat) 3 (1.5pp)
- +3 to Cybercombat rolls
- Improved Ability (Electronic Warfare) 1 (0.5pp)
- +1 to Electronic Warfare rolls
Other Gear
- A: Attributes
- B: Money
- C: Magic
- D: Skills
- E: Metatype
Total/Spent/Unspent (25+35/60/0)
- Chargen Karma (25)
- Corporate SIN (+25)
- Astral Beacon (+10)
- Session 1 (?)
Total/Spent/Unspent (25+35/60/0)
- Race: Orc (-10)
- Ork metatype
- Codeslinger: Data Spike (-10)
- +2d to Data Spike rolls
- Bilingual (-5)
- Additional Native Language
- Human Looking (-6)
- Can Pass For Human
- Athletics 1 (-5)
- Stealth 1 (-5)
- Hardware 1 (-2)
- Software 1 (-2)
- Automatics 2 (-6)
- Unarmed 1 (-2)
- Perception 1 (-2)
- 5 Knowledge Skills at 1: (-5)
- Race: Orc (-10)