Talk:JRPG Demo
Name: ????
- Concept: Mysterious Waif
- Life Skill: Summoning
- Mental
- Appearance: A silver hair, golden eye girl, wearing fantasy formfitting clothes under a large silver poncho and hood,
- Archetype: Childhood Friend
- Life Skill: Soul Magic (daughter of the town priest)
- Balanced
- Equipment:
- Weapon: Kyudo Bow (not designed for combat)
- Armour: Neophyte Garb (ZR mod ver.)
- Accessory: Holy Charm (+defence vs. supernatural)
- Archetype: Student Council Prez
- Life Skill:
- Mental
- Equipment:
- Weapon: Fencing sword
- Armour: School uniform
- Accessory: iPad
- Archetype: Mysterious Kemono Shounen
- Life Skill: Acrobatic Hunter
- Physical
- Equipment:
- Weapon: Fox Knife
- Armour: Tactical Garb
- Accessory: Red Headband (+Fight)
- Archetype: Black Magic Fairy
- Life Skill: Magic of (Bringing About) Endings
- Mental
- Equipment:
- Weapon: Iron Staff (Standard Military Issue, Miniaturised)
- Armour: Military Uniform (Custom Version)
- Accessory: Mysterious Pendant
- Archetype: Cheery Combat Engineer
- Life Skill:???
- Physical:
- Equipment:
- Weapon:
- Armor:
- Accessory: