Talk:Kanako Kuga

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Expand the FGSC
Retrieve the lost Tanto
Construct a Knightmare.
Become a Yakuza Princess
Control all doujin shops.
Control all Maid and Butler cafes.
Control Akihabara.
Control Comiket.
Auto-transforming cosplay suit.
Transforms once per round as a free action.
If vulgar, produces 1 dox but gets overridden if wearer gains dox from vulgar actions related to whatever the cosplay transformed to.
Provides soak with no penalties.
Provides extra actions.
Possibly, transformation sequences cannot be interrupted and must be observed.
Academy Hijinx
Student Council
Public Morals Office

Kana's New Sword

Crafting Process
The actual sword will be crafted along with a doujin manga depicting it and an extra materials booklet on its design and abilities. Technically requires 30 successes accumulated at one roll per hours. (This seems trivial compared to following steps.)

Purification Ritual
A doujin manga + extras booklet will be produced by FGSC and run the customary 500 copies to sell out. Pam may be involved. The sword will be put on display along with our cosplay models at our comiket booth.

Purification Ritual brings down difficulty according to its complexity. Let's go for difficulty reduction of 3 - ie Pilgrimage to a sunken temple in the middle of the Pacific or the spirit lands around the Labyrinth of Knossos

Imbue Arete
Roll once per hour for a vulgar Prime 3 effect for 5 hours (to give the sword Arete 5), spending 1 tass for each roll. A failure or a botch here is disastrous so every effort must be made to lower difficulty into the ground.

Imbue Powers
Total point cost of the artifact is Arete + 1 per Power + 1 per 5 points of quint storage.

Bind WIll
Resonance; Talismans can take 1 point of resonance off the mage into itself

Magical Practice

General Powers

Cosplay Elements

School Girl

Kana considers herself a high school girl, irrespective of whether she is still in high school and would continue to be able to invoke such powers via the Forever 17 rule at least until she turns Christmas Cake if not longer. The Kanadigm is very forgiving in terms of what a high school girl can do so a uniform of some description is often Kana's standard dress - especially in Japan where it is unremarkable virtually anywhere and provides excellent cover. Under the first pillar of the Kanadigm, it allows access to the myriad tropes that otaku culture frequently assigns to high school girls.

Cosplaying a specific school uniform grants access to more specific abilities under the third pillar of Kanadigm.

Fullmetal Alchemist
One of Kana's original standbys, a set of these Edward Elric gloves allows vulgar manipulation of matter following the Law of Equivalent Exchange. While the obvious use would be to forge surrounding walls and earth into huge blocks of stuff, the Edward Elric crossplay's true power is that it allows her to transition into virtually anything else by rustling up large props or another costume right up around her body when necessary.

Any kunoichi outfit grants Kana a slew of default abilities. Some of the more useful ones come from the Naruto side of things (which she always claims to be too plebian for a high class otaku like herself) such as the various types of Ninja Clone, the Ninja Substitute, the Summoning Scroll and Summoning Technique, as well as general access to Ninjutsu and Genjutsu, the two supernatural corners of the ninja trinity. The Summoning Scroll and Summoning Technique in particular are seen by Kana as objectively and generally useful abilities in a fight, especially once she can use it on something more massive than a toaster. Alternatively, the western stereotype of the black clad, ninja sword wielding ninja enjoys unparalleled acceptance in static reality across the globe.

Magic Girls
This category is used to gain magical powers and can be accessed directly via a small ornament, allowing preparation for a fight without appearing threatening. Magic Girls are a remarkably flexible genre if one knows it well, having strengthened considerably since the mid-2000's. Nevertheless, most of its range of effects tend to be more obvious and less outright powerful than ninja techniques. On the other hand, as Kana prefers to avoid vulgarity, things are probably so dire by the time she cracks this open that she defaults immediately to White Devil Fire-For-Effect.

Magic Eyes
Curious looking eyes justifies a broad spectrum of magical effects in anime. Kana accesses this corpus of techniques with contact lenses, either by having had them on the whole time or in a box on her person somewhere (Mat 2/Corr 2 OR Prime 2). A subcategory of her prop magic, a Magic Eye usually grants an ability or abilities that fall under a single underlying principle. This principle is unifying but it can be an exceedingly broad or powerful principle, including ones not fully covered by her spheres since characters are rarely able or willing to use the full breadth and depth of their special powers most of the time anyway. Although having the contacts themselves is coincidental, many of the easy effects of eye magic are as vulgar as one might expect of Kana's paradigm.

Self explanatory; katanas can cut through anything and will almost always do it coincidentally.

Wire Control
"Monofilament" wire finds its way into Kana's available arsenal quite often. Owing to its portrayal in media and how unclear normal people are regarding the relevant physics, the cutting ability of wires when wielded with suitably flashy skills is ambiguous and may be second only to a katana. Moreover, wires are understood to be easily hidden on the person and potentially invisible, so their sudden appearance from nowhere or actual invisibility can easily be rendered coincidental.

Cosplaying, mimicking action sequences and using props is the most powerful aspect of Kana's magic and serves as the focus for any magic that the cosplayed character would be capable of doing, including abilities that would otherwise appear to require no other focus.

Kana uses her newly taught basic skill in Do as well as her own acrobatic talent as a focus during battle. Although generally used with Athletics to perform feats of hand to hand prowess (with varying levels of outrageousness), her brief introduction to Do as the source of all martial arts allows her to use supernatural (often element-invoking or remote-controlling) martial arts such as all four families of Bending or (in theory) Hokuto Shinken.

Her most recently acquired skill, Kana currently views hypertech robotics (and hypertech more generally) as her own personal rebellion against the Technocracy. The Technocracy has already written robotics into Static Reality but Modern Visual Culture has done a great deal to stretch that in the popular imagination. Kana intends to use the Technocracy's own device and her own straightforward feeling to create powerful weapons that are coincidental or barely vulgar and hoist the Technocracy on its own petard.


Entangling Wires (Forces 2/Matter 2/Corr 2 or Prime 2)
A tangle of anime fighting wire entangles the foe, either pulled out of hammerspace by Kana or else spun out of existing material. Applying Strength to free oneself generally makes things worse by converting the successes into damage.

Extra Layers (Matter 2/Corr 2 or Prime 2)
Kana quickly switches tracks by having another costume under the one on top and just stepping right out of the outer layer. Helps if arranged in order of increasing fanservice.

Master of Mahjong (Matter 2/Corr 2/Mind 1) Kana could basically cheat like boss at mahjong (or most other games) whenever she felt like it. The utility of this rote is limited by the comparatively small number of life-and-death situations that might be resolved by two winds' go 'round at the table.

Ninja Smoke (Matter 2/Forces 2 or Corr 3) Any ninja can vanish in a puff of smoke, either turning invisible or by ceasing to be in the vicinity entirely.

Ninja Substitute (Matter 2/Prime 2/Corr 3)
