Hercule Belrose

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Vital Statistics

Name: Hercule Belrose
Player: Exhack
Allegiance: Independant
Concept: The Peerless Weaver
Eruption: Excitement
Nature: Hedonist/Architect
Virtue: Gain WP when you have a truly good time (and bring others for the ride).
Vice: Spend WP to trust a hastily-put-together plan or jury-rigged system. Regain WP when you end up going without because of this insistence on a perfect plan (or mechanism) or none at all.
Quantum: 3

  • Quantum Pool: 35

Willpower: 8

  • Temp Willpower: 8


Health: Willpower (8) + Quantum (3) + Stamina * 2 (14) + Mega-Stamina * 6 (0) + Mega-Strength (1) + Mega-Dexterity (1) + X HLs * 2 (4) = 31

Penalties: (Stamina (7) + Resistance (4) + Mega-Stamina * 2 (0))/2 + 1 = 5 HLs/-1 penalty
HL Track: -0 x 5/-1 x 5/-2 x 5/-3 x 5/-4 x 5/-5 x 5/-6 x 1/INC x 7/Dying x 28



Quantum Attacks

Weave (3Q)

Fortitude: +5 Dif vs external attempts to alter or damage Eufiber.
Efficiency: Eufiber requires 10/Q less per day.
Hardening: Spending 1Q gives +2A/2L/2B for a round, max 5Q.
Electronic Interface: +d5 to hacking and bypassing electronic security.
Enhancement: Activation: d10, Effect: 1 sux for Str/Sta or 1L/1B or +1 to Eufiber-boosted ability, 2 sux for Dex or 1A/1L/1B, Cost: 3Q/8 Rounds.
Transfiguration: Manifest 5 physical body modifications, Cost: 3Q/8 Rounds.
Processing: Eufiber counts as an assistant with Int 5 and same Intelligence abilities.

Hypnosis (2Q)

Area (+1Q)
Activation: d10 vs Target WP, Range: 8m


Defense: 5/2 (Wits + M-Wits * 2)/2 = +2

Soak (Aggravated/Lethal/Bashing): 1A/12L/16B

w/1A/4L/8B (Natural Soak)
w/0L/0B (Quantum Powers)
w/8L/8B (Equipment and Body Modifications)


Physical (3)

Strength: 5 +2 (Athletic)

Melee 4
Brawl 4
Might 4
Mega Strength [1] (Quantum Leap)

Dexterity: 5 +1(Graceful)

Athletics 4
Legerdemain 4
Drive 2
Mega Dexterity [1] (Strider)

Stamina: 5 +2(Unflagging)

Endurance 4
Resistance 4

Social (7)

Charisma: 5 (Vivacious)

Etiquette 4
Command 4

Manipulation: 5 (Persuasive)

Streetwise 4
Subterfuge 4

Appearance: 5 (Alluring)

Style 5
Intimidation 5
Enticing Mega Appearance [2] (Appearance Alteration, Xenophile, Almost Live)

Mental (5)

Wits: 5 (Creative)

Art (Fashion) 4
Art (Cooking) 4
Art (Writing) 4
Rapport 5

Intelligence: 5 (Bookworm)

Academics (Psychology) 3
Academics (Culture) 3 (Fashion +3)
Academics (History) 3
Computer 3
Science (Math) 2
Linguistics 2 (Formal French, English, German)

Perception: 5 (Nitpicky)

Investigation 3 (Shopping +3)
Perception 3 (Clothes +3)


Weave [5]

Strengths: Extra Technique [2]
Electronic Interface

Hypnosis [5]

Extras: Area



Before Erupting, Hercule Belrose was a young man growing up in the surburbs of Paris with a passion for art, foreign culture and fashion. Living with his single mother Aurore, he made money on the side as a tailor for his classmates while earning a degree in fashion design. A chance encounter with Eufiber, and the myriad possibilities the material held gave the young man an immense art attack, causing him to Erupt as a Nova almost immediately after. Part of the colony that he had contacted bonded to him almost immediately and expanded, becoming near-permanently fixed to his body.

Now he makes a living as a fashion model and designer, using his superhuman looks and immense artistic talents to weave his Eufiber (and mundane materials) into increasingly intricate and exotic shapes that defy comprehension.



  • Eufiber 5
  • Attunement 5
  • Node 2


  • Dependance (Hercule's Eruption left him unable to live without being attuned to Eufiber, as his bodily systems slowly shut down in its absence. Every hour he is not Attuned to Eufiber he takes 1L damage.)
  • Dependant (Hercule's single mother Aurore is currently in the late stages of pancreatic cancer with numerous inoperable tumors that have metastasized into her spinal chord, intestines and lungs, and is undergoing experimental treatment in Empyrea. He's footing the bills with his modelling career.)


Permanent Points: 3
Temporary Points: 0

+1 Social Difficulty

Aberrations: (1 pts)

Anima Banner, Suit Narration (Minor: Hercule's Eufiber colony has developed a glitch where it compulsively narrates his actions as he uses Weave.)




  • Eufiber Properties
  • 8L/8B Soak
  • 10Q Storage
  • +2 Strength, +2 Stamina, +1 Dexterity
  • +5 Endurance, +5 Style, +2 Awareness

Body Modifications

Extra Health Levels [2]

+4 HLs


Bonus Points

15 +11 BP (9 Unspent)

  • Dependance (Eufiber, Lethal/Hour) [7]
  • Dependant (Mother) [4]
  • Merits [7]
  • Willpower [10]

Nova Points

45 NP

  • Tainted Quantum 3 [4]
  • Tainted Weave 1 [0]
  • Weave 5 [12]
  • Weave: Strengths [1]
  • Hypnosis 5 [5]
  • Hypnosis: Area [2]
  • Attributes [9]
  • Abilities [9]
  • Mega Attributes [8]
  • Enhancements [2]

Body Modifications

2 XP

  • Extra HLs [2]



Total 0 XP


Spent 0 XP, Unspent 0 XP


Total 0 XP
