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Name: Chrysophilax AKA John Michael Drake
Player: Norseman
Nature: Gallant
Allegiance: Whitefire Security Solutions


Strength: 5 (8 in Nova Shape)(Brutal)
Dexterity: 5 (Fast)
Stamina: 5 (8 in Nova Shape)(Resilient)

Perception: 5 (Observant)
Intelligence: 5 (Pragmatic)
Wits: 5 (Cunning)

Charisma: 2
Manipulation: 5 (Persuasive)
Appearance: 2

Athletics (Dex): 3
Awareness (Pre): 3
Biz (Wit): 1
Brawl (Str): 5 (Multiple Opponents)
Endurance (Sta): 4*
Etiquette (Cha): 1
Intimidation (App/Str): 1
Linguistics (Int): 1 (English; French)
Might (Str): 3
Rapport (Wit): 1
Resistance (Sta): 4*
Stealth (Dex): 3
Style (App): 1
Subterfuge (Man): 5 (Deception)
Tactics (Wit): 1

Mega-Strength: 2/5 (Irresistible Force)
Mega-Stamina: 1 (Resiliency)

Armor (L2): 5
Body Modification: Chromatophores
Claws (L1) Extra Permanent: 1
Quantum Bolt - Extra Spray (L3): 2
Psychic Shield (L1): 1
Sizemorph (Grow) Extra Permanent(L2): 3


Contacts: 2
Dormancy: 5
Eufiber: 5
Influence: 2
Node: 2
Resources: 3


Costume Fetish (1)[1]
Debt - Favour (1)[2]
Overconfidence (1)

[1] Costume Fetish isn't so much a costume as a strong preference for being in his dragon shape. If necessary he will burn a WP to overcome this urge. [2] See Contacts for details on the debt.

Minor - Brass like eyes with a slit pupil
Minor - Scales

Suggested path: Medium - Delusion: Real Dragon!
Medium - Frigging Dragon!
Major - Permanent Power: Claws
Major - Permanent Power: Sizemorph

TAINT: 5 / 0 temp
3 x Bruised
EXPERIENCE: 0 (45XP spent)

INITIATIVE (Dragon): 11
MOVEMENT (Dragon): Walk: 7 / Run: 36 / Sprint: 56
SOAK (Dragon): Bashing: 25 (30 Eufiber) / Lethal: 21 (26 Eufiber)

Brawl: Automatic [25] + Strength 8 + 1d10L
Dragon Breath: [6] + 8d10L, Range: 105 meters (52 for spray)

INITIATIVE (Human): 10
MOVEMENT (Human): Walk: 7 / Run: 17 / Sprint: 35
SOAK (Human): Bashing: 5 (10 Eufiber) / Lethal: 2 (7 Eufiber)


Chrysophilax is a bronze dragon, though currently his natural coloration is greenish-yellow, like tarnished bronze. However, he can change his colour pattern to almost anything he wants. From tail to snout he's 24 feet or 7.2 meters long and weighs in at roughly two tons. Wing span is roughly 34 feet or 10.3 meters. Fangs and claws both seem quite sharp, and at times little fumes of smoke rises from his mouth or nostrils, as if to suggest the fire burning within.

John Michael Drake is an average looking man in his twenties, with dark blonde hair and greenish eyes. There's little to distinguish him from anyone else, aside from a slight surfer / scuba diver vibe. Though he often dresses in suits he generally looks most comfortable in more casual gear.

Quantum Bolt - Extra Spray
This power looks like a long snaking bolt of lightning coming from Chrysophilax's mouth. It also makes the air crackle and smell of ozone.

Sizemorph, Claws & Armor
Have the cumulative effect of making Chrysophilax look like a smallish bronze dragon.

List of Desired Future Powers
Body Modification: Gills
Body Modification: Webbed Feet
Body Modification: Extra Limbs
Mega-Wits (Multi-Tasking)
Mega-Appearance (Face of Terror)
Animal Mastery
Invulnerability: Electricity
Mega-Dexterity (Flexible)
Mega-Stamina + Regenerate
Body Modification: Extra Health Levels (Maimed)
Armor (Superheavy)

Thomas Bayard Corbeil
There are strong suspicions that he is an agent working for the Action Service of the DGSE. In particular he's a liaison between the DGSE and various Elites hired for operations where plausible denial or heavy firepower is called for. Not that he has ever admitted to any of this. It seems that he has a particularly close link to the maritime branch of the Action Service as well as to the French Navy.

Corbeil wants to maintain a good working relationship with reliable Elites or any Nova that could be useful, so he is willing to provide information and do minor favours. That said it's impossible to tell if he knows more than he lets on, he's nicknamed "The Wall" for a reason.

Chrysophilax owes him a favour for calling in naval bombardment during an operation that went very wrong due to the presence of a couple of enemy Novas. The French government claims that it was merely conducting its own, independent, operation at the same time as the Elites struck. Few people believe this.

Olivier St Jean Tremblay
Tremblay is a shady military contractor who operates mostly in Central Africa, he's known to be closely linked to various mining interests in the Congo. In the old days, before DeVere and others became too powerful, Tremblay operated a proto-Elite agency which did a lot of work during the Equatorial Wars. Today he still works as a cut-out between groups who want Elite work done, but still want plausible denial.

Much like Corbeil, Tremblay needs good relations with Elites to do his job. Thus he is willing to exchange information, talk about the good old days, and warn about particularly nasty trouble. Like Corbeil he can't talk too much though, his clients expect confidentiality, and Corbeil is a professional.

John Michael Drake real parents are unknown. In what could be a sentimental story he was discovered outside an orphanage, and shortly a childless middle-aged couple adopted him. Growing up in the Cotswolds, in a quaint English village at that, John had an idyllic childhood. He was a very imaginative child though, particularly fond of dragons and other fantastic creatures.

As he grew up he found a fondness for rugby and other sports, but he first priority was always his studies. Overall he was a reasonably well liked fellow, though mostly for his athletic skills rather than his personal charm. Given his overall good grades, and some hearty recommendations, he was admitted to Cambridge to study business administration. At the age of 19 it looked as if the world was at his feet.

That's when tragedy struck, while in a car with his parents they crashed into a large lorry. Both his parents died, but during the accident he erupted, finding himself entirely unhurt in among the twisted metal wreckage. If he had been injured the shock might ironically have been less, as it were he fell into a deep depression.

It was then that he regressed to his childhood so to speak, spending days and weeks with his dragon figurines and books. Little by little he began to change, until one day he woke up in a small field and found that he was a dragon. Normally he would have supposed that he had erupted during the accident, but John simply didn't think that far. Picking up a handful of belongings he walked out of his house and went out into the world.

How was it that he wound up in the Democratic Republic of the Congo? Hard to say really, but he did. There were certain mining companies that needed security and a Nova was good for that, even an unknown one. Soon rumours spread of a dragon, a man eating dragon, guarding the mines and hoarding gold. They weren't really true, but John, or Chrysophilax as he called himself didn't really care.

Other missions followed, all in Africa, most in the Francophonie. Many of these missions were probably done on behalf of the French, who had discovered that Nova operations were a wonderful low cost way of maintaining their pseudo-colonial empire. Most of the fights in Africa were nasty, very nasty, so he pulled further into his dragon persona. There were the operations against Somalian pirates, the interminable guerrilla wars, and the occasional terrorist group.

In the end he was fed up with the jungle, with the killing, with the stench. The Nova business could be far more, he knew that, so he decided to head on to the United States and see if he could find some new company there that'd give him some glamour as well as just money.

Attributes - 5NP

  • +3 Strength
  • +1 Dexterity
  • +1 Stamina
  • +2 Perception
  • +2 Intelligence
  • +3 Wits
  • +3 Manipulation

Mega-Strength - 11XP
Mega-Stamina - 6XP
Armor - 15NP
Body Modification: Chromatophores - 1XP
Claws - 1NP, 2XP
Flight - 6XP
Quantum Bolt - 6NP, 5XP
Psychic Shield - 3XP
Sizemorph - 9NP, 11XP
Background - 2NP
Flaws - +3BP Quantum 3 - 14BP
Willpower 7 - 1NP, 4BP
Abilities - 1NP

  • +2 Brawl
  • +4 Subterfuge