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Vital Statistics

Alias: Claire Burns
Player: NPC (Exhack)
Allegiance: Eden
Eruption: Dangerous Situation
Nature Expert/Follower
Virtue: Regain WP when you make a particularly impressive showing with an ability or teach your chosen skill to someone.
Vice: Spend WP to take charge or disagree with orders. Regain WP if the orders are blatantly bad or inefficient and you follow them anyways.
Quantum: 4

  • Quantum Pool: 40

Willpower: 10


• [ ]x8 Bruised: -0
• [ ]x3 Hurt: -1
• [ ]x15 Injured: -2
• [ ]x14 Crippled: -4
• [ ]x1 Incapacitated
• [ ]Dead



Quantum Attacks


Soak (Aggravated/Lethal/Bashing): 2A/13L/16B (+8L/8B vs Fire)

w/2A/5L/7B (Natural Soak)
w/0L/0B (Quantum Powers) (+8L/8B vs Fire)
w/8L/9B (Equipment and Body Modifications)


Physical (7)

Strength: 4 +1

Brawl 5
Mega Strength 1 (Quantum Leap)

Dexterity: 4

Athletics 5 (Dodging +3)
Drive 3
Pilot (VARGs) 3
Firearms 4
Stealth 4
Mega Dexterity 1 (Strider)

Stamina: 4

Resistance 3
Endurance 3
Mega Stamina 1 (Adaptability)

Social (5)

Charisma: 2

Command 3

Manipulation: 2
Appearance: 5

Style 4 (Harmless +3)
Intimidation 1 (Fire Hazard +3)
Mega Appearance 1 (Incognito)

Mental (3)

Wits: 4

Tactics 4
Art (Cooking) 4 (Baking +3)
Mega Wits 1 (Quickness 1)

Intelligence: 3

Academics (Military) 3
Mega Intelligence 1

Perception: 3

Awareness 4


17 Backgrounds (+10 from NP)

Enhancement 5
Devices 5 (Quantum-active Cyberware)
Node 2
Resources 3
Dormancy 1
Influence 1 (Eden Novas)


Elemental Control (Fire) [4] - (Control over fire, but also smoke.)

Offensive Deflection Shield: "Crown of Fire" - (A cascading corona of flames that causes visual distortion and obscuring smoke. +2 dif to hit, deals d8 L damage.)
Propel: "Flame Road" - (A jet of fire erupts at Claire's feet, allowing her to surf or rocket forward in the air or skim the ground on a cushion of flames. 100m per action/160 kilometers per hour.)
Bashing Blast: "Smoke Bomb" - (Rapidly incinerates a portion of the air, causing a large explosion of heat and smoke.)
Lethal Blast: "Flame Lance" - (Launches a stream of flame at the target.)
Storm: "Incinerate" - (Causes area around Claire to erupt into flames. Alternatively, cause area around her to fill with acrid smoke.)

Luck [5] - (Manipulate probability and cause the unlike to happen.)

Effect Extra: +d10 Activation



Permanent Points: 4
Temporary Points: 0

+1 Social Penalty with Taint <1

Aberrations [1pts]

  • Minor: Aberrant Skin (Burns)
  • Minor: Horn Growths

Body Modifications

  • Inhuman Attribute - (Dexterity)
  • Tough Skin - (Claire's skin became much more resilient as a consequence of the trauma she endured shortly before and during Eruption...)
  • Scarification - ( addition to being horrifically scarred and receiving permanent burns to 30% of her body.)
  • Rangefinder - (Cybernetic rangefinder implanted in her right eye to make up for the difficulties her body has experienced in accepting them.)
  • Pain Editor - (Due to chronic pains she experienced after Eruption, Claire received a cybernetic pain editor to ease her physical difficulties.)
  • Dense Musculature - (Restorative treatments have still failed to restore her crippled limbs, but Claire's musculature has otherwise benefited from treatment using new advances in Nova-active enhancement technology.)
  • Integrated Weapon - (Claire's mangled right arm was eventually replaced with a fully functional cybernetic one, which incorporates an "Ares Mauler" Shredder Rifle.)
  • Concealable Pocket - (Upper right arm has a built in storage compartment, which contains a hardened flask of whiskey and pack of cigarettes.)
  • Thermal Capacitor Mesh - (Due to worries about Claire causing herself harm with her powers, her body was outfitted with bundles of heat-dispersing mesh.)
  • Vital Organ Shielding x6
  • Filter Lungs/Liver - (In addition to preventing problems from smoke inhalation, they also prevent Claire from spewing out smoke everywhere unnecessarily from her habit.)
  • High Capacity Lungs
  • Luminescence - (Flashlight built into right palm.)
  • Multitools - (Fingers of right arm incorporate various tools, and a lighter.)
  • Strike Faces - (Both hands and knees have armored plates built-in.)



  • Shredder Rifle (Ares Mauler): Accuracy +2, Dmg 9/12/15L, Rng 50, RoF 200, Magazine 200, uses 10/20/40 Shots


  • Crash Suit: Soak 6B/3L, Penalty -0, Mass 3, Destruction 18
    • Vacuum Capability, Chameleon Polymer


  • Coil Rifle (Banji 02 Hornet): Acc + 1, Dmg 10L, Range 200, RoF 60, Magazine 60, AP:3, Conceal O, Mass 4, Min Str. 3
    • ECS, Gyrostabilizer
    • Underbarrel Grenade Launcher: Accuracy 0, Dmg 8L [5] or as grenade, Range 75, Rate 1, Magazine 1, Exp(1)
  • Revolver (Banji Annabelle): Acc +2, Dmg 7L, Range 50, RoF (Dexterity), Magazine 6, Conceal J, Mass 1.5, Min Str. 2
  • Sonic Knife: Damage 1-10, AP:5 (Bashing/Lethal as desired.)


  • Racing Hovercycle (Furatti Aquila): Safe Speed 300 (240), Max Speed 600 (480), Maneuver +4, Passengers 0, Armor 8 (+1 front only), HLs -0 x 2, -1 x 4, -2 x 4, -4 x 2, Wrecked


  • Lucky (Claire's managed to survive a large number of incredibly stressful and rather improbably scenarios in rapid succession for a variety of strange reasons.)
  • Iron Will - (Despite having a very harsh past few months, Claire hasn't given up hope yet.)
  • Quantum Rocovery - (Perhaps tangentially related to her rejection of Eufiber, Claire is able to process Quantum with greater efficiency than many Novas.)


  • One Eye - (Lost her eye during the Upeo raid on one of the Colony's conversion centers. Cybernetics haven't managed to even fully return her function, so she manages with the equivalent of an eye and a half.)
  • Crippled Arm (Right) - (Her right arm was severely damaged during Eruption and did not return to normal. Although now fitted with a prosthetic, it requires regular maintenance and power.)
  • Flashbacks - (Post-Colony Khantze Lu Ge is NOT a nice place to live, and Claire has enough memories lost family and friends during the ensuing chaos to last a lifetime. It's very likely that she has persistence PTSD.)
  • Addiction (Cigarettes) - (The one bad habit of an otherwise very prim and proper girl.)
  • Eufiber Rejection - (One of the reasons that Claire was able to escape Khantze Lu Ge intact and survive the inclement weeks until the next raid by Eden Novas was because the Colony's Eufiber bundles died when they attempted to establish contact with her.)


Bonus Points

24 BP (15 +9)

  • One Eye [+2]
  • Crippled Arm (Right) [+2]
  • Flashbacks [+3]
  • Addiction (Cigarettes) [+2]
  • Eufiber Rejection [+2]
  • Willpower 10 [14]
  • Lucky [3]
  • Iron Will [6]
  • Quantum Recovery [3]

Nova Points

50 NP

  • Mega Attributes [12]
  • Tainted Quantum 4 [6]
  • Luck 5 [5]
    • Effect d10 [5]
  • Elemental Control (Fire) 4 [12]
  • Tainted Invulnerability (Fire) [-1]
  • Attributes [4]
  • Abilities [4]
  • Backgrounds [2]

Body Modifications

4 XP from Taint

  • Tough Skin [3]
  • Scarification [1]

60 XP from Enhancement 5

  • Rangefinder [4]
  • Pain Editor [8]
  • Dense Musculature [10]
  • Integrated Weapon [8]
  • Concealable Pocket [1]
  • Thermal Capacitor Mesh [6]
  • Vital Organ Shielding x6 [12]
  • Filter Lungs/Liver [2]
  • High Capacity Lungs [2]
  • Luminescence [1]
  • Multitools [4]
  • Strike Faces [2]
