Talk:Dr. McAllister

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Power Armor ideas

Option 1: Body Mods on a VARG!

  • Quantum 1 = 5NP
  • Strength 2 = 1NP
  • Body Mods = 2NP = 16xp
    • Tiny 4xp Lose Str 2, Lose -0,-1 HLs, Lose 2B/2L/2A Soak
    • Redundant Systems 2xp Gain -0,-1 HLs
    • Plating 6xp 3B/3L Soak
    • Regenerator 4xp

Option 2: Shrink that VARG!

  • Quantum 1 = 5NP
  • Sizemorph:Shrink 2 = 2NP
    • Extra: Full Power 2NP
    • Extra: Permanent 4NP

Both of these require a system to allow the suit to be worn instead of piloted.

Option 3
Kick VAS
Soak 12B/9L [hardened 8B/7L], Strength + 3/Dexterity + 1/Perception + 1, +4 -0 HLs, Mass 55
  • Quantum 1 = 5NP
  • Pool 16 = 4NP
  • Stamina 2 = 3NP
  • Mega Sta 1 = 6NP
    • Regenerator
  • Flight 1 = 2NP
  • Cyber-Invulnerability = 2NP
  • Body Mods = 2NP = 16xp
    • Regenerator 4xp
    • Flight System 10xp

Option 4: Bad Ass VAS

Concept here is a VAS made from Olaminum and "Starlancium" (Ultralight supermaterial based on Starlance's armor). Only 21NP
Soak: 17B/14L/9A [hardened 8B/7L], Strength + 3/Dexterity + 1/Perception + 1, +4 -0 HLs, Mass 50
Militarized Computer (9 Milspec Failsafe)
Datawarp "Patton": An agent tailored for military use.
Performance+Speed 5
Programs - Administration 1, Linguistics 1, Geography 1, Intent 2, Mathematics 3, Tech(Military) 4, Warfare 4
  • Dexterity +4 = 4NP
  • Quantum 1 = 5NP
  • Pool 16 = 4NP
  • Flight 2 = 4NP
  • Body Mods = 4NP = 32xp
    • Regenerator 4xp
    • Flight System 10xp
    • Redundant Systems 2xp
    • Ultralight Body 8xp
    • Chromatophores 4xp
    • Multitools 4xp

Option 5: I know we should have raided more UFOs for 114...

Base Soak: 12B/9L/0A [hardened 8B/7L], Strength + 3/Dexterity + 1/Perception + 1, +4 -0 HLs, Mass 50
Full Soak: 21B/18L/9A
Militarized Computer (9 Milspec Failsafe)
Datawarp "Patton": An agent tailored for military use.
Performance+Speed 5
Programs - Administration 1, Linguistics 1, Geography 1, Intent 2, Mathematics 3, Tech(Military) 4, Warfare 4
  • Armor 3 = 6NP
    • Impervious = 2NP
  • Quantum 1 = 5NP
  • Pool 16 = 4NP
  • Flight 2 = 4NP
  • Body Mods = 3NP = 24xp
    • Regenerator 4xp
    • Flight System 10xp
    • Redundant Systems 2xp
    • Chromatophores 4xp
    • Multitools 4xp


Basic Package
  • Quantum 1 = 5NP
  • Stats (20pts) = 10NP
    • Int 5
    • Per 4
    • Wit 4
    • Cha 4
    • Man 3
  • Mega-Int 1 = 2NP
    • Fast Learner
  • Cyber-Invulnerability = 2NP

Quantum Amplifier

Quantum 1 Additive (12XP)

Quantum Link

Power Level 2
Quantum Minimum 2 or 3
Duration: Maintenance or Scene

By synchronizing his node's quantum frequency with a willing nova, a Nova can set up a link to share his quantum pool. This power requires synchronized nodes, so the Novas operate as if both of them had the lower node value. Also, any taint acquired by one nova will affect the other. Every dot of this power can increase the number of links that can be maintained at one time. This power can also be used to refill a gadget's quantum pool efficiently, directly transferring the quantum.

Implant Packages

Want to embrace the future? On New Eden, you can see the value of transcending human limits everywhere. With Phoenix Cybernetics, you can become the new human you want to be!

Alpha (E1)

A simple upgrade can still change your life. The Alpha upgrade offers a useful set of enhancements to keep you going.

  • Enhanced Antibodies: Healing time reduced by 1 level of severity. (1 pt)
  • Livesaver Skinweave: User is automatically stabilized unless subjected to further rough treatment after incapacitation. (2 pts)
  • Anti-Plague Nano: +1 automatic success to resist disease. (1 pt)
  • Toxin Binders: +1 automatic success to resist poison. (1 pt)
  • Sport Heart: +1 Strength, +1 Stamina, all attacks against the user that penetrate soak deal +2 damage. (2 pts)
  • Enhanced Vision: IR/UV vision, no penalties from darkness, +1d to Awareness rolls based on sight. (3 pts)

Alpha+ (E2)

An improved Alpha system using the latest in nanotech and cyberware.

  • Stamina +1, Appearance or Perception +1
  • Nanosurgeons: Healing time reduced by 2 levels of severity, does not stack with Enhanced Antibodies. (2 pts)
  • Livesaver Skinweave: User is automatically stabilized unless subjected to further rough treatment after incapacitation. (2 pts)
  • Anti-Plague Nano: +1 automatic success to resist disease. (1 pt)
  • Toxin Binders: +1 automatic success to resist poison. (1 pt)
  • Sport Heart: +1 Strength, +1 Stamina, all attacks against the user that penetrate soak deal +2 damage. (2 pts)
  • Enhanced Vision: IR/UV vision, no penalties from darkness, +1d to Awareness rolls based on sight. (3 pts)

Adept Upgrade (E3)

Like computers? How about having a computer whenever you need it most? The Adept Upgrade to our Alpha+ package is designed for the technophile, with a top-of-the line computer online with you mind whenever your desire. (All Alpha+ and...)

  • Perception +1
  • Neural Processor: Implanted computer system (with all relevant benefits), , -1 difficulty to hacking, missile weapons use, mathematics, or any situation where a computer may be useful. (6 pts)
  • Locator Implant: Implanted GPS + Inertial Navigation + Compass (1 pt)
  • Implant Radio: Can act as a two-way radio (10km range), distress beacon, or cell phone. (1 pt)

Guardian Upgrade (E3)

Everyone who faces combat finds themselves desiring the edge it takes to strike first and survive. The Guardian Upgrade to our Alpha+ package is designed for police officers and soldiers, with high grade reaction boosting cyberware. (All Alpha+ and...)

  • Dexterity +1, Wits +1
  • Kerenzikov (lv 1): -2 Multiple Action Penalty/Level, +1 Initiative/level. (4 pts for Level 1)

Vanguard (E5)

As a soldier of Eden, you face some of the hardest challenges challenges known to humanity. We are honored to provide the Vanguard system, designed to give you the maximum advantage over your enemies.

  • Dexterity +1, Wits +1
  • Stamina +1, Perception +1
  • Nanosurgeons: Healing time reduced by 2 levels of severity, does not stack with Enhanced Antibodies. (2 pts)
  • Livesaver Skinweave: User is automatically stabilized unless subjected to further rough treatment after incapacitation. (2 pts)
  • Anti-Plague Nano: +1 automatic success to resist disease. (1 pt)
  • Toxin Binders: +1 automatic success to resist poison. (1 pt)
  • Sport Heart: +1 Strength, +1 Stamina, all attacks against the user that penetrate soak deal +2 damage. (2 pts)
  • Enhanced Vision: IR/UV vision, no penalties from darkness, +1d to Awareness rolls based on sight. (3 pts)
  • Kerenzikov (lv 2): -2 Multiple Action Penalty/Level, +1 Initiative/level. (8 pts for Level 2)
  • Locator Implant: Implanted GPS + Inertial Navigation + Compass (1 pt)
  • Implant Radio: Can act as a two-way radio (10km range), distress beacon, or cell phone. (1 pt)
  • Implanted Rebreather: 90 minute internal oxygen supply, requires 1 hour to recharge every 15 minutes of oxygen used. (1 pt)
  • Pain Editor: No wound penalties (still incapacitated as normal). (3 pts)